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Fri Sep 17th, 2021 @ 1:15pm

Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi

Name Sorawo Kamikoshi

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Worene
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10" (177.8 cm)
Weight 160 lbs (72.57 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description
Standing 5' 10", Sorawo resembles nothing as much as a humanoid panther-woman, with violet eyes. Like most Worene, she is very muscular underneath her wiry and furry frame.. and like most Worene, she is curvaceous to most humanoids. Her arm has a very distinct white pattern in her fur burnt in and one that she has not gotten regenerated, and her cheek bears a clawed scar mark.


Spouse/Partner none
Children none
Father Nkazhi Kamikoshi, dead
Mother Eshiko Kamikoshi, dead
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sorawo is an outspoken sentient, and carries herself with a odd hunters grace. Despite that, it's clear that she has taught herself some measure of restraint even if it sometimes fails her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Sorawo is prone to direct action and decisive course of actions after a limited time to reflect, which can mean she sometimes is very prone to plan continuation bias. She is skilled in science and tactical, but so-so in engineering and piloting.

Also, she has a bit of a temper and can sometimes argue too far rather than stop. However, she has forced herself to develop a habit of listening to her subordinates before acting in an attempt to mitigate her bad habits, but that's a work in progress.

Due to an event where her family fell prey to a cult in her past, Sorawo has a difficult time respecting religions and people who respect religions, and due to the same event, a fear of deep ultrablue light when it's widespread. She also takes a lot of precautions with certain experiments, a noted exception to her normal decisive nature.
Ambitions To reach command of a station, or to make a grand discovery.
Hobbies & Interests Parsee's Squares and Velocity; poetry and crafting amulets, although more for the aethestics.

Personal History Sorawo was born on the planet Kakath, in the Alpha Quadrant, on the year 2360. With many Worene choosing to enlist on the outbreak of the Dominion War in 2373, her dad was forced to work double shifts briefly in the manufacturing plant that produced many vital components of quantum torpedoes.

Briefly, because in 2373 he died when an accident caused a chain reaction that destroyed the industrial complex, later proven to be sabotage. Her mother and grandmother fell into a cult that promised that a holy fire that could restore them, and Sorawo was dragged to it. The event went badly wrong, with a deep ultrablue light seen for miles.. and Sorawo was one of the two survivors.

While it was never proved exactly what happened, all researchers could see was a subspace field that reached for an previously unknown layer, and something had caused a massive backlash.

Orphaned entirely, Sorawo chose to enter the University of Callisto on a scholarship in 2378. While she graduated in 2382, facing no real future, she met a Starfleet officer who recommended she join Starfleet rather than return home to nothing . Completing her ritual Hunt in 2385 shortly after graduation from the Academy, she was assigned to a station located east of core Federation space, and she found she enjoyed the challenges of being station bound and performing long stage research projects. In 2388, she was assigned to the USS Enroth, a Intrepid class vessel charting a plasma storm infested field. This lasted a few years, before she once again saw a deep ultrablue rift, and shortly after, was transferred to the USS Lowell for medical reasons in 2392. The Lowell ran into another ultrablue rift in 2394, but also found the cause of them, and why she was so affected, and after a brief procedure, she was hopefully cured of her odd sickness so close to them. In 2395, she was transferred to the USS Tokyo when it was in orbit of Earth.
Service Record 2382 - Entered Starfleet under a specialized 3-year program
2385 - Graduated, performed ritual hunt
2385 - Posted, Starbase 215 as a Science Officer, Ensign.
2388 - Promoted to Lieutenant JG; reassigned USS Enroth
2391 - Involved in one of the Rift Events, later found out to be a lingering response to being exposed to so much of a unique type of radiation on Kakath.
2392 - Reassigned to USS Lowell.
2393 - Promoted to ACSO on USS Lowell.
2394 - Promoted to Lieutenant.
2395 - Reassigned to USS Tokyo.