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Second Chances (Part IX)

Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2021 @ 6:03am by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,658 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


Bobbie looked at Soren. "I'm not ready to go back, but I don't want to impose...Soren? What do you say?" It would also be nice for Soren to get to know the man who designed his legs.

"What's there to think about?" Rafe countered immediately. "I want you both to consider this a segunda casa (second home).


Soren laughed, looking over to Bobbie, before replying. "I guess it's settled then."

"We only have one guest room." Rafe said as he looked back to the car and eased back under the hood. "Hard to believe, a place like this, has such a small number of rooms." He seemed to say in atone that hinting he wasn't bring completely forthcoming. "I hope you two don't mind sharing a room."

Bobbie Sue was glad he didn't see her blush. "I don't mind," she said, looking at Soren and hoping she wasn't making assumptions. She didn't want him to think she was manipulating him into anything.

"Not at all." Soren replied quickly, looking to Bobbie for a moment, before turning back to face Rafe who was still under the hood.

"It's a nice room. Big bed. Personal bathroom." Rafe said softly before moving out from under the hood and looking over to them. "That's not a problem, is it? There is only one bed."

Soren looked from Rafe, to Bobbie, then back to Rafe. He cleared his throat and smiled a bit before replying. "We'll make do."

It wasn't that Bobbie Sue minded. She didn't. She would have preferred it to be Soren's choice--not that this meant she had any expectations. Two people could share a bed and just sleep. Only, after that kiss...she'd have a hard time sleeping. To change the subject, she asked. "Where do we put our racing gear?"

"Level 8." Rafe replied as he went back under the hood to continue his work. "You'll find a pair of lockers there for you two. Plus..." He seemed to hesitate, smiling a bit, as he continued to speak. "More than enough room for... whatever you feel is appropriate. Both your voice and prints have been added to the system. Just tell the turbolift to send you to Level 8."

"Level 8." She wasn't sure what the whatever was appropriate was. Her imagination came up with a number of things, all of which she firmly discarded. "How long until dinner?" That was a nice, safe question.

Rafe came out from under the hood again, tool in hand, as he looked to Bobbie. "A bit late for jantar (Dinner), but if you are hungry, you'll find a replicator on Level 8. Or, if you want something cooked the old fashion way, I can talk to Isabel. Your choice."

"Sorry, I wasn't sure how late you ate," she said, again feeling awkward. "A replicator is fine." She looked over at Soren. "In that case, I think we'll leave you to your tune-up. What time is breakfast?" The butterflies in her stomach were doing a mambo and she wanted to get to level eight.

Rafe chuckled softly. "Don't feel so envergonhado. (Embarrassed). We lose track of time very easily here. All the work we do here, it's surprising we don't starve." He smiled a bit, nodding to her. "I'll be sure to contact you both when it’s time for breakfast. Don't worry. For now? Enjoy yourselves. How often do you get to come back to Earth when you work on a Starship?"

"Almost never," she said, grinning. "We get to meet you, race cars, and now we're going to spend the night. I feel like a kid in a candy store. We may have to come back every time we come to earth." This place was like nowhere she'd ever seen before, and now that she knew more about Rafe, she wanted to come her as often as she could. She turned to Soren. "Ready to go?"

Soren nodded his head and smiled. He had to admit, this place, was incredible. Putting aside the cars, and racing, spending time with Bobbie and learning about his mom was the best part. He learned things he never knew and found himself a second home. Something to come back to and keep to himself. Well, himself and Bobbie anyway. "I've got your six, Bobbie Sue. Lead the way."

"See you in the morning," she called to Rafe, then headed for the elevator and up to level eight. She had no idea what to expect. Their host seemed to have yet another surprise for them. Or something. They stopped on level eight and the door opened.

The doors opened to a pitch-black room. It was difficult to see passed the elevator doors, but soon, the lights all switched on. Monitors and consoles jumped to life. It was a large workshop area, like Rafe's, but different in several ways. Some of the monitors had starfighter schematics and device designs. Modern tools specifically designed for Starfighters. Another work area had tools for cars and wheel vehicles. However, several monitors had the symbol. The Paladin Crest with a Latin saying circling it. In scientia vincere tenebras. Conquering darkness through knowledge. A saying Bobbie Sue would recognize but only vaguely.

Another room lit up. This time Max's 57 Chevy was in the middle of it on raised area acting as a display. Hanging from the rear-view mirror was her necklace. However, beside the necklace was something new. A set of keys. Car keys. At the end of the key chain was a metal bobcat. Engraved on the other side was Bobbie Sue's name.

She looked at Soren, then around the room, at the monitors, and again at the car. She slowly walked over to it and took the keys.

Soren looked around the room with wide eyes. It was nothing like he had ever seen before. He let out a laugh and turned to face Bobbie Sue. "Serious Question. Is it too late to leave Starfleet and come here full time? Who am I kidding? With my record, and this probation, I'll be in Starfleet for forever. Maybe your Uncle can pull some strings? Or Rafe?"

Bobbie laughed. "I don't think so. This isn't just Rafe, this is Max. And Paladin." She looked around at the monitors. "Max is Paladin."

"Paladin is more than one person." Suddenly came a familiar voice from a room that has yet lit up. Slowly, footsteps could be heard approaching from the darkness. Eventually, the figure would emerge into the light, wearing his usual black suit and tie. "It's group of ideas. A group of people. A family if you will that believe in one specific idea. That knowledge is best light that will pierce the darkness of uncertainty. In scientia vincere tenebras -"

"Conquering darkness through knowledge." Soren said aloud before looking between Bobbie and Max.

"Very good, Mister Dillinger." Max replied, with a smile. "You know your Latin."

Soren smiled a bit. "My mom taught me it. Specifically, that phrase. It's the reason why I plan things and always insisted on learning more about every job I did."

"It's not surprising." Max replied with a smirk. "Seeing as how it was Diana's idea to use that as our motto." He nodded his head slightly to Soren before looking over to Bobbie Sue. "So... How was the ride? She still handles like a dream on the track?"

She ran over to her uncle and hugged him. "She's incredible. I've never driven anything like her." She stood back to look at him. "And yes, Paladin is a group of people. A family. But you're the heart and soul of it. It wouldn't be what it is without you."

"That's all thanks to Rafe." Max replied to her as he held her in his arms as he smiled. "And now you can drive her whenever you are on Earth. She's in good hands. That car is certainly not getting as much attention from me as it should."

"Thank you," she said. "I look forward to coming back here as often as I can. I'll help Rafe keep her in good condition."

"Aren't you going to miss driving her around when you can?" Soren said as he approached them.

"You say that like she's the only car I keep here." Max replied, looking over to Soren, as he smirked. "Rafe keeps an entire garage all for me."

"Really?" Soren asked with a surprised look on his face. "What else do you have in there?"

Max looked to Bobbie Sue before looking back to Soren. "I'm afraid, Mister Dillinger, you aren't cleared for that level of information." He returned his gaze to Bobbie Sue, sneaking a quick wink, before offering her a chuckle.

She just grinned back.

Soren crossed his arm over his chest and just smiled, nodding his head slightly.

"I am, in a way, the heart and soul. I won't argue that, but its matter of perspective." Max said as he continued his conversation with Bobbie Sue. "I keep Paladin going, but I don't do it alone. What began as a pact between friends evolved into something bigger. Something that, not only, includes Starfleet Officers but other organizations. This small idea turns out to be an idea many people share throughout the galaxy, so we used it to our advantage and developed a whole network with it. Allies in the dark helping us bring light. Sharing information. Expanding knowledge of encounters. Some encounters we didn't know were the same people until the information was shared." He looked back up to Soren as he added. "Believe it or not, your mother and Rafe, pulled me from a dark place. Put me back on the path, if you will, so this is their baby as well as it is mine."

(To be continued...)

NPC by Alex Knight

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Admiral Max Hunter
Covert Operations


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