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Second Chances (Part VIII)

Posted on Tue Aug 10th, 2021 @ 5:33pm by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Tue Aug 10th, 2021 @ 5:39pm

1,739 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


"It's okay." Soren replied softly, smiling a bit. "He's family, right? You knew what I didn't and, given what I know now, it makes sense you would hold it back as much as you did. I don't blame you. It's my fault. If I stuck around long enough, we both would be on the same page. Except, I ran off and didn't give my mom a chance to explain." He leaned against the cushion of the seat and looked straight ahead. "She would like you too. My mom always had a way about her that's hard to explain. Maybe it was something she picked up from your Uncle or Rafe. Maybe it was just how they all were from their work, but she had a way of doing things that always made me feel special."


"I'd like to meet her," she said softly. She looked at him for a moment. "You know, it's never too late for second chances."

"Like second chances for a date?" Soren replied, smirking slightly, as he looked over to her. He gave her a pleasant smile as he leaned against the cushion of the car seat. "So... as far as making up for missed dates... this one was certainly interesting."

"I admit I didn't expect everything about Rafe, Max, and your mother." She shook her head. "This place has a lot of surprises."
She smiled at Soren. "I'm glad you're here with me."

Soren looked back at her and smiled, nodding his head, before replying. "So am I."

She looked at him for several long seconds. "I guess we should go see the others and say thank you."

"I'm sure we still have time to kill." Soren replied softly before adding. "I am sure, with the way this place works, they'll know where to find us no matter what." He added a slight laugh before nodding his head. "Besides... when's the last time you've sat in a beautiful car like this that wasn't in a holodeck?"

"Good point. This car's amazing. I wonder if they'll let me use their replicator to leave Max a thank you." Having Soren in the car with her was an added bonus. She would thank Max later for that, too. "What shall we do while we're sitting here?" she asked.

"We can do whatever you want?" He said softly as he looked over to her with a smirk. "I mean... look at this thing. It's completely authentic. Right down to the radio." Soren said as he reached over and turned a knob. "I doubt it even works. They don't have radio signals jumping around like they used-" The radio suddenly turned on, lighting up the old-fashioned display and red pointer, just as a song began to play. Dean Martin's Memories Are Made Of This. He pulled back, looking at the radio shocked that it worked, before looking over to Bobbie. "No way."

"With Max, anything is possible. Well, almost." She remembered what Soren said about stealing a kiss and felt her cheeks grow warm. "Even with Max magic, I'm not sure I could do anything I wanted. There are far too many people watching."

The lights in the garage all seemed to shut off at the same time, leaving only the glow from the radio illuminating their faces and bodies. A small compartment opened behind them, allowing the roof to unfold and rise over them, moving its way slow to the top of the windshield and finally resting upon it. The two were now covered by the authentic roof of the 57 Chevy.

Soren looked to her with an odd look before whispering. "Are you a witch?"

"Wasn't me," she whispered back. "I suspect Someone wanted to give us some privacy."

"Yeah, but you said there are too many people watching and suddenly the roof came up." Soren replied easing closer to her. "You don't find that at all weird?"

Her heart began to beat faster. "There are cameras everywhere. And this is Max' car. I think either Max or Rafe were responsible for the hood." She hoped it was one of the two. She trusted both of them. On the other hand, she didn't want to think of Isabel watching them.

Bobbie Sue put a hand on Soren's cheek. "I definitely believe in magic. I'm here with you."

Soren smiled, feeling her hand. He placed his hand on her thigh and leaned in slightly. "There's nothing wrong with magic. I've been known to pull a few magic tricks from time to time."

Her hand slipped to be back of his head, urging him closer. "I'm sure you have." She brushed her lips softly against his.

He placed his forehead to hers, rubbing her thigh slightly, as he closed his eyes for a moment. Soren let out a soft breath as he leaned in. His lips were inches from her lips as he whispered. "I have many skills aside from being a great pilot, you know? Great hands. Fast tongue. Quick mind."

"I've experienced your fast tongue and quick mind. You're good. You're better as a pilot." She chuckled softly. "You'll have to show me how good you are with your hands."

Soren moved his hand from her thigh to her inner thigh and began to move up slowly. Staying close to her, smiling slightly, as he leaned in to touch her lips to his and immediately pull back a bit. He took his hand off her inner thigh, stopping short before bringing it up to her face, touching it with his outer hand, gliding it against her cheek to the back of her head just as he leaned in against and whispered. "Would you stop me if I kissed you?"

She caught her breath. His hand on her leg had sent a shiver through her body "I won't stop you." She wanted more than a kiss, but they were in Max' car, in a large garage, with a family not far away who would know exactly what they were doing. But right now, she wanted this moment with him. She wanted their first kiss to be here. She leaned closer. "Please, Soren."

Soren leaned in, upon hearing her response, and kissed her passionately. He pressed her lips to his and held her closer. He wanted to reposition the both of them but there wasn't much room to work with. However, that wasn't about to stop him from being with her like this.

She returned his kiss with equal ardor. There'd been so many misunderstandings in the past. This was a new beginning and she was going to make the most of it. When the kiss finally ended, she couldn't quite break their contact. She pressed her cheek against his. "Can you...can you kiss me again when we're alone?"

"I'll kiss you wherever. Whenever." Soren replied with a chuckle.

She hugged him tightly, keenly aware they were still in the front seat of a classic car. She sat back, a little breathless, and ran her fingers through her hair. "I think we should go thank our hosts." After that, they'd play it by ear.

Soren smiled back at her before nodding and replying. "Sounds like a good idea."

Bobbie remembered the necklace she'd slipped on earlier. She put a hand to her throat to touch the crystal bobcat paw print. Then she took it off and hung it around the rear-view mirror. "Thanks, Max," she whispered. She grabbed the PADD to take back with them, then got out of the car.

"That’s a waste of a perfectly good necklace." Soren replied with a smirk before getting out of the car and following her. "You sure you want to leave that behind?"

"I can get another one," she said. "That's my way of thanking Max for tonight. And I wanted to leave something of myself in the car." Something she hoped would remain with the car, even if it went in the glove compartment.

She stopped behind the car and turned to Soren. "Thank you," she said quietly. "This has been incredible. Especially because you're here with me." Then she kissed him.

Soren kissed her back and smiled. "I know." He whispered back.

She chuckled and stepped back. "Let's thank our hosts. I don't want to impose too much on their hospitality." She headed for the doors they'd come through.

"Something tells me they'll be completely fine if you imposed." Soren replied as he followed her. "You seem to be 'part of the family' as far as they are concerned."

"That's because Max is part of the family," she countered. "It's not me."

They made their way back to Rafe's workshop. He seemed busy again. This time his head was under the hood of a 67' Shelby Cobra with a silver finish and black dual racing stripes across the hood and roof.

As Soren entered, he let out a whistle. "Niiiiice Car." He said immediately moving in closer. "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, my friend." Rafe replied as he pulled himself away from under the hood and looked over to Soren and Bobbie. "Giving her a checkup."

Bobbie Sue went over to look under the hood. "Wow. I think that goes for everything here," she said, smiling. "This place is amazing. Thank you."

"You're always welcomed." Rafe replied to Bobbie, smiling a bit, before looking to Soren. "That goes for you too, meu amigo (My friend). The son of Diana Dillinger is always welcomed here."

Soren smiled a bit. "Thank you."

Rafe simply nodded with a smile on his face. "You two are welcomed to stay the night if you aren't ready to go back to your ship. I don't just work on cars. I also cook." He smirked a bit before adding. "I make a mean Portuguese French Toast." He laughed slightly before continuing. "And, I've been told, my Galao (Portuguese Latte) has the right amount of zest to wake you up."

Bobbie looked at Soren. "I'm not ready to go back, but I don't want to impose...Soren? What do you say?" It would also be nice for Soren to get to know the man who designed his legs.

"What's there to think about?" Rafe countered immediately. "I want you both to consider this a segunda casa (second home).

(To be continued...)

Rafael 'Rafe'
NPC by Alex Knight

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo


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