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The Battle of Alvatar (Part 4)

Posted on Fri Aug 7th, 2020 @ 9:15am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Sakura Kano & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Edited on on Fri Aug 7th, 2020 @ 9:16am

1,594 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Alvatar Colony, Romulan Space, USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

=^= Tokyo... Tokyo... This is Call-sign Virago, Repeat Call-Sign Virago...=^= The young pilot said as he gave a sixth try at the Throttle controls. =^= Battle Damage... Throttles are on full Impulse, negative on all cross checks of Throttle control, I am coming in hot...=^=

Pilot Tidwell knew what had happen; the shot he was a glancing shot had to be a hit that fried his main Throttle leads and without new impulses the engines were on their last setting for combat speed. His fighter would be approching like a missle, he could cut the engines and risk a flare of drives or the power surge over-loading the engines.

=^= No chance of Negative Acceleration, I cannot brake due to Thrust locked on full. Request landing instructions. =^= Tidwell knew well this is a controlled crash rather than a landing.

Takeshi had received Tidwell's distress call and was closely monitoring the radar whenever it didn't decide to shower him in sparks to ensure the pilot was within 5km of the ship before responding. But, the least he could do was at least get the ball rolling.

"Nakazato to Takasu." He opened up a comms channel. "Get to work rigging those barricades: Looks like we've got somebody coming in hot!"

"Takause here" Ryuuji replied as he mobilised the deck crew. "Activating barrier system, fire crews are on standby" he motioned with his hand for them to get into position. A few seconds later, the emergency crew were into their positions.

"Takasu to TIC. Flight deck ready for controlled crash landing" he reported.

And now the continuation...

"Acknowledged, Takasu." Takeshi replied.

With the safety measures now in place, Takeshi turned back to the radar. The fighter in trouble was now with 5km of Tokyo.

"Zack to Virago." Takeshi replied to the pilot. "We've got you on radar and are implementing all possible safety measures."

"Could you put an extra band or two across?" Tidwell asked. "And never tell me the odds."

"Trig and Sorceress, this is Bobcat. The ducks are bringing up the flak. Two birds are limping, but we'll make sure the rest come in to roost first. From the sound of it, we'll be flying one short from now on. I support Sorceress' punishment."

"Oh, come on!" Iowa interjected, having listened over the com channel. "My bird was damaged, and nobody was listening! I could've gotten cooked if I took one more hit! So, I misinterpreted orders as an excuse to desert: Honest mistake! I'm 469, for goodness sake!"

"I'm 534, Ghost," Sorceress chimed in again. "I've been flying since 1903. There's no excuse for putting lives at risk. Some of us know Morse Code. Waggle your wings or something."

Ryuuiji and the deck crew had cleared the landing deck of all personnel and starfighter craft. They stood by as the damaged fighter approached. The flightdecks barrier nets were ready to fire, they would essentially 'catch' it within a safe distance so it could be deactivated either manually or with an electromagnetic pulse for quick shutdown. Then it could be moved quickly out of the way with the internal tractor beams.

Tidwell had to adjust his angle of approach. The fighter was coming in; the warning lights slowing reproducing like mad rabbits. His Fighter became more responsive as the speed factor across distance seemed slow but when coming at a Landing Bay under full impulse pushed to the maximum tended to make the nessity to hold course imperitive, one contol impulse wold redirect him into the side of the ship.

=^= Clear the deck I am coming in Hot!=^= Tidwell announced as he aim the ship into what was a rapidly growing square of a landing bay. =^=

The fighter was on a precise trajectory; he felt the first barrier as the 'Landing Tractor Beams' hit the nose on repulse function pushed him forward in his restraints and cut the speed of the approach marginally when it is usually used to guide things in. The sudden change caused the nose to drop slightly.

WHile fighting the controls to compensate the forward trajectory hit the first net barrier without him feeling more than a nudge forward; he hit the second barriet and the seat restraints bit into him even through the suit as the fighter felt resistance. Tidwell cut all the power, emergency scam of all power making his ship a torpedo being caught. WIthout power to the thrusters finally the cables had some pull in an opposing direction. It was the third barrier that threw Tidwell violently forward as the front gear snapped, the undercarriage of te fighter adding friction type braking until the last 'snap' of the cables; all three, held fast.

Tidwell might have enjoyed the view had the sunnden halt not thrown him hard in the restraints and his helmet hitting the from screen, cracking his face visor when his head also hit the inner face plate knocking him out.

The emergency teams led by Takasu rushed in. The frist thing they did was pull the manual release for the cockpit. They had to get the pilot out.

"Takasu to sickbay" Ryuuji said. "We need a medic on the flight deck" he called seeing that Tidwell was injured. He would at least have whiplash from that landing.

"Miyafuji here" Came the reply from sickbay. "The doctor is rather busy, but I'll be down there shortly" she explained before the channel cut off.

One of the other engineers slowly approached the manual shutdown for the engines. It was located on the side of each engine. He smashed the protective glass and slammed his fist into the large red button. The engines of the fighter began to splutter as the fuel supply was cut off before cutting out.

"Get him out, and lets get this deck clear!" Ryuuji ordered quickly. "Lets not hang around, we need this deck back in action as quickly as possible!" his voice boomed. He wasn't one to shout, but it was the only way to make sure the entire team could hear him. With the engines still hot from the overload, the fighter would have to be moved to a repair bay to cool down before it could be repaired.

Luckily, the tractor beams located throughout the deck to help with moving spacecraft were still operational. Ryuuji made his way to the controls and began to move the starfighter out of the way. Only a few minutes after the crash Ryuuji and the deck team had retracted the nets and moorings and moved the damaged craft to a parking zone to one side.

"Takasu to TIC. Deck Clear. It is now safe to bring in more craft" he explained tapping his comm badge.


"Captain. The alien ship is still following us. However we are gaining ground on then" Mikko reported from the helm. True the Tokyo was much faster, she could do much more but they still had starfighters returning.

"Understood" Taiga replied. "As soon as all fighter wings atr back aboard, get us to full impulse or closest speed we can manage". She gripped the arms of her command chair. She needed to get out of there, but now her options were limited. Her heart was pounding in her chest, it had been a long time since the adrenaline had kicked in, however she needed to keep her cool in a situation like this.

"Bridge to Engineering. We're in full retreat, how long can you keep us going?" Taiga asked opening a channel.

"Engineering here" Chief Kano replied. "We've got damage control teams reporting to all decks. Don't push her too hard Captain, we've sustained damage to the engines, but we can still manage a reasonable speed for retreat. If you want full impulse, you can have it, but only for a few minutes at most" she explained simply. She didn't want the impulse reactors which had taken some damage to overload or cause a failure in the entire impulse manifold grid.

"Understood" Taiga replied. They had some speed, but for a limited amount of time. She knew that Engineering was doing everything they could to keep them moving.

Daxer was having issues with her station, making it slow, unresponsive, and fizzing out.

"Why won't this damned thing work?" She said, and promptly smacked the side of her console with her hand, which incidentally caused it to explode, showering her with sparks. "Oh... That's why." She sighed, before transferring to a free station.

"We kind of need the tactical console Commander" Taiga commented simply glancing back at Daxer for a second.

As Jen brought up her Tactical station on one of the science consoles, she glanced over at Taiga. "I did say this was a bad idea." She said, sarcasm lacing her words. "And I think we're fresh out of repair crews, so a science station will have to do for the moment."

Taiga just sighed. "Whatever. Lets just get out of this, preferably alive"

Posting By

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief

Lieutenant Sakura Kano
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'
Squadron Leader/Deputy Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter'
Squadron Leader

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Fighter Pilot

Petty Officer 2nd Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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