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Posted on Mon Aug 10th, 2020 @ 4:44am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Sakura Kano & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji

1,200 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Various

With the Tokyo in full retreat, the alien vessel hot on its heels Taiga needed new options. They had managed to somehow lure the ship away from the colony for now, yet it still posed a huge threat to them and the civilians.

"Computer" she said. "Conference mode all senior staff on the viewscreen". There was no time to call a face to face briefing. The viewscreen split into several parts, connecting to consoles where senior staff were, including Engineering, Sickbay, TIC and currently transporter room.

"Engineering here" Lieutenant Kano reported. The engine room in the background was a mess with consoles overloaded, smoke trailing through the air and engineers rushing around. "Captain, we're in no shape for another attack. Our shields are nearly gone. We've got several systems offline and damaged. We're doing everything we can do to keep the warp core from breaching".

Taiga nodded. "Understood. However I still think we need to stop that ship. We can't get through their shields, but we managed to briefly punch a hole through them". At least they now had a glimpse of the interior.

"TIC here." Lieutenant Nakazato reported. Behind him in the background, Lieutenant Shoji could be seen running around, putting out console fires. "I would have to agree with Lieutenant Kano's assessment in regards to our fighter wings. Almost every fighter that made it back has some kind of damage. I can't speak for how the pilots are doing, but if their wings are anything to go off, they're likely not doing so hot."

Suddenly, the console Takeshi was sitting at showered him in sparks. Shingo was on hand almost immediately to put out the sparking console.

"And we're just barely holding together here in the TIC." Takeshi continued as he coughed on the fumes from Shingo's fire extinguisher. "I hope to holy hell the bridge doesn't get knocked out, because I'd hate to see what happens if we tried to switch over the auxiliary controls."

Taiga nodded. "Hopefully it doesn't come to that. Get as many birds you can repaired ready to redeploy if needs be" Taiga ordered. "Secure your systems, we're not out of the woods yet". True Taiga hated hearing she had lost people, but they could grieve later.

Takeshi nodded.

"I'll get the word out to get the most flight-worthy birds repaired as quickly as possible for a possible redeployment." He said. "Once that happens, I'll see what magic Lieutenant Shoji and I can work."

"Bridge, Trigman reporting." He came in while still in flight gear; squadron jacket over his suit. "Yamaha lost two ships shot apart and two were damaged and did not make it back by the time Tokyo had to move out. "Officially we are down to six birds, four able to fly now and two with minor repairs." He reported

Taiga ran hand through her bangs over her forehead. Not the news she needed. "Understood Commander" she replied simply. Losing people especially in battle was tough.

Already on the Bridge, Daxer's screen was more a formality so the other senior officers could see her. A few science consoles were smoking behind her as she gave her assessment. "Shields are barely holding at 8%. We've lost phaser banks 5, and 6, and torpedo tube 4." she noted, looking at her console. "This ship wouldn't last 2 seconds in another fire fight with that thing."

"So, we need to avoid another direct confrontation with them or else we're screwed" Taiga said. She wasn't one to run away, but right now she had no other choice. The alien ship was still hot on their heels, but luckily the Tokyo was far superior in speed and maneuverability.

"Captain, the alien ship is still pursuing us, but I'm reading what seems to be some sort of landing craft heading back towards the colony" Mikko from the helm reports. "We can still keep ahead of their weapons fire, but the engines are running hot Captain. I doubt we'll be able to maintain this speed for much longer"

"Keep her moving Ensign" Taiga said simply. "Hopefully if we can find somewhere to hide, we might be able to come up with some sort of plan"

Science was getting as many scans as possible for later analysis.

"I have a plan," Alora said. "Or, rather, we do. The Prowler can take a team over to the alien ship without being detected. We'll grab the intel remotely if we can. If not, we'll take a team over when they drop shields. The information you grabbed will help us know where to go. If we launch at the same time as the fighters, we should have no trouble."

Taiga pondered for a few a few seconds. "How long until you're ready to launch?" She asked simply. "That ship is chasing us, I guess you don't need me to tell you how beat up we are. We'll set a rendezvous point so we can pick you up"

"I don't know exactly. Alex and his team should be ready to go within ten minutes, depending on how long it'll take everyone to get to the Prowler. We also need to wait for the fighter's to launch."

"Understood" Taiga replied simply.

"Captain, there's several bodies in this system. If we need to launch anything, I can drop us behind one for a few minutes to evade the enemy sensors temporarily" Mikko reported. Her fingers were dancing across the Tokyo's helm as she kept the ship moving in a zig-zag formation to evade any enemy fire.

"Commander, Ensign Ishigami has suggested we drop behind one of the spacial bodies in the system to evade their sensors for a short time. We'll only have a few minutes, do you think you and Mister Knight can launch the Prowler if we drop behind one?" Taiga asked. "Most of our fighters are returning to the ship, several are damaged. I'm still waiting for a full report on what we can give you as a potential escort"

"We can drop out in that time," Alora said. "And we don't want an escort. The more ships out there the better our chances of being shot."

"Understood Commander" Taiga replied simply. She looked up at the viewscreen at the other staff on the screen. "Get your people ready, the Prowler is in shuttlebay two if my memory is correct. By my estimates you have seven minutes until we can get into position"

"We're on the Prowler now. We just need to launch."

"Mister Nakazato. Have all our Starfighters returned?" Taiga asked simply. "We're going to need the 'air space' out there" she explained simply.

"The last birds from Ducati are in." Takeshi reported. "Everything within 5km of Tokyo is clear."

"Understood" Taiga replied. She turned her attention back to Alora. "We're approaching the planet shortly. I suggest you do you pre-flight checks" she paused. "And Commander, good luck. Come back alive, all of you"

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lt. CMDR Nicolas 'Trigger' Trigman
Commander Air Group.

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss

Lieutenant Sakura Kano
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Deputy Air Boss

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Chief Flight Control Officer


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