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Training Briefing (Part 3)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:31pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'

1,876 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Pilots Briefing Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"And you clearly feel the need to repeat yourself because, you think, it helps with your point. Sad to say, it only makes you sound more petty, which you clearly don't need my help in doing." Soren replied quickly, with a smile. "No, I mean to say that, you have a self esteem problem. Maybe its a need to constantly be the best. Do you know what that means? You're only placing yourself on an even higher ladder, so when you do fall, the hit will be in more of harder and all the more painful." He held his hands out as he looked around before focusing back to Takeshi. "Look around you. We're all the best and that brought us all here. In your eyes, and according to your words, that title only falls on you. So, what you're saying is, we're insignificant and below your level? You're need to see yourself as the only person worthy of doing the job because it will only be done if you do it, singles everyone else out and makes their accomplishments meaningless. How can you expect people to trust you, or like you for that matter, if that's how you think of them? How are they expected to respect you if you see them as insignificant and the struggles they've had to push through to make it this far was pointless now that they are in your
glorious presence?" He shook his head and chuckled slightly. "My attitude doesn't need work, Man. Yours does."

And now the contination...

Takeshi decided that he had been offended enough to keep his mouth shut.

Soren looked back to Taiga, holding out his arms, as he shouted. "This is our Air Boss? This is who we are supposed to trust?" He gave her a smile and shrugged. "This guy's more focused placating his ego, and proving his worth, then doing what needs to be done. I'm not going to fly with him out there because I'm not going to get hurt over his ego." He looked around at everyone else gathered there and shouted. "And neither should all of you. Yeah, I'm probably just as cocky as this prick, but I back it up and I wouldn't risk your lives over it. We go out there we need to trust each other and keep our egos aside. We're all great, because we made it this far, so there is nothing to prove. This guy? He's a mouth with piloting skills and only cares about keeping a reputation. That's what matters to him and I'm not gonna be there when his ego gets someone killed." He stood there is silence before saying finally. "So... I'm not going to fly because I want to fly with a pilot, not a narcissist." He looked to Bobbie, then to Phyllis, and shrugged his shoulders before making his way to the exit.

"Sit down, Soren," Phyllis said, tired of the bickering. "We're not children here. This training is to show how we can work together as a team, not how one pilot who's still wet behind the ears can out fly everyone else on the ship." She turned her gaze to Takeshi. "I've been flying planes of one sort or another for almost 500 years. You aren't nearly as good as you think you are, but that's not the point here. I'll listen to you as the Air Boss, but I have to agree with Dillinger. I don't want you anywhere near me in the air until you get that chip off your shoulder. You're too reckless."

"I agree with the old battle axe here!" Iowa chimed in, her thick African-American accent known to be off putting coming from somebody with a lighter skin tone. "Having flown whenever I ain't been sleeping, I can tell you that there's nothing more dangerous than a loose cannon! Those kinds of people always have the most blood on their hands."

Takeshi threw up his hands in frustration.

"Does anybody else want to roast me?" He asked. "Oh, yes, let's everybody pick on Takeshi because he's NEW here, and he has no friends! Let's further ostracize and alienate him! Up until today, I was actually starting to like it here, but now you people make me sick!"

Bobbie Sue wanted to tell him that it was his attitude that was alienating everyone, not that he was new. She didn't have a problem with him until he started bragging that he was a better pilot than everyone else because the laws of physics didn't apply to him.

Before Taiga or anybody else could stop him, Takeshi walked off the stage in a huff.

"THATS ENOUGH!" Taiga shouted, her voice louder than everyones in the room. She walked over to Takeshi, fire in her eyes as he left the stage and grabbed the back of his tunic.

"Lieutenant Takashi. Get your rear end back onto that stage NOW!" she said her voice raised. This was one Taiga you did not want to mess with right now. "You are this ships AIR BOSS and SECOND OFFICER. I expect you to behave like one!" she told him. "I am ordering you to cut out this ego shit, drop the piloting crap that I've been hearing and DO YOUR DAMN JOB! I will NOT have a member of this crew jeposide the safety of anyone on board! Those are my people out there, and if this was a real life tactical scenario, your actions could result in the loss of life!"

She was not amused in the slightest. "You are to act like a DAMN professional in these briefings and I will not TOLERATE this sort of behaviour!" she shot a warning look at Soren "From ANY OF YOU!"

"Now get back up there, and we are going to plan out this training scenerio with no more issues. You are all officers on this ship, and you will not continue any of this!" she was about one step from knocking both Takeshi and Soren on their ass's. "If this continues, and you screw this up, one person is killed, hell if their injured then I will guarantee you that you will find this ship to be your own living hell! Now get back up there, respect those around you and do your job like the STARFLEET OFFICER that you are! I expect this sort of behaviour from ego-driven first year cadet! This is a Federation Starship Lieutenant, act like you're in space and not on a god damn race track!"

She had said her bit, she released her grip on Takeshi's tunic and stood down. She had nothing more to say, she turned on a heel and walked back to the small stage area.

Phyllis nodded. She'd said her piece, and now cooler heads were saying theirs.

"Yes, captain." Takeshi muttered.

Takeshi climbed back up the steps to the stage in shame. He was half expecting all the gathered pilots to start laughing at the sight of him.

"I rescind my previous statement." He muttered to the pilots. "For the exercises, I will instead be working with Lieutenant Shoji in the TIC as outlined by Captain Aisaka..."

"Soren and D'laar, you can stand down." Trigman's voice chimed in. "Lieutenant Takeshi." Trigman moved forward. "I might mention I am the Wing Commander and 'All' pilots that will be in the operation are cleared by me." He look at his pilots. "I will be assigning the flight operations by Squadron Formations between CAP and interceptors." He look about the gathering. "This operation will have the Fighter Squadrons all involved. You might want to get your beauty sleep as It will be a real time simulated Ship wide combat. Ready fighters 24/7 and a Continuous Air Patrol at all times in squadron rotation." He smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen we are declaring war upon and Asteroid Field with traps bogies and some tight flying to push you all to your limit." He turned to the Taiga. "Captain, you want to fill in the Crew what the Tokyo will be put through during this operation Ma'am?"

Taiga nodded, she was still angry at the events that had occured. "The crew will be at red alert battle stations. All hands will be participating in the exercise. We will be simulating real battle situations and events. The rest of the department heads will be briefed later today" she explained to Trigman.

Bobbie Sue took notes, but said nothing. She didn't need to.

In the corner, the soft Kantele music that had been playing through the briefing and argument suddenly stopped.

"And so, the maelstrom has subsided..." Mika muttered.

As Taiga said her bit, Daxer stood up to address the group as well. She pushed a lock of hair out of her face, exposing the occular implant, leftover from her Borg assimilation. "During the fighter drills, I will be manning the Tactical station on the Bridge, ensuring that all tactical, and target information is passed to the fighter squads." She started, standing in an at-ease stance, as she continued. "Security teams aboard ship will not be idle during these drills. All officers in the security department will be undergoing their own readiness, and combat drills in an effort to enhance the department's ability to handle shipboard threats."

Taiga nodded. "Indeed. As well as you pilots taking out targets, the Tokyo herself will also be doing the same at the hands of Commander Daxer. We're going to need to co-ordinate so that only targets get destroyed and not Starfighters" Taiga explained.

"Is there any questions?" Taiga asked looking around the large briefing room.

"Not until Trigman has a look at what you have planned and gives us a plan of attack," Bobbie Sue replied.

Taiga nodded at the response from Bobbie Sue. "Right then. Shall we get to it?" she asked as she changed the screen to show an overview of the asteroid field they were heading to.

Phyllis wasn't sure what to think. Since when did the captain of the ship and the air boss brief the pilots and not go through the CAG? She said, nothing, choosing to see how this briefing ended.

Taiga watched as Trigman stood up front and began to talk through the attack plans that he had drawn up. This was his show and the plans presented would be his, co-ordinated with the Tokyo's bridge and TIC.

Once everyone had a fair understanding of the tactical plan all crew were dismissed to prepare.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Wing Commander

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader/Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Squadron Leader

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter'
Deputy Wing Commander

Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Deputy Air Boss

Lieutenant Chiba Ryunosuke 'Bat Eyes'

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'

Lieutenant Phyllis D'laar "Sorceress"

Ensign Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'

Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'


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