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The Battle of Alvatar (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jul 22nd, 2020 @ 1:49pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Alora Knight & Jennifer Daxer & Major Orin Thrix & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant JG Anne Teaque & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'
Edited on on Wed Jul 22nd, 2020 @ 1:50pm

1,472 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Alvatar Colony, Romulan Space

The Tokyo dropped out of warp on the edge of the Asteroid Field where they would be conducting tactical training. The field was vast it seemed to be the remains of a planet or large moon that had once occupied this system. It had different sizes of asteroids from large one bigger than the Tokyo to smaller ones the size of a baseball.

"Lets get a scan of the field so we can plot a course through safely" Taiga ordered.

Ensign Ishigami nodded as she opened up the navigational sensors to plot a course. "Plotting a course Captain" she responded. She patched the scans into the ships science console in case they wanted to look at anythibg that might be in the field.

"Ok lets get the fighters in the air and start the training exercises" Taiga said. She opened up a channel to the TIC.

"Lieutenant Takeshi, prepare all fighter craft for take off and..."

However she was suddenly cut off by an alarm sounding loudly on the bridge, one that never brought good news.

"Captain. We're picking up a distress call from Alvatar Colony. They are reporting they are under attack by an unknown alien species" the officer at Operations reported.

"Are there any Romulan vessels in the area that we know of?" Taiga asked turning to look at Alora and Jen.

"None that we know of," Alora replied, checking her data. "As far as we can tell, we're the only ship in sensor range."

"Confirmed." Daxer said, as she checked sensors. "Long range sensors show no other vessels in the area."

"Its in Romulan Space, technically its not our problem... however. Responding to a civilian distress call could help relations between The Federation and Romulan Star Empire. Plus, I can't ignore that they are civlians in trouble" Taiga said pondering it over outloud.

"If I may play devil's advocate:" Came Takeshi's voice over coms. "This has equal potential to damage relations with the Romulan Star Empire, considering we'd be in violation of multiple treaties for trespassing in Romulan space."

"We may not be allies at the moment, but we are not at war, Mr. Nakazato," Alora said, "Ignoring a distress call will have consequences. Apart from that, we have a responsibility to help, if we can."

"Guess I don't have to ask if you're serious." Daxer said from her spot at Tactical, knowing what was coming next.

"Red Alert, all hands to battlestations. This is not a drill, I repeat this is NOT a drill!" Taiga ordered. "Get us there as fast as you can Ensign." She turned to Alora. "Try and raise the colony and send out a general hail requesting assistance from any Romulan or Starfleet Vessel in the area"

"We've tried to reach the colony, with no response so far," Alora replied. "Sending out a general hail."

Taiga nodded in response.

As the ship began moving in the direction of the distress call, Daxer worked her magic on the Tactical console. "Bringing shields, and weapons online." She said as the lights dimmed, and red alert lights began flashing around the bridge. "Shields, and weapons are at your disposal, Captain."

"Understood" Taiga said. She tapped one of the many buttons on the armchair controls. "TIC, I want all starfighters ready to launch once we enter the system. Sorry we didn't have a chance to get to practice, but now this is the real thing" Taiga ordered.

"Yes, Captain." Takeshi replied, signing off the channel to relay the given orders to the pilots.

"All pilots prepare for immediate launch upon our arrival at Alvatar Colony." Takeshi ordered. "The training exercise has been cancelled. This is not a drill: I repeat, this is not a drill."

Mika was in the pilot's lounge waiting for Mikko when the order was given. If Mikko hadn't already blown her off, it now seemed like she would have to blow Mikko off.

"I'm sorry, Mikko." Mika said to herself as she put her coffee cup in the replicator to be disposed of. "Perhaps our little get together wasn't meant to be..."

Iowa had been resting up in her bunk when the orders came through. After rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stopped her Glenn Miller record and put both it and her record player away before making her way to the starfighter bay to begin her pre-flight checks.

"Sorry, Glenn." Iowa said as she put the record and player away. "Maybe next time..."

Saeko had been working feverishly to upgrade her fighter's guns for the training exercise. She was thrilled to hear that she had just a little more time to finalize the upgrades and that her new guns would be broken in during the real deal rather than some training exercise.

Trigman walked to the Comm system of the Ready Room, opened the channel for all Pilots. =^= Pilots, Man your ships, launch order is Harley as vanguard. =^= Trigman announced. "Yamaha and Ducati will launch on station with Triumph as defensive screen for the Tokyo.=^=

Hadassah, one of the pilots in Harley, headed to her fighter. She'd yet to fly with her wing, so this would be an interesting first flight.

Bobbie Sue sat in the pilot's lounge with Phyllis, waiting her turn to launch. Both women knew that in matters like this, it could be hurry up and wait as each wing prepared to launch.

"Hey Ladies." Trigman greet as he came through the Pilot's lounge and to his friend and new Deputy CAG. "Phyllis, I could really use you in CIC for this live action." Trigman said. "SOrry Bobby SUe, I kinda need to put her to her best use right now." He was heading to his own bird. "Once we get through the Asteroids our squadrons will Support Soren who is flying Vanguard. You will be third birds out. Leave the others Squadron to protect home in this live fight.

Phyllis smiled an apology to Bobbie Sue. "No rest of the wicked." She stood and nodded to Trigman. "On my way, Boss. Just don't make me come after you." With that, she headed for TIC.

Bobbie Sue waved at Phyllis, then turned to Trigman. "I know. I'm waiting my turn."

I am off to the Ready status." Trigman smiled to her. "When we deploy take your birds opposite me so we can support Harley Squadron okay?" He nod to Bobbie Sue.

Bobbie Sue nodded. "Will do. See you on the flip side."


Ten minutes later the Tokyo dropped out of warp on the edge of the system. Taiga tapped on the arm chair controls.
"Scan the system for any hostile ships in the area" she ordered. "Try hailing the colony again" she added. She held herself back, although the Tokyo was armed and ready to fight she didn't want to go in gun-ho. For all she knew this could be an internal matter and that means that the Prime Directive would apply.

"There is a single vessel of unknown origin in orbit. Based on it's size, and weaponry, I'd say it's some kind of dreadnought." Daxer said from the Tactical station. "The vessel is heavily armed, with what I can only assume are two forward high yield energy weapons, and some type of torpedo launchers, and the same configuration aft. Sensors are otherwise unable to penetrate their hull."

"Hailing the colony now" Ensign Hamilton replied from the Ops console. His fingers tapped away at the controls. "I'm not getting any response, either they're not answering or can't" he explained.

"Scanning the colony now," said Teaque from science.

Taiga nodded. At least something was still there to defend. Although she could tell from her face that there was more here than met the eye.

"Bridge to Trigman and Nakazato. Launch all fighter wings" Taiga ordered over the comm. Now it was time for them to really shine, with forty fighter craft in the air it would give the Tokyo a more tactical advantage.

"Commander Daxer. Arm torpedoes, charge phasers" she added. She wanted to be ready. That ship out there was huge, and out massed the Tokyo over a hundred times over.

=A= "Fighter wings launching as we speak, captain." =A= Nakazato replied.

=^= Yamaha Lead... =^= Trigman was just waiting the catapault effect of launch. "Ducati will follow Yamaha and Triumph is on CAP duty. =^= Tamaha One launching.=^= Trigman transmit then hit the thrust controls and was first of the fighter wing out after Tokyo took position.

Bobbie Sue waited until her fighter was in place, then fastened herself in and ran a quick pre-flight check.

"Captain, weapons are already online, but I strongly recommend against a direct confrontation." Daxer replied, already knowing what Taiga would do.

=A= "TIC here," =A= Nakazato reported. =A= "Fighter wings in position and at your disposal." =A=

To be continued...


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