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The Perfect Moment

Posted on Tue Jul 21st, 2020 @ 11:57pm by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Sayuki Nakazato

543 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Nakazato family quarters

Takeshi returned to his quarters ready to grab a quick dinner and turn in for the night. When the door to the quarters swooshed open, he stepped inside to find the quarters darkened and quiet.

Perhaps they'd all gone to bed... Takeshi thought.

He strode over to the replicator.

"Tofu, fried." He ordered quietly.

When he grabbed his replicated food from the machine he placed a beverage order.

"Gunma Prefectural tap water."

It wasn't normal for him to not order his usual hot Darjeeling tea, but if he wanted to sleep at some point, it would be best not to get high on caffeine.

As he sat down to his food, he heard movement and saw Sayuki emerge from the master bedroom without her heavy makeup and clad in a bathrobe, and from Takeshi's observations, nothing else underneath it: Just the way he liked to see her.

"You didn't have to wait up for me." He muttered.

"Dear, we both know I would have lost sleep over you." Sayuki replied. "So, how'd it go?"

"Oh, about what you'd expect:" Takeshi replied. "She agrees with Captain Aisaka that I acted out of line. They'd probably hate to hear that I was going easy on the pilots."

"With all the shit I've heard you do to Myogi crewmembers over the years, I'd agree with that statement." Sayuki said. "Maybe leave your ruthlessness out of conversations around them from now on, huh?"

"But hey, at least she doesn't want to kill me!" Takeshi remarked.

"Well, that's good." Sayuki replied. "The less people who want our blood, the better."

"Tell me about it." Takeshi sighed. "It's a relief after today's events."

Though Takeshi suspected it due to the light levels in the quarters, he still posed the question anyway:

"I take it the kids are asleep?"

"They're in bed." Sayuki responded. "It's just you and me, though you should've seen Mako; she told me when I tucked her in 'I hope daddy doesn't get fired.'"

Takeshi cracked up. That sure sounded like Mako alright.

"Well, I hope so, too." He said. "Because right now, it seems my future is shaping up to be a crapshoot."

"Ugh, there you go, being a Negative Ned again, Takeshi!" Sayuki scoffed. "Can't you be more optimistic? I'm sure this will come to pass."

"I wish I could be." Takeshi replied. "But when the first officer turns everything you thought you knew about Starfleet upside down, making you question what the hell you joined up, it's kind of a little hard to."

Sayuki got up from where she had been sitting and slowly strode over to her husband, noting that he was just about finished up with his tofu.

"Well, I know what will make you feel better..." She used that tone of voice she used when something good was about to go down.

As Takeshi finished his last bit of tofu, Sayuki leaned in and kissed him full on the lips, which Takeshi reciprocated in kind. It was in moments like these when Takeshi was truly happy, and nobody, not Taiga, not Alora, not Trigman, and certainly none of the pilots, could take it away from him.


Posting by

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss

Sayuki Nakazato


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