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Crime and Punishment (Part 1)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'
Edited on on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:37pm

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: TIC & Ready Room

After the pilots' briefing, Takeshi had called all pilots to the TIC in the hopes of discovering the identity of the man who had belittled him in front of everyone. At this very critical moment, it was important to let the pilots know that such childish behavior would not be tolerated, and to do so meant no more Mr. Nice Air Boss. This incident had forced Takeshi's hand into sliding on the Second' Officer's boots and laying down the law.

"Alright, I want to know the name of the pilot who thought it a good idea to make fun of your second officer." Takeshi stated, getting straight to business as he paced up and down the line of pilots. "Somebody better start talking, or else I'm confining everyone to quarters until I get answers."

"Mind telling us what you're talking about?" Phyllis asked. "I said my piece to your face, so I don't know what you're referring to."

Rinka made her way through the crowd of pilots to the very front. "Ok, you want an answer as to who made you look like a complete idiot..." she said cooly. She raised a hand and pointed directly at Takeshi.

"You did" Rinka said to him. "Also, is it just a coincidence that Trigger is not here? You do realise that we report to him and not you right. By trying to discipline any of us without his confirmation or his knowledge you are overstepping his authority as Wing Commander" Rinka said her eyes narrowing.

"You may be the second officer, but you have no authority to even do what you're doing here. Not to mention if you ground ANY of us, you need to ask Trigger first. You're new here, I get that, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you mess with my pilot wing. I'm the Wing Executive, and as far as I care we don't report to you" Rinka said, she clenched her fists as she turned to the pilots.

"Dismissed Pilots" she said simply. She turned back to Takeshi. "I'm going to get them back to where they need to be right now. You and I are going to have a little chat with Trigman, or The Captain. Who do you choose Mister Takeshi?"

Takeshi stood his ground. He had learned his lesson from the briefing and didn't wish to be perceived as weak.

"I hope you realize you just committed Obstruction of Justice, Lieutenant." He snarled. "I will be sure to mention your name specifically in my report to Starfleet as to why proper disciplinary action was not taken!"

Bobbie Sue stood. "Rinka, you should have called Trigman here and let him deal with this. My wing is not going to participate in any exercises until this matter is settled by those who have the right to do so. I'm taking this up the chain of command."

Phyllis stood, looking from Takeshi to Rinka. "I think you both need a refresher course in proper procedure and decorum." Then, before she went into instructor mode and told them what a disgrace their behavior was, she walked out.

A hand came upon Phyllis' shoulder; as Trigman was standing outside the door listening, he look her in the face and winked before he continued into the Tactical Information Center. He walk up to curb the pilots exit and motioned them to sit down.

Phyllis grinned, pleased to see Trigman. With a nod, she took her seat.

Bobbie Sue was relieved to see Trigger. He and Phyllis were the two best pilots on the ship, and the two she respected the most. She hoped that now that the CAG was here, he would straighten this mess out.

"I hear that a meeting of all the Wing Command Pilots and forget to include me?" Trigman started. "Did you really think the Scuttlebutt of a major meeting and no one remember to ask the CAG what he wanted? As such a meeting is normally call by the Commander Air Group." He stayed calm. "As this whole incident started with a shuttle Piolot boasting he can out fly a Fighter, well the thrust to weight ratio of a shuttle is nothing to compare to a valkyre by design, no matter how one adapts a simulator at the academy. So since as Second Officer; have grounded the entire Fighter Wing; and I am interested in how you will report the disciplinary actions in the log.

Did all the pilots disrespect the Air Boss for not doing his assigned job and announcing he had the authority to assign himself into Flight Operations." He tapped his Comm Badge. "Captain, with the confining to quarters of the Entire Fighter wing I am ; under authority of Commander Air Group, cancelling the Flight Operations of your Training mission as a Command chain officer has grounded all Flight Personnel."

He ended the channel. "I will also be bringing official charges to you for abuse of power by issuing Disceplinary actions aginst my Pilots due to personal bias." (This is a offence in the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.) Trigman look at Rinka. "You are over -stepping your authority as you are Deputy; you should have brought me in at the start, while I appreciate your defending the point, you did break the chain of Command." He Gave her a wink. "Now officially by CAG order you are dismissed."

Rinka nodded as she shot a glaring look at Takeshi. "Sorry Trigger, I guess I jumped the gun a little..." she said as she walked off with the other pilots.

"You had the heart in the right place." Trigman complemented.

"Aisaka to Trigman and Takeshi. My ready room. Now" Taiga's voice said simply over the comm.

=^= Yes Captain. On my way.=^= Trigman started out of the center.

=A= "Yes Captain." =A= Takeshi said, following shortly after.

(To be continued...)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Wing Commander

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter'
Deputy Wing Commander

Lieutenant Phyllis D'laar "Sorceress"


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