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Crossing lines

Posted on Fri Aug 28th, 2015 @ 5:14am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Kalmar Okinami Sci.D. & Captain Leo Fox & Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Edited on on Fri Aug 28th, 2015 @ 5:15am

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Bridge + Various

The doors on the bridge opened and Taiga walked out. She was wearing the Captains Vested variant of the Starfleet Uniform which complimented her figure. Also instead of the trousers she had opted for the skirted version with black leggings. She found this better to move and work in. She made her way down to the command deck and looked up briefly at the red light flashing.

She crossed her arms and pondered for a few seconds.
"Commander Daxer" she said simply. "Are we ready to stir up a hornets nest?" she asked. It was safe to say she was feeling confident in the ship and crew's abilities, however she was still a little nervous. Those readings that had a hint of Borg in them were making her concerned. The last thing she wanted was for any Borg to get aboard the Tokyo.

"We are as ready as we're going to get, Commander." Jen said, as she was doing final checks on the tactical console to make sure that her own repairs would hold. "However, I wouldn't recommend pushing the systems that way again. Next time, it could leave us dead in space." She gave Taiga a look that said she wasn't happy about the way things had happened during the last battle.

[Flight Deck]

The ready fighters were on the line; most pilots kept close and the alert Status was just below combat stations. He might have elevated the readiness of the Fighters but then Trigman could ; and would, rather be scolded for being too eager than late on the launch.

"Tiger Flight is on ramp ready with First squadron in ready room status and second Squadron on yellow status." Trigman reported to the bridge.


"Understood" Taiga responded. She liked having all the fighters on standby. It allowed for the Tokyo to have some backup fire should they need it.

Taiga looked down at the helm and then over at Operations. "Ok. Take us in and make it looks like we're a Romulan ship" she ordered.

T'Shenn said, "Shouldn't be too hard to look like cowards."

"Understood." Mimi said and started coordinating with engineering to activate the modifications they'd made to make the Tokyo to resemble at least on sensors a Romulan ship

The Tokyo's engines powered up and jumped to a steady warp speed. Taiga sat in the command chair watching as the ship flew deeper and deeper into the Romulan Neutral Zone. They were now in violation of treaty, but this was too important for Starfleet to stand idly by.

"How long until we arrive in the system?" Taiga asked.

T'Shenn growled. "Forty minutes, Captain."

"Ok" Taiga said. "Maintain alert status and be on your guard. Once we enter the system drop out of warp at a safe distance, I don't want anything sneaking up on us" she explained. Pulling herself out of the chair she stood up and looked over at Daxer.

"I need to talk with you" she said simply as she strode over towards her ready room.

Without a word, Jen simply secured her station, and followed Taiga into her ready room.

When the doors closed behind her Taiga turned to face Jen. "How ready are we?" she asked simply. "Honestly"

Jen stood in an at-ease stance as she looked at Taiga. "I'm going to give it to you straight, Commander." Jen said simply. "If the Borg are involved, our chances of success are quite slim."

"I thought as much" Taiga said with a sigh. "This crew is inexperienced with dealing with the Borg. I have never fought them either, I would appreciate any advice you can give" Taiga explained swallowing her pride and feeling like a lost child asking an adult to help them find their lost candy.

"The most important thing I can tell you is that you should never let them touch you, or you may be assimilated." Jen replied without hesitation. "If you encounter someone who has been, or is being assimilated, your best option is a mercy killing... Make sure you shoot them in the head."

"Shoot them in the head... I can do that" Taiga said simply with a slight grin.

"Just make sure you don't shoot anyone who is on our side." Jen said with a raised eyebrow.

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "Well duh..." she said. "As soon as we're at that base I want you to take an away team. Gather information on whats happening down there, nothing more. Report back as soon as you know what the hell is going down there" she explained.

"I can do that." Jen replied simply. For her, this would be a normal day at the office, since she'd spent so many years doing just that in some of the strangest of situations. "Just be ready, in case we need an emergency beam out. That's all I ask."

Taiga just nodded. "Lets get this over and done with" she said simply.


John was running around trying to keep the engine working but also reading as a Romulan ship. "Guys! You know your job, do them!" He started yelling at the other members. "And someone get on these readouts and make them look more like a singularity, I've got to keep the coolant pumping."


Taiga and Jen returned to the bridge together. "How are we looking?" Taiga asked simply making her way back towards her chair.

T'Shenn said, "I didn't even have time to clean my blades from the last attack, Captain. Might as well get some more blood on them."

"Let us hope that does not need to happen, Lieutenant." Jen replied simply.

T'Shenn spun her dagger around and said, "You like to take the fun out of things, Commander."

Taiga sat down in the center chair and sat back making herself comfortable" Ok, get ready people. Its time for zero hour"

As Jen took the Tactical station, she brought up a quick navigational map for the area they were heading to. "Helm, change course to 945..64 mark 5, and increase to warp 7."

The Tokyo changed course and its speed increased slightly. It was time once again for the Tokyo to jump back into full action.

To be continued...


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