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Welcome Home (backpost)(18+)

Posted on Fri Jul 31st, 2015 @ 12:36am by Ensign Noriko Ogawa & Lieutenant Mimi
Edited on on Fri Jul 31st, 2015 @ 1:04am

2,761 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Noriko's quarters
Timeline: Evening following the runabout crash.


[Noriko's Quarters]

Having been released from Sickbay, padd in hand, Noriko made her way to her quarters, hoping M'Zera was around. She was still feeling stiff & sore, not to mention embarrassed by her unconventional arrival on the Tokyo. Keying her code into the lock, Noriko stepped into her quarters to see M'Zera sitting on the couch, smiling at her.

M'Zera stood as he saw the door open and Noriko walk in, judging by how she looked last time he saw her he'd not expected her to be back on her feet so soon. Walking over he embraced her in a loose hug. "Welcome back Noriko."

Noriko buried herself in M'Zera's chest. She was sore from the crash but more then that, her reputation (in her mind at least) was in tatters and she'd not even started her first shift. Holding him tight, Noriko closed her eyes. "Hold me M'Zera?"

Wrapping his arms around Noriko M'Zera held her tighter, he knew her well enough to see that she wasn't in a very good mood. "Are you ok?"

Noriko felt a tear drop down her cheek. "No. Not even my first day aboard and I destroyed a runabout, damaged a shuttle bay, nearly killed the three of us, and in the morning I have to go get introduced to the fighter control team. What are they going to think of me M'Zera?"

"I spoke with the engineers that looked at the runabout." M'Zera answered as he wiped the tear from her eye with his paw. "You did everything right, it was the damage the runabout took from those fighters that caused the crash."

"Still. I almost killed you and my boss in the process." M'Zera was right though, it wasn't her fault, landing a crippled craft was hard even for the experienced and she was anything but. "Come cuddle on the couch lover?"

"Sure thing." M'Zera walked with Noriko back over to their sofa and sat down his back leaning against the arm.

Noriko curled into M'Zera, enjoying the feel of leaning back into his strong lithe frame. Shifting slightly, Noriko rested her hand on his chest. "That's better." she sighed as his arms wrapped around her. "Well, we made it. Our first posting."

"Our arrival was a little more dramatic then I'd expected, but yep here we are." M'Zera said looking down at his mate.

Looking up at her mate Noriko smiled, "Can we maybe not do anything dramatic for a while?" Gently running her finger along his toned chest, Noriko stretched and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Maybe tonight is just the two of us?"

"Deal." M'Zera said with a smile.

Noriko shifted herself slightly, feeling a bit sore as she moved, putting herself in a better position to cuddle with M'Zera. Gently stroking his leg, Noriko gave him a sultry smile. "Whatever shall we do lover?"

"I've a good idea." He said with a smirk. "But are you sure you're up for that, I can tell you're still a little sore."

"Slow & Gentle lover." Noriko grinned as she took his paw and placed it on her midsection. "Nothing is going to keep you from me tonight."

"That I can do." M'Zera grinned, he shifted his paw across to Noriko's ass and gave it a firm squeeze and then leaned in to kiss her.

Noriko returned the kiss, shifting on the couch some more as she did so. Sitting up more so M'Zera could reach her better, she kissed him again.

Adjusting how he sat a little too, M'Zera ran his paw across Noriko's stomach and then gradually up her chest till he reached her neck where, the jacket already loose, he grabbed the zip of her uniform shirt and started to pull it down.

The uniform zip slid down easily enough, slowly exposing Noriko's bare chest and regulation bra to her mate's gaze. Honestly, at this point she just wanted out of the uniform altogether, and M'Zera was obliging her. Crawling so she straddled M'Zera on the couch, her feet dangling off the edge, Noriko grinned at him. "Better?"

"Much" M'Zera replied as he finished undoing her top and finally removed it and the jacket showing off all of Noriko's small but still curvy figure, running his paws back down her sides they finally settled on her backside giving it another firm squeeze.

Noriko shrugged off the jacket and shirt, letting the pair fall to the floor. She was enjoying her mate's touch, while he no doubt was enjoying her as well. She felt his hands squeeze her bum, sending a shiver through her body.

Holding her backside M'Zera lent forwards and gave Noriko a quick peck on the lips before nuzzling her neck then slowly making his way across her collarbone and down to the smooth flesh of her adequately proportioned breasts.

Noriko let out a contented sigh as M'Zera nuzzled her, his face eventually resting in the swell between her breasts. She could feel his hands gently rubbing her sore back, a wonderful feeling given how sore her body was. She whimpered a little when his paw pressed against a still tender spot but let him continue. Lifting her head up again, she kissed him before whispering. "Take it off if you want lover."

"Not yet lover." M'Zera said, bringing his hands back down to her ass he carefully stood up bringing Noriko with him.

Noriko felt M'Zera lift her, supporting her by her backside. Given their relative size & strength difference, it was easy for him to pick her up from a sitting position. Holding onto him with her arms, she held him, her legs wrapping around his waist while her arms wrapped around his neck.

Easily supporting Noriko's light frame he walked from the sofa into their bedroom and carefully plonked her down onto the double bed before gently rolling her onto her front.

Rolling onto her front, Noriko wondered what M'Zera had planned. She hoped for of that wonderful backrub he'd been giving her a few minutes before. Whatever he had planned she knew she was going to enjoy.

M'Zera slipped Noriko's uniform boots off before walking over to the nightstand and grabbing a tube of a mild pain relief gel that they kept well stock as Noriko had a tendency to over exert herself in some of their recreational activities. Kneeling, straddling her thighs, he unclipped her bra and applied a generous amount of the gel to her back and a little more to his paws.

Noriko tensed for a second then relaxed as the cool gel landed on her back. She could feel M'Zera straddling her, kneeling over her bum as he began to work over her back with the gel and his paws. He had a certain technique he used which was very effective at easing her back aches and right now she could feel him doing that. She let out a sigh of contentment as the gel, massaged into her back, began to work its magic.

M'Zera worked his magic on Noriko's back for a little longer before stopping, the gel was very quick drying so he didn't have to wait a while before he could turn her over and do the much more enjoyable part for both of them. Lifting himself up enough to free her legs he looked down "Roll over Noriko."

"Yes lover." Noriko replied, complying with his request. Sliding the bra off the bed as she did so, Noriko was soon on her back, naked from the waist up, her pants the only clothes left on her. M'Zera always seemed to enjoy this part of the backrub and Noriko gave him a demure smile as she awaited what came next.

After quickly pulling off his own top M'Zera applied a little more gel to his paws and Noriko's body, deliberately avoiding her breasts he massaged his way across her shoulders and slowly down her sides before coming back across her stomach

Letting M'Zera do his thing, Noriko focused on the sensations of his paws against her skin. Despite having rougher skin then most humanoids, the pads of his fingers still felt wonderful as his paws worked down her body.

Sliding his paws even lower he reached the waistband of her uniform pants and started to unfasten them, gradually shuffling himself down the bed he pulled them with him until they were all the way off.

Noriko arched her back a little, making it easier for M'Zera to slide her pants down over her hips. The touch of his paw on her thigh sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, causing goose bumps to form on her arms & legs. She noticed he'd left her with one last article of clothing covering her intimates, something she had no doubt was coming off soon enough.

As if reading his mates mind M'Zera ran his paws up Noriko's inner thighs before grabbing her underwear and pulling them down and eventually off her legs.

"Massage is finished?" She playfully asked M'Zera. The tent in his pants was confirmation enough of his arousal at seeing her naked.

M'Zera stood up, unfastened his pants and quickly removed them leaving just his underwear restraining his desire for her "Not quite." Straddling Noriko's legs again he slowly caressed her breasts kneading and squeezing the firm little orbs.

Noriko let out a gentle sound, something a groan and an 'mmm' as M'Zera's hands touched her. She loved the feelings he was creating inside her and she didn't want him to stop. His legs just in reach of her hands, Noriko slowly caressed his thigh as he continued to pleasure her.

With one hand still massaging her breasts M'Zera's other hand ran down her body and gently began to play between Noriko's legs watching as a look of pleasure spread across her face.

A dreamy look crossed Noriko's face as M'Zera caressed her between the legs. Between his paws on her breast and between her legs, he was fueling her arousal, her desire for him growing with each gentle touch. Both hands on his thighs, she gently stroked his furr, letting him know she was enjoying his touch.

"Feels like you're ready." M'Zera said with a smirk as he removed his paw from between Noriko's legs.

Noriko smiled as M'Zera crawled off her. She always enjoyed the last part of his massages and today was going to be no exception. M'Zera was obviously ready and as he crawled back onto the bed, Noriko spread her legs, knees bent, ready for her mate. She didn't have to wait long as M'Zera crawled atop her, kissing her on the cheek as his paw went back to pleasuring her.

Without any delay M’Zera started to push into Noriko, stopping when he was around half way in, kneeling there enjoying the sensations of being inside his lover again.

Noriko let out a satisfied moan as M'Zera entered her, pushing partway, sending little waves of pleasure through her body. She pulled him close, kissing him. "I missed you lover." she remarked, enjoying the feel of M'Zera pressed against her.

"And I've missed you." M'Zera said before finally pushing into Noriko as far as her small frame would allow him to, her insides tugging at him as he made his way slowly in.

"Let's take it easy tonight lover," Noriko responded, enjoying the feeling of her mate inside her. "Doc says I need a few days to heal up."

M'Zera nodded "I said I can do nice and gentle and that’s exactly what I'm going to do Noriko." Slowly pulling out part way he started up a slow pace of long but gentle thrusts.

Holding M'Zera as he moved within her, Noriko ran her fingers through his furr. She kissed her big furry lover again as he knelt above her, his weight supported on his elbows. She smiled up at him. "You feel good M'Zera. That's perfect right there."

M'Zera kept the pace slow and steady, normally Noriko was a spunky little tigress, wanting things much harder and faster but not this time. Dipping his head he kissed her before nuzzling her neck and nibbling the soft flesh with his teeth.

Noriko let out a contented sigh as M'Zera nuzzled her neck and chest. Despite the massage, her body was still sore all over, and even this slower pace occasionally brought a little flash of pain, more an ache really, to the surface as she moved a sore area the wrong way. Eventually though she felt the need for a little more and began to push her hips back at M'Zera, forcing him a little deeper, giving her more pleasure as time slowed between them.

With Noriko pushing back against him M'Zera increased his pace a little thrusting in and out with more intensity slowly driving his lover towards the edge.

Noriko could feel the aches start to fade as the pleasure M'Zera was creating in her began to overwhelm any feeling of pain from her injuries. This wasn't their usual fast pace but Noriko could feel herself slowly coming closer to that edge, the peak of her passion.

The pain disappearing Noriko felt more herself and, M'Zera still nuzzling her neck & chest, kissing her, sometimes a gentle lick here and there (weird but pleasurable) she wrapped her legs around his thighs, pulling M'Zera closer in. She needed him, and she needed him now, all ideas of taking it slow fading in the haze of pleasure.

Feeling Noriko's slender legs wrap around his own, a clear sign that she was enjoying herself and wanted more M'Zera picked the pace up even more, moving fast in his lover he started to drive her quicker towards her peak

A gentle moan escaped Noriko's lips as her lover drove her closer to the edge. She could feel it fast approaching and she began to move with him, her body moving in a sinuous rhythm as they made love. "M'Zera." she called out. "Lover. Ohhh." as a wave of pleasure washed through her.

M'Zera kept the pace strong but steady grunting a little with effort, trying to stave off his own peak until long after he had driven Noriko to hers. With one paw supporting his weight his free one roamed his lover’s body teasing the firm breasts that adorned her smooth chest.

M'Zera knew where to place his paws and very quickly Noriko found herself at the edge. Her breath ragged, she arched her back as she pulled M'Zera in close, the first waves of pleasure washing over her like a tidal wave. Groaning, her small frame shook beneath M'Zera as he moved atop her.

Through the fog of pleasure that'd enveloped her, Noriko heard a purr from M'Zera. She groaned in response as their bodies merged into one large haze of pleasure, M'Zera moving within her as she moved around him, a deep purr coming from his chest. With his lover orgasmic beneath him M'Zera let go of all he'd held back and within a minute he let out a growl as he reached his own peak.

Noriko clawed at M'Zera's back as she felt him deep inside her, a spreading warmth deep in her belly as he emptied himself into her. Collapsing back on the bed, Noriko panted, her heart racing, eyes closed as she slowly began to come down. She could feel M'Zera licking at her neck and she opened her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face. "You sure know how to make a girl feel loved. Keep doing that I may just forget the shot."

M'Zera smirked, it would be nice to see the small form of his lover bulging with a litter of kits, but he knew that both he and Noriko weren't ready for children just yet. "In time my mate, we're still young."

"I know M'Zera, Just teasing. But I think deep down in the big furry heart of yours you'd enjoy it as much as I would." Pulling him close, Noriko held M'Zera. "My big squishy lover."

"You are right I would." M'zera said and slowly pulled out before carefully rolling over bringing Noriko with him till she lay atop him. "But I will wait until you are ready."

"Mmm." Noriko responded, enjoying the feeling of laying atop her mate, his chest rising and falling with each breath. "I could lay here all evening."

"Well I have nothing else planned for the evening." M'Zera said and kissed Noriko.

Noriko gently traced her finger along M'Zera's chest, returning his kiss. "Sounds wonderful."



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