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Caught With Our Pants Down- Station Side (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 10:01am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Edited on on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 10:38am

1,543 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Gamma Zendor Station- Central Operations
Timeline: Not long after Part 1

Previously on "Star Trek: Tokyo":

Talia looked around seeing one of the cadets hiding across from where she was, she looked around seeing that she had little choice but to be the one to go and help. Making her way across whilst trying to stay out of sight all seemed to be going well until it all went pear shaped, finding herself on the end of an Elachi weapon she waited for the inevitable weapons fire that would kill her. As she was hit by the green blast she disappeared, seemingly disintegrated.

"Counsellor!" Yoshika called put, seemingly by instinct. Her outcry caught the attention of one of the Elachi who raised his weapon and fired at the small petty officer. The green blast hit Yoshika directly in the stomach and just like Talia and many other, she seemed to disintegrate into thin air.

Amari saw the green blasts hit Yoshika and Talia, eyes wide as they disappeared in an instant. "We just lost two of our people." She announced not being able to remember the names of the people she'd only met a few moments before stepping onto the transporter pad with them. She steadied her breath and took a shot at one of the Elachi hitting it in the hip and sending it tumbling to the deck.

Liz didn't need to hear Amari's report, as she saw out of the corner of her eye Yoshika's disintegration.

"NO!" She screamed, spinning and firing at Yoshika's assailant, hitting him the chest. The high-powered blast to the chest caused the Elachi to drop to the deck.

And now... the continuation!

"Commander Johnson to Tokyo, what is your situation." Thomas inquired ducking behind a console once again. He figured if this is the situation here, they were more than likely in the same boat.

"We've been boarded by Elachi," Taiga replied. It seemed evident from her voice that the Captain was moving, possibly walking or rushing somewhere. "We're repelling boarding teams Commander, however we've managed to destroy their ship. Make sure to drive them off the station and continue the evacuation." Taiga replied.

"With their ship destroyed, thats going to be easier said than done Captain. Johnson out."

Petra looked at the Commander. "Most of the station population are cadets with no experience in repelling boarders. I'm sorry commander, but we don't have much to offer in terms of help."

"Come on... hurry up...." Chisato muttered nervously as she attempted to download the data from the computer onto her PADD. "Just a few more seconds..."

The Lt looked over to the engineer that was at the computer, "Commander watch out." He replied as he seen one of the elachi aim a weapon towards the officer.

Thomas seen the gun as well, but before he was able to do anything, the weapon fired, before he was able to subdue the elachi.. Within the split second, he noticed the Lt jump in front of the weapon fire and soon disintegrate. After taking the hostile down, he turned to the Commander. "You are done commander, whether you got the information or not. Get into cover."

"No need to ask me twice!" Chisato exclaimed as she hunkered down alongside Thomas, retrieving her phaser weapon and setting it to the highest non-lethal stun setting.

Another Elachi was moving, trying to flank Thomas and Chisato. But Nezuko was having none of it. Her new friends were in trouble by these Elachi, keeping them pinned while critical intelligence was being downloaded. The Amphea Starfleet Officer, brow furrowed in anger, lunged for the Elachi and started slashing at the greenish-grey bulbs it had for a face, claws getting stained black with ichor.

"Nice save, Lieutenant!" Chisato expressed with gratitude.

As Nezuko fought the Elachi with her claws, Kehl fired the hand phaser at several other Elachi lined up and firing at them. One was struck and fell. Another stopped to try dragging him away, also hit by one of Kehl's steely eyed bolts. A third Elachi tried to return fire but was outgunned.

Thomas glanced up. "Place on maximum stun, wide dispersal." He looked to the officers. "Stun everyone, sort them out later.... better unconscious than a pile of dust." He paused before turning over to the Commander.

Kehl adjusted the settings on his older Type II hand phaser. He felt a roaring sense of anxiety start hardening into a hollow need for survival. This was the young officer's first real combat on this scale.

"Are environmental controls still operative Commander, how about neuroscience gas, through out the entire station. It's affects are easily reversible. And doesn't have any lasting effects. This firefight will claim a lot more lives if we don't do something." He ducked as a blast hit the console beside him.

"I'm all for it," Chisato agreed. "You wouldn't happen to know where we could get some neuroscience gas, would you?"

"You'd have to reconfigure the environmental controls. The control console however is on the other side of Ops!" Petra replied.

Chisato glanced over at the console situated at the far side of the room, and then back at Thomas and Petra.

"Cover me?" she suggested.

"I'll go with you", Kehl said stepping up, collar emblazoned with the colors of the science department. "I may be of help." The young ensign figured Chisato knew enough to operate the panel. But if anything should go wrong, it only felt prudent for the science officer to be on site.

Chisato nodded in the affirmative. "Alright then, on my signal; one... two... three!"

Kehl sprinted to a pile of vertical screens and heavy paneling which had been toppled over and burnt by stray phaser fire. It was partway towards the controls. "This way", he shouted to Chisato before lifting his hand phaser for a closely aimed set of covering shots.

Thomas tapped his rifle setting up wide dispersal heavy stun, he heard the call stating they lost two people. He sighed. "What two people are we talking about."He replied simply. He fired towards a group of hostiles, and although he took them down. They were only replaced. "There has to be more than one ship for this many. Get over there Commander, nows as good a time as any."

Chisato nodded and proceeded to dive-roll over towards Kehl's location, narrowly coming within a hair's length of the Elachi disruptors.

"Whew!" she gasped as she unfurled herself at Kehl's feel. "Alright, we may be able to time this next push for when they stop to reload; On my signal again?"

Kehl crouched on his haunches alongside her, turned and said, "ready when you are." Shots were fired as someone had stepped into the corridor to fire. Kehl had a clear angle and had caught the Elachi in the open. His shots fell the alien, firing more into the corridor it had come out of. The Andorian kept an eye on Chisato, ready to move.

"NOW!" Chisato exclaimed.

Kehl fired one last blast down the hall before leaping up and sprinting towards the controls. He felt his feet slap the innards of his boot for more traction as he pushed to run harder.

"Sweet Jesus," Chisato was practically gasping for air as the two of them hunkered down behind the console for the environmental controls. "Talk about a workout, amiright?!"

"No doubt, Ma'am", the young Andorian told the senior officer with a smile. Kehl turned and aimed his phaser across the room. He fought to restrain his breathing through deeply fought breaths. "I take it you can operate the gas controls. If you run into any problems, I can help."

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Ensign," Chisato replied, lifting her phaser towards the controls. "Stand back!"

And with a squeeze of a trigger, the console erupted in a shower of sparks. Almost immediately, a thick white vapor began to pour out of the ventilation shafts, overpowering anyone who was unfortunate enough to be within the immediate vicinity. A few of them tried to flee, many more of them tried to cover their mouths, but it was all in vain; within just a few short minutes, the entire station had been overwhelmed by the gas.

And then everything was still. Absolutely still...

Posting by (In order of apearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Amari
Engineering Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Trennek Zarkin
Chief Security Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Petty Officer, 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Major Chiyo Shimada
Second Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Captain Elizabeth Beurling
Marine Executive Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Commander Petra Ral
Commanding Officer, Gamma Zendor Station

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Kehl th'Kaaliq
Astronometrics Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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