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Caught with our pants down- Station side (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 9:49am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Edited on on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 10:40am

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Gamma Zednor Station- Habitat Area
Timeline: At approximately the same time as "Caught With Our Pants Down!"

In the habitat zone of the station Cadets wounded or otherwise were still streaming down the corridors towards the evacuation area that had been set up where they were assessed and priorities for evacuation detailed and guided to the shuttlebays.

Still working on the area's life support system Amari looked up when the light and whine of a transporter behind her and Trennek caught her attention, when the light faded a trio of bipedal aliens like nothing she had ever seen before had appeared weapons in hand. She froze in a mix of fear and surprise.

Trennek summed up the alien’s expression and stance and told Amari, “Stay behind me.” He took a step forward drawing his own weapon and asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

The Elachi didn't hesitate, not did it answer. The tall strange looking alien held up its weapon and instantly began to fire at the Starfleet officers.

People began to scream as the other Elachi began to open fire upon whoever was in range. However their weapons weren't set to stun as the targets seemed to be disintegrated instantly on impact.

From her kneeling position Amari quickly scrabbled behind Trennek hoping that his bulk could stop their first shots hitting her before she could find some better cover, she drew her phaser and looked for somewhere to go.

"They're either killing us off or transporting us away. Don't let yourself get hit," the Brikar growled to anyone who could hear. Clearly now angry, he began firing his own weapon at the aggressors... and woe be the Elachi that dared get within arm's reach. Trennek took his free hand and shoved their heads into the nearest bulkhead.

Neatly picking off Elachi while also trying his best to protect his crewmates and the cadets they came to rescue he hazarded a glance to Amari, "Head for the shuttles with the cadets, I'll cover you."

Amari fired a couple of shots from her phaser towards the Elachi then made a run for it back towards the group.

Thomas had ran for cover, being one of the officers out in the open, he narrowly missed being hit. However, one of his fellow officers that had been beside him wasn't so lucky. He went to grab his weapon, however his weapon wasn't there, in its place was a burn mark where it was once.

Looking around, "This is not like the elachi." He muttered to himself as he spotted a case near him... recognizing it as a weapons case, he ran over and opened it up. Grabbing it, he slid a rifle to a Lt that was in the same situation. "Lt."

"Thank you Commander." He replied as he looked over, watching the boarders fire randomly at officers. "We can rule out them wanting prisoners."

"That is safe to say." Thomas agreed.

Yoshika instantly ducked down to avoid being hit. She held her hands over her ear as the screams from people being shot at became louder and louder.

Talia had been doing her best to help with the evacuation of the cadets, as all hell broke loose she had to try her hardest to block out the emotions. It was either that or be totally overwhelmed and be no help to anyone. She pulled her phaser keeping it ready just incase she had to use it. “Take cover!” She motioned to the cadets who were ducking and diving in every direction.

Chiyo was overseeing the evacuation in the shuttlebays when Elachi started materializing into the middle of the evacuations and began opening fire on whoever was in range. When the cadets she was helping evacuate were suddenly being disintegrated in front of her, Chiyo instantly realized what was happening. Hostiles were among them, and it didn't take her long for her to identify the hostiles as Elachi.

"PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, YOU ELACHI BASTARDS!" Chiyo bellowed as she removed the high-powered phaser rifle from her back and opening fire on the Elachi.

The Elachi didn't seem too bothered about their people being shot down by the Starfkeet officers. Similar to the Borg they just kept coming, shooting at anyone weapon or not. Several did however return fire at the Tokyo away teams.

As Chiyo picked off Elachi, she was joined by Liz. The Marine XO had seen Chiyo engage the Elachi, and had grabbed her own phaser rifle off her back. She had already shot a few Elachi by the time she reached Chiyo's side.

"Let's take these pricks down together." She proposed.

Chiyo looked over to Liz and smiled. This had been what was missing during her last engagement with the Elachi.

"Let's." Chiyo said. "Because we're sisters in arms."

"And when we work together, nothing's going to stop us..." Liz completed.

The next several minutes saw Chiyo and Liz picking off Elachi after Elachi in perfect harmony. Those that engaged them, and those that did not. It didn't matter to Chiyo and Liz; the Elachi were after Federation citizens, and it was their duty to protect those Federation Citizens.

Chased by green bolts of energy from the Elachi Amari came running and then diving over a table and into cover closed to the rest of the away team. "Lt Zakrin should be right behind me." She said before adding. "Who are these people?"

"An old foe I've faced before." Chiyo responded while firing her phaser rifle at the Elachi. "Apparently, these guys just don't know when to quit!"

Talia looked around seeing one of the cadets hiding across from where she was, she looked around seeing that she had little choice but to be the one to go and help. Making her way across whilst trying to stay out of sight all seemed to be going well until it all went pear shaped, finding herself on the end of an Elachi weapon she waited for the inevitable weapons fire that would kill her. As she was hit by the green blast she disappeared, seemingly disintegrated.

"Counsellor!" Yoshika called put, seemingly by instinct. Her outcry caught the attention of one of the Elachi who raised his weapon and fired at the small petty officer. The green blast hit Yoshika directly in the stomach and just like Talia and many other, she seemed to disintegrate into thin air.

Amari saw the green blasts hit Yoshika and Talia, eyes wide as they disappeared in an instant. "We just lost two of our people." She announced not being able to remember the names of the people she'd only met a few moments before stepping onto the transporter pad with them. She steadied her breath and took a shot at one of the Elachi hitting it in the hip and sending it tumbling to the deck.

Liz didn't need to hear Amari's report, as she saw out of the corner of her eye Yoshika's disintegration.

"NO!" She screamed, spinning and firing at Yoshika's assailant, hitting him the chest. The high-powered blast to the chest caused the Elachi to drop to the deck.

To be continued...


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