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Don't Repeat Old Mistakes

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 8:29am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,134 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Turbolift - USS Tokyo

Taiga's grip on the phaser rifle was more intense than usual. Now that the ship was safe, she could focus on getting rid of the Elachi that were still on her ship. They had been aboard the Tokyo before and she was not going to accept a similar outcome to last time.

The three security officers that stood with her seemed nervous. Taiga couldn't blame them, the Elachi were deadly and ruthless. They understood as much as she did that the risks involved with repelling them from their decks. The turbolift stopped and the doors swished open.

Taiga instantly raised her rifle, expecting a firefight from the beginning. However she lowered it upon spotting the one person who she cared for the most.

Ryuuji stood there in his Blue Starfleet Uniform. Since returning back from Shoreleave he had taken the position of the ship's Chief Strategic Operations officer.

"Aren't you meant to be in the TIC Commander?" Taiga asked.

"With all due respect. CAPTAIN. Aren't you meant to be on the bridge?" Ryuuji fired back. Taiga noticed now that he was also carrying one of the Tokyos phaser compression rifles.

"Touché," Taiga replied with a smirk.

Ryuuji looked past Taiga at the three security officers. "I want you three to secure this section. I will remain with the Captain."

The three security officers seemed a little confused at what to do. They had conflicting orders from two different officers now. "You heard him didn't you." Taiga said. "Move!" She didn't take her gaze away from her husband.

The officers scurried off and Ryuuji gently turned Taiga around by her shoulders and led her back into the turbolift. "Bridge," Ryuuji said.

"Bridge?" Taiga asked.

"Yes. I'm putting you back where you belong Taiga," Ryuuji said simply, his tone clearly displeased. "You need to be on the bridge Taiga. I'm pulling the husband card on you right now."

"But there's Elachi on my ship. I want them off before they hurt anyone else. I'm not having a repeat of last time." Taiga said in a huff. She crossed her arms and began to pout.

"Computer, halt," Ryuuji said quickly. The turbolift came to a smooth halt in the shaft.

"Last time?! Fucking really Taiga!" He said his voice slightly raised. Taiga's eyes widened, Ryuuji had never spoken to her like this before, she had seen him angry but never once had he raised his voice at her.

"Taiga! If you're not forgetting already, but your bloody pregnant!" Ryuuji clenched his fists. Taiga took a step back away from him. "For fucks sake Taiga! This happened last time. You rushed off to command that mission, managed to get yourself shot and lost our first baby!" Tears started to form in Ryuujis eyes. "I know it hit you hard! But it hit me too! I just didn't show it! I've always wanted to become a father! To be better than that fucking scumbag who I owe my existence to! Of all people you should know that Taiga!"

Ryuuji took a quick breath. "It killed me the first time! It broke me Taiga! We've tried too hard for the exact same shit to happen again! You are NOT going to put our child at risk again!" Ge shouted at her, his face starting to turn red. "You always do this! Run off all gung-ho and don't think of the consequences?! Does having our child not mean that much to you?!"

Taiga by now had backed against the wall of the turbolift, she looked like she was about to cry. She looked small, weak and vulnerable next to the sheer bulk and size of Ryuuji. "Ryuuji... don't... hurt me..." she cowered.

Ryuuji seemed to snap back to his senses. He looked back up at Taiga. "Taiga..." he said I'm a softer tone. Gently he reached out to her and pulled her in gently. As he embraced her he began to stroke her hair. "I could never hurt you. I love you, really I do. More than life itself." Ge told her softly. Taiga could sense that Ryuuji was crying.

"You just can frustrate me sometimes. I love the fact that you're so strong, that you know what you want and you take it. I really do. But you need to think about stuff first sometimes." Ryuuji explained as he continued to run his fingers through her long wavy hair. He loved her hair, it was silky, smooth and attractive.

Ryuuji eventually let go of Taiga. "I'm sorry for shouting at you."

"Don't be," Taiga replied. "You let it out. You obviously needed to. I'd be a bad Captain and bad wife if I didn't listen." She told him. She placed a hand on her belly. "When I lost our first baby, I never knew it hurt you so much. I was selfish, I was only thinking of how much it meant to me. I could never imagine how much it meant to you."

She paused for a brief moment. "But, this baby means everything to me. Truly it does. You had every right stopping me. I could have lost this one too if things went wrong." She looked into Ryuuji's eyes. "I know all this, obviously I wasn't thinking straight. But, with Lieutenant Trennek on the starbase, I'm the most qualified security officer on board. The ship is safe from outside threats, my people need me."

Ryuuji sighed. He reached out and gently rubbed the top of her head. "You're so stubborn Taiga, you know that?". He picked up his phaser rifle that by now had been tossed aside. "Well, if you want to keep everyone safe, your first duty as this ship's captain is to your ship and crew. I can't take that away from you." He began to fiddle around with the phaser rifles settings. "However, as the father of the child that's growing inside your belly, I shall accompany you and keep you both safe!"

Taiga smiled. She had always liked it when Ryuuji became protective of her, apart from now he was not only protecting her, but also his own flesh and blood that she carried within her. "Lock and load Commander?" Taiga smirked. Ryuuji looked down at her.

"Lock and loaded. Wife of mine," he said. He gently placed a hand on Taiga's belly. "Don't worry little one in there, good fathers protect their children. Even before they know the world."

Taiga couldn't help but giggle. "How chivalrous."

"Oh shut up. You'll ruin the moment. Now, how about we go drive some of these Elachi off our lawn?!"

"Couldn't have said it better!" Taiga replied as she set her phaser rifle for one of the higher settings. "Computer, deck four."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer


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