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Running and Shooting (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 2:59pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Lieutenant Mimi & Captain Leo Fox & Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Edited on on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 2:59pm

1,190 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek: Tokyo...

"If you didn't already know. This ship has an experimental mode" Taiga explained. "All incoming firepower is now being rerouted energy wise into the shield emitters and weapons. The more they hit us, THE MORE WE KICK BACK AT THEM!" she announced. "Now bring this ship around, and if you want to remain on this ship. GIVE THEM HELL!"

T'Shenn said, "Aye, Commander." She sighed as she turned the ship around. "Today is a good day to die."

K'Eltora said, "Firing weapons."

The Tokyo unleashed a massive barrage of phaser fire on the Romulan Warbird, cutting through their shields and impacting hard on their hull. It didn't take long until the Romulan ship to explode, bursting into a massive fireball. The Tokyo rocked as more Disruptor fire bounced off the shields, sparks erupted out of consoles and the ship shook violently.

... and now the continuation.

[USS Wolff]

"ETA five minutes Captain," Helm called out from their position on the bridge. M'Elise frowned at the news, in five minutes all the Wolff might find was debris and two pissed off Romulan warbirds.

"Engineering, I don't care how you do it, I need us there in under two minutes or we'll be recovering lifeboats."

"Captain." Keith called out over the comms. "I'll need to divert power from the cloak to do it."

"Helm, take us to warp 9.99975. Tactical, drop the cloak. Prepare to engage as soon as we are in weapons range."

"Weapons fully charged" Lieutenant Misaka from the Tactical station on the Wolf reported. "The Tokyo has taken damage to their shields and hull, with one ship destroyed we have a good chance at securing victory" she explained.


As the consoles exploded, the con console exploded in an array of sparks. T'Shenn went flying to her left, blood splattered on her face. SHe landed with a sick thud and didn't move for a couple minutes.

K'Eltora watched this, but kept her mind on her console. "Firing at the second ship, now, Commander!"

"Medical to bridge" Taiga said as she stumbled her way down to the command deck and lowered herself down into the center chair. She held tightly as the ship shook, she studied the viewscreen as she watched the two Romulan ships starting evasive patterns.

CMO tapped his badge. "This is Hawk,on my way!" he grabbed a medkit and ran for a turbolift.

As T'Shenn hit the deck, Jen moved to the helm. She'd never piloted a starship before, but knew it couldn't be that much more difficult than a shuttle. All she had to do was make sure she didn't collide with anything. As she was using the console, she brought up another screen with information about the ship's systems. "We have an opening in our shields!" She called out. "All the EPS conduits on deck four have just blown out!" She did a quick maneuver, bringing the ship around for another volley of fire. When this was over... Taiga was going to get it!

K'Eltora said, "Trying to compensate, Commander. Rerouting through other systems and trying to increase weapons power."

CMO made it it onto the bridge, dropped to his knee at the first injured and started patching people up.

Taiga looked over at the Operations officer.
"Reroute power from non-essential systems to tactical systems" she ordered knowing that the tactical console wasn't properly equipped to manage power transfers.

"Rerouting power" Binea said with her hands dancing across the Ops console taking every drop of power the Tokyo could spare but the ship had taken quite a pounding and main power was fluctuating wildly.

Several volleys of phaser fire darted past the Tokyo's hull striking the Romulan ship hard. The Tokyo unleashed its cannon fire onto the Romulan ship shortly after the phaser blasts.

[USS Wolff]

Mikoto looked at the Romulan ship on her tactical sensors.
"Romulan shields are disabled Captain" she reported. "Arming torpedo's, ready to fire on your mark" she reported as her hands flew over the console tickling its surface lightly.

"Full spread when we drop out of warp. Attack pattern Delta-Two."

Mikoto nodded, she was ready to show the Romulans what a Federation Starship could do.

The pitch of the engines changed seconds later as with a flash, the Wolff dropped out of warp almost on top of the injured warbird. Several flashes of light could be seen as torpedoes, fired from her new launchers, rocketed into space towards the Romulan ship. The red glow of phasers lanced out from the Wolff, targeting the second warbird in range.

Torpedoes found their mark and very quickly the Romulan ship was dead in the water, warp plasma leaking from numerous ruptures as it mingled with escaping atmosphere of the ship.

Mikoto nodded at the tactical station as her hands tickled the console firing the weapons.

"Come about. Target the third warbird, show them our teeth."


"The second warbird is down Commander." Binea announced over the din of battle "The Wolff is targeting the final warbird."

"Bring us about. Have all fighters focus their weapons on that Warbird" Taiga ordered. "Unleash hell"

T'Shenn coughed up green blood and groaned as she pushed herself up. She fell back to the floor, but crawled to her console trying to pull herself back to it.

Jen glanced down at T'Shenn, then back to the helm console. "Lieutenant, you're in no condition to be flying this ship!" She said quickly, her hands dancing across the helm console to bring the ship about. "Doctor, you have a patient over here that needs your attention!"

The Tokyo swung around in space, its starfighters sticking close to its sides.

T'Shenn groaned. "Must... perform... duty..."

K'Eltora said, "Firing torpedoes full spread. Firing phasers at the target."

Heavy phaser fire and torpedo fire finally made short work of the last Romulan ship. It exploded in a ball of flames before disappearing into fine pieces of debris.

Taiga stood up from her chair, stumbled a little due to her injuries which hadn't had enough time to heal properl and looked out at the blackness of space.
"Standown Red Alert. Recall all fighters and begin repairs" she said simply. It had been a hard fight, she had hoped that the Tokyo hadn't have had to face off with Romulan ships, she was glad they were alive.

Holding the side of her stomach she walked over towards her ready room and quietly slipped off of the bridge. She wanted some time alone, she knew that her crew could handle everything without her. She also wanted some time to get over her loss. It was over now.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer/Chief Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Starfighter Operations Officer

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant John Stayus
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant John Hawk
Chief Medical Officer

Captain Leo Fox
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Operations Officer

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Figther Pilot

Captain M'Elise Emerson
Commanding Officer USS Wolff

Lieutenant Mikoto Misaka
Chief Security Tactical USS Wolff


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