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Damn I missed the party.

Posted on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 3:06am by Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'

823 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: USS Wolf/ USS Tokyo


Nicolas Trigman was standing out in the outer corridors looking across at the New Command, he had been transferred to this ship; the one so close yet so far from him, standing alone for the moment he saw the star around and could feel the battle that had raged around the ship. The Tokyo had the look of a shi that had seen battle, the fighters wee inside now getting damage repaired, wounds of her pilots healed and the tensions of post-battle could be felt all through the ship.

Lily was quiet as she moved next to him; she loved her husband and felt for him while he saw more rthan just a ship and she knew that well. Lily Halden of Trill wore her uniform as they were scheduled to depart soon. SHe did ntot want to break his chain of thought, she smoothly put herself uner his left arm nestled into him. Not needing to be an empath she could almost tell her beloved's feelings.

"Hello Lily Love." He grinned but his gaze never left the field of battle for a long moment before his eyes met hers. "Looks like I have a battle hardened flight of pilots this round." HE said with a smile. "saves on the learning curve; once they see battle we can know how they will react. Just the newbies that are with us that we need t worry about."

Lily nod before giving him a squeeze, she was afraid for him; she wanted to hold him so tight but her arms could only do so much, she met his gaze and felt comfort. He had told her that the reason he flew was to protect 'Her' and the others on teh ship, he had proven it over time so seeing his casual nature about combat was assuring. SHould he ever break that calm demeanor she would fall apart; he had a strength that she fed off and followed, he was her rock and she anchored to him.

"We should get to the shuttle." He smiled to his beloved wife. "I just hope the guy ferrying Bell here does not scratch the paint." He mentioned.

"He might really be iiin trouble if he marks t-the nose art." She added.

Lily had posed early in their relationship fr a 'photo session' where he used antique style camera quipment to take two demnsion pictorials of Lily in Varied poses and attire. It was just the two of them on the Holodeck and while it pushed her 'afe circle' a bit she enjoyed the attention from her husband; boyfriend at the time, and one of the images was donning the front of his Valkyre Fighter. It was an image of Lily in a Skirted short sleeved uniform with her legs tucked under her firing an old style type II Phaser. The picture was transferred to the nose of his fighter like the old Earth World War Nosae Art of the era. The fighter ; called Belle, and Lily had an understanding, Lily allowed her husband to be with 'another woman' in exchange Bell would always bring Nicolas back to Lily.

"I have you..." He said casually. "He would live just not be happy." Trigman winked. "You are more important than anyone else or even the image of my Beloved protecting Bell and I."

Lily nestled more into hre husband, he had away of comforting her, and bringing out a bit more of her playful nature. Her spots were exotic to him yet he also treat the whole woman and in retrospetc Lily relized she was an exotic woman to him and the spots were an emphasis to her her that set her apart, like a boxum Blonde female or demure raven haired woman. To Nicolas she was the most cherished woman in the stars and that is why she fell for him so easily; he gave her such a passionate approach to affections. THey met on a dance floor; she wore her favorate purple minidress to go dancing with friends. One tango and she was awash in the moment; Nicolas said 'a tango never lies, if professionally done it feels that way but the passions of the dance are all knowing and telling.' He had been right, Lily spent a couple of days delving into those passions before she went back to her sister and her family. She was willing to forget Nicolas as a passionate weekend and fond memory until they met on a new command.

"LilyLove." Trigman broke the momentary memory. "You know I love you right?"

"Lily stopped and on her toes met with her husband's lips; a bold move in a corridor but she did it and thought her spots might wshow the blush she enjoyed it.

The ship could wait for a moment betwen two loving hearts in a corridor.


Lt. Commander Nicolas Trigman
Squadron Commander


Lily Halden
Yeoman/ Wife
PNPC of Trigman.


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