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Training Begins

Posted on Fri Sep 17th, 2021 @ 1:15pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

1,669 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo

[Bridge - USS Tokyo]

The turbolift doors swished open to reveal the bridge of the ship. Everyone who had a designated bridge station hard at work. The Tokyo led the way through space, with the Armitage and Oceania on each side flank. All three ships were holding formation at a steady warp six en route towards the Romulan Neutral Zone.

Taiga made her way down towards the command area of the bridge. "We have six days until we reach the Neutral Zone" Taiga announced to everyone on the bridge. She looked at Trigman and then to the others around her. "That gives us six days to prepare for what I expect to be a rather violent and bloody conflict" she said simply. "All departments are to run drills, expect anything from hostile boarding to destruction of the ship itself"

The Captain paused for a few seconds. "We need to all be ready for what they will throw at us. And I know they WILL throw something at us. We cannot expect them to simply let us pass" she told them all.

Making himself known; despite his not liking the public speaking, Trigman interjected.

"Flight Operation, Marines , the tactical and security heads will be reporting for a joint meeting to get a better look at what we can do as a cohesive team to prepare and have the safety of the best best projected in a plan of defence and Attack should the need arise." He said slowly. "WE will be on an alert status for the entirety of this operation with a cap in the flight deck ready to deploy at all times and a Marine COntingent on ready status."

Lieutenant Yuvek reclined in his chair as he began to think through what steps would be necessary going forward in properly preparing for the eventual battle they would encounter.

"Ma'am, I will need to coordinate with the respect Helm for the Armitage and Oceania" Lt. Yuvek said.

"The flight maps and coordinates we were given were not very in-depth. As a result, we really have not been able to map all of the possible paths we could utilize to either avoid a confrontation or at least minimize the likelihood of being caught off-guard.." The Cardassian stated.

"I'll be holding a conference with the other two Captain's later today" Taiga said in response to the lieutenant. "I shall discuss the possibility of joint flight control exercises with them" she explained. "We may be the lead ship but I don't hold jurisdiction over their crews, however its likely they will participate, even in a simulation"

Lieutenant Yuvek furrowed his brow in slight aggravation. They were preparing to go into battle with a lethal opponent that would undoubtedly outnumber them. There shouldn't be a question of whether the other two vessels would or would not participate in battle drills.

"In the meantime Lieutenant I want you and Lieutenant Kamikoshi to go to stellar cartography and find out if there are any updated starcharts of Romulan space for navigation." Taiga suggested. "We know the Neutral Zone well and some of Romulan space, but I don't believe a Federation Starship has been to Romulus since the Enterprise visited several years ago"

Sorawo nodded. "Acknowledged, Captain. I requested some updates before leaving the Sol System, and I asked some friends in a Merchant Cartel if they could get me updated charts they might have. "

And hopefully, Sorawo thought, Eolia would come through.

"Aye, ma'am" Lieutenant Yuvek responded. He thought as he thought about how much time had passed since the Enterprise had entered this sector of space. Even then, they were more focused on stopping Shinzon than properly exploring and scanning the area.

Taiga nodded at the two lieutenants. "Get to work on it right away" she ordered.

Standing up she stretched slightly and turned to Trigman. "I want a drill schedule from all department heads on my desk within the next two hours" Taiga said. "Make sure all department heads are aware of this and ensure that all personnel know what they will be doing in a battle or emergency situation" she told him. "I'll be working on full shipwide drills in my ready room" Taiga said as she walked over towards the ready room door.

"The bridge is yours" Taiga said to Trigman just before disappearing into the ready room.

CAG Office

Down in his office, Marcus Decius studied the manuals on coordinating multiple wings, as he would now have to command not just His squadrons on the Tokyo, but the other two wings as well. Gods, he thought. From fighter jock to squadron commander, to CAG to Group Commander in such a short time... And I'm the one who'll make or break whatever action we take, the one they'll blame if we screw the pooch on this mission. He looked up from his reading at the model of a Valkyrie fighter sitting on his desk. No pressure. The captain was probably briefing everyone up on the bridge. He'd wait until word trickled down the chain to him for specifics.

Marine Barracks

A deck above Marcus, in the Marine CO's Office, Captain Chiyo Shimada and 1st Lieutenant Liz Beurling were carefully studying the ship's deck plans, discussing strategies in the event of a hostile boarding and how best to conduct Stalingrad-style corridor-by-corridor fighting. Of course, the best results meant cooperating with the regs in gold, but it was always good to have a few strategies cooked up before the CSTO met with them. A lit cigarette smoldered nestled between Liz's fingers as the two women talked. Chiyo didn't mind Liz smoking in her presence. In fact, it was something she had come to expect over the years. However, she hoped her XO would at least heed the captain's words in concerns to smoking around regs or the marines that minded.

The Prowler

Alora sat around a table with the SWORD team. Alex had trained them well, but she wanted to have a few new tricks the team could use in case of an emergency. Intel reported that communications within the Tal'Shiar had increased and there was a good chance they'd run intotrouble when they crossed into the Neutral Zone.

In addition to the Tokyo carrying the Romulan Ambassador, the Prowler had the evidence gathered from the Elachi ship. That, too, had to be protected. It meant there had to be other protocols in place for a worst-case scenario.

"John, I'm relying on you." She slid a PADD to him. "I've been looking through the database since taking over intel. What concerns me is that the existence of the Prowler may not be as secret as it once was, especially after Aisaka's trial. It may be a target of the Tal'Shiar. We need to change things up. That contains some ideas I've come up with. Look it over and let me know what you think. Nothing is set in stone right now."

She slid another PADD to Jazzy. "You might find this of interest. See how we can adapt some of this to SWORD's unique abilities." She'd culled information from history, literature, other cultures, and even ancient entertainers. Nothing was out of the question if they were to complete this assignment.

Alora looked at the rest of the team. "I don't have PADDs for you, but I want you to come up with any crazy idea you can think of. We'll meet back here in twenty-four hours. Holotechnology, games, anything that could be adapted for the team is up for debate. Any questions?"

Flight Deck Sickbay

Doctor Hinamori and Nurse Miyafuji were stationed down in the flight deck Sickbay. A small sickbay facility located one deck above the Flight Deck primarily used for emergency medical treatment of wounded pilots.

"Looks like the Captain wants us busy" Amu said as the orders came up on her PADD. "We've been instructed to run drills in order to prepare for any emergency situation" she explained to the young nurse.

"We'll use the training holograms to simulate different injuries which can be obtained by our pilots out in the field. Whilst I program them, I want you to start cleaning out the medical lockers and checking all medkits" Amu told her.

"Aye Doctor" Yoshika replied. She made her way over to the lockers on the other side of the bay. "I'll have these all checked in just a few moments. Do you think that we might also be needed up in the Main Sickbay with Doctor Kah'leth?" she asked.

"There is that possibility. But for now lets focus on down here. In a battle situation if pilots make it back and they are injured, they'll be coming through that door very quickly" Amu explained simply. "The Main Sickbay will most likely be dealing with injuries from all over the ship as well"

"Ok Doctor" Yoshika replied with a small smile. "Got it"

Ready Room

Taiga pulled up the schematics of the Tokyo on her desk console. The ship itself had holo-projectors on every deck and in every compartment. That would come in useful for her simulated drills and boarding scenarios. She fully expected the Tal Shiar to put up a fight and not allow them through, however the last thing she wanted was unnecessary bloodshed; she had seen far too much of that in recent weeks.

"If I can avoid a conflict. This will be worth it..." She muttered to herself as she began to tap away at the controls infront of her.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Executive Officer

Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief of Security/Tactical

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi
Chief Science Officer

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer


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