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Secret Admirer (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Sep 16th, 2021 @ 4:22am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,217 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Shuttle/Fighter Workshop, Deck 18
Timeline: About 1 day after "Training Begins"; T-Minus 5 days to Romulan Neutral Zone

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"I'm Nurse Yoshika Miyafuji, shall we have a look at that wrist?" she asked Lyn. "Biobed three is free, if you'd come with me"

"Sure thing, Doc," Nozomi smiled as she followed Yoshika over to the biobed. So far, so good...

And now the continuation...

Yoshika patted the biobed to indicate for Nozomi to sit down. She pulled over a small table on wheels with the medical equipment on it. "Whats your name Ensign?" she asked softly. "Once you're sat down can you hold out your wrist for me?"

"Nozomi Kusuda," Nozomi winked. "But I go by a lot of nicknames, so feel free to call me whatever works best for you."

Yoshika gently took Nozomi's write and began to run her fingers over the muscles, feeling for where the strain was. "Sorry if this might hurt, I'm just seeing how badly you've strained the muscles so I can set the Dermal Regenerator" she told her softly.

"Not a prob-nnn!" Nozomi winced as Yoshika's thumb found a sore spot.

"Right there then" Yoshika said with a smile. "Well Nozomi, this should only take a few minutes..." she assured her. She kept one hand holding Nozomi's and programed the regenerator with the other. A small blue light cast on Nozomi's wrist as she ran it over the area.

"You have really soft hands..." Yoshika commented, a slight blush starting to surface in her cheeks. "For a fighter pilot..." she added.

"Why thank you!" Nozomi expressed. "I use a home remedy my mom concocted; it's a mixture of glycerin, rosewater, and lemon juice. If you're interested in giving it a try, I'd be more than happy to offer you a sample!"

Yoshika smiled as she ran the dermal regenerator over her wrist. "I may have to borrow some of it sometime" she replied slightly nervously. "How are things down on the flight deck?" She asked curiously. "We have some new pilots don't we?"

"You're looking at one, Doc," Nozomi grinned proudly. "This deployment's been a long time coming for me; can't wait to see some real action around here..."

"This ship see's way too much real action" Yoshika replied softly. "Have you met our small little Captain yet? She may look cute and fluffy, but she's got quite a temper" she explained with a slight smile.

"No, I honestly can't say I have," Nozomi admitted, the nurse's description reminding her a little of a certain hot-tempered Idol she used to know...

She shrugged. "But if her temper's as bad as you say it is... Perhaps I'm better off keeping a low profile?"

Yoshika nodded. "Yeah. She's a bit like me too, tiny and rather..." she placed her hands on her chest. "Flat..." she sighed.

"Oh, being flat's nothing to be ashamed of!" Nozomi insisted. "These big old things? They wear on your shoulders after a while; Of course, I've gotten used to them, but I'll be the first to tell you it's hardly what makes the woman."

The young nurse looked away, blushing from the sudden talk of such things. "Women are definitly better than boys..." she muttered quietly under her breath. She finally released the ensigns hands. "I think thats about done it for you." she told her rather sheepishly. "Can you move your fingers without any pain now?"

Nozomi smirked. Bingo; time to move in for the kill.

"So you're gay?" she remarked, acting as if this were news to her.

Then, upon realizing that sounded like an accusation:

"Not that I mind, of course," she quickly corrected. "Just making an observation, is all."

"Wait... what..." Yoshika took a step back turning as red asa tomato. She looked down at the floor, rubbing her hands together as if nervous. "Well, there's nothing wrong with it... I just... you know...". If anyone in sickbay has heat detection vision then little Yoshika was probably lit up like a very pretty Christmas tree right now.

"Just... No one knows ok. I don't talk much about that sort of... you know... stuff..." she said it was obvious from her slight shaking and blushing that she hadn't yet accepted it or actually come out about it yet.

She managed to look up from the floor. "Please... don't... you know... Is there anything else you need help with...?"

"Relax," Nozomi insisted as she slid off the bio bed. "I'm not here to blackmail you; I won't discuss anything that you're not comfortable with me sharing."

"Ok..." Yoshika replied quietly.

Nozomi quickly looked around the sickbay to make sure the two of them were still alone.

"So," she continued, rocking back and forth on her heels. "If you don't mind my asking, Doc... what sort of girls are you into?"

"I'm not... really sure..." Yoshika said. "Someone I guess who likes me for who I am. You know... a nice person that cares..." she said a small smile emerging on her face. "I've never had experience with anyone yet..."

Nozomi appeared to ponder the matter, though she already had a clear endgame in mind.

"I might know a certain someone," she admitted. "I'd have to talk it through with her first, as I did swear to confidentiality, but I think she might be right up your alley; she's polite, a little shy, lacks romantic experience..."

"Thats ok... I'm good, really" Yoshika replied. She didn't show it well, but she was looking for someone. She just wasn't going to admit it yet. "Is your... hand all good now?" she asked changing the subject quickly.

Nozomi flexed her digits.

"Not feeling any soreness," she remarked. "Whatever you did, looks like it did the trick."

Yoshika smiled. "Good" she said. "I'll get this logged down, try to take it easy from now on. Allow the muscles to fully heal before you do anything more extensive" she told her.

"Thanks, Doc," Nozomi nodded. "I guess this is just my body's way of telling me that I need to ease up on my Holodeck training... anything else I should be aware of, or am I good to go?"

"You're good to go Ensign" Yoshika replied witha nod.

"Well, I guess I'll be on my way, then," Nozomi smiled as she made her way out the door, passing by Amu as she did so.

Yoshika nodded as she allowed the ensign to leave the sickbay.

Having given up on a confession for the time being, Lynette had decided that this wasn't worth getting a bug up her arse over and elected to busy herself working on her fighter. One of the intake manifolds had jammed on their last training session, so she figured she might as well look into that and take her mind off of it...


Sliding out from underneath her fighter, she was just in time to spot Nozomi darting around the corner, just narrowly slamming into the wall in her excitement.

"So that girl you're interested in? Miyafuji? Well, have I got some good news for you!"

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori M.D.
Chief Flight Deck Medic

Petty Officer 2nd Class Yoshika Miyafuji

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Figher Pilot

Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Fighter Pilot


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