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To the Shimadas! (backpost) (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 12:09am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Alice Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Edited on on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 12:12am

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Nursery

Following the conclusion of the wedding ceremony: A message had gone out to the PADDs of the Tokyo's crew:

Crew of the United Starship Tokyo:

Mr. and Mrs. Tatsuo Shimada request your presence at their wedding reception, to be held at 1800 hours in the main lounge and mess hall on deck 5. Attendance is optional. However, the bride and groom look forward to celebrating their marriage surrounded by their Starship Tokyo and Redemption families, new and old:

There will be a meal provided with all dietary requirements taken into account and a free open bar serving an assortment of drinks from across the Federation. All current USS Tokyo, USS Redemption, and Vulcan Cruiser Oning personnel have been invited.

Starfleet Dress uniforms are optional. Feel free to attend in civilian formal attire.

Please RSVP Mrs. Chiyo Shimada by 1600 hours your intent to attend so that your dietary requirements may be considered.

Masamune had arrived early to get his DJ rig set up. The Tokyo's mess hall had been transformed into the venue for the wedding reception: Several tables had been moved aside or paired with other tables to create larger tables for groups of guests, clearing out a sizeable amount of floor space for a temporary dance floor to be added.

"Can I get a mic check? 1, 2, 1, 2..." Masamune spoke into the microphone to make sure the sound system was hooked up properly.

"You know, you look ridiculous like that." Saeko teased him.

"Ridiculous? Yeah." Masamune agreed. "But it's going to keep my eardrums from being blown out being so close to all this: Because once this place becomes a nightclub, I'll want some kind of hearing protection."

Taiga and Ryuuji arrived. Ryuuji had met up with Taiga along the way. Both were dressed in their Starfleet dress uniforms. Ryuuji led the way holding Taiga by the hand as they entered the room.

Talia and Thomas weren’t too far behind, Talia had opted for a long dress that complimented her growing baby bump. She smiled as she held onto Thomas’ arm as they entered the room.

Looking at the festivities, "You regret not having a big ordeal like this?" He asked her as he placed a hand on her bottom.

Talia gave her husband a smile. “Not at all, I had you that was all I wanted, and all I still want.”

Dana entered the room alone having come in her dress uniform. She had never been to a celebration party before, but was willing to try to fit in.

It was good to go to something fun. For Nezuko it was good to be anywhere. Free from the planet's power drain, her battery packs could start holding a full charge again, so she was free to go anywhere on the ship. So when she received the invitation, she put on her dress uniform and was happy to go. She had had a rough time on the planet with the bride and groom, but the groom had ultimately proven himself. They would all hopefully let bygones be bygones and move forward together.

She waved to friends before going to the bar.

Despite having been snubbed for the the Maid of Honor, Chisato Nishikigi was hardly ever one to back down from a special occasion, least of all a wedding reception; so when she arrived at the Mess Hall alongside Lieutenants Inoue, Nakahara, and Hatanaka, she had gone all out for the occassion, sporting a bright red cocktail dress and complimentary rhinestone sandals that was guaranteed to make her the center of attention the moment she arrived on scene. And as she gracefully made her way across the room, humming a bridal tune to herself like she was a Disney Princess on a Sunday frolic through the forest, it was almost if you were looking at a different person, rather than the bubbly (if somewhat harebrained) Commander that everyone on the Tokyo had come to know.

"Makes you wonder how that girl ever got as far as she did," Takina surmised. "Aside from being Captain Saddow's adopted daughter, anyhow..."

Kurumi just let out a sigh. "She has exceptionally good luck it would seem.."

Sarah strode into the room, adorned in a forest green gown that hugged her body and contrasted starkly with the carmine of her hair. She aimed straight for the bar getting herself a Risian Sunrise which she took a light sip of before beginning to mingle with the others.

She spotted Taiga and approached the captain. “Have to say that I am not terribly used to these sorts of events on board my postings; it is a refreshing change of pace”

Not far behind them was a quartet consisting of Nozomi, Iowa, Lynette and Yoshika. Given that storage space was at a bit of a premium for the junior staff (Perhaps less so for Lynette and Yoshika, seeing as the two of them were living together, but limited nonetheless), the four of them had opted to show up sporting what they had previously worn for Taiga and Ryuuji's wedding just a few months prior- not to say that they didn't look any less "dressed for the occasion," so to speak.

"What can I say, Iowa?" Nozomi remarked. "It's your last few days here on the Tokyo, let's send things off with a bang!"

"I agree, but let's not go stealin' the newlyweds' thunder now." Iowa responded. "I may share a name with a famous battleship, but I can be modest when called for..."

Nozomi smirked. "What, you don't trust me to be swinging from the ceiling after just a few drinks, now do you?"

"You never struck me as a lightweight, Kusuda." Iowa teased. "Besides, it ain't possible to get blasted if only synthehol is bein' served! Well, unless you snuck in a bottle of booze like Snowflake..."

"Oh, that sly dog!" Nozomi chuckled. "I mean, it's one thing to be bringing that stuff to an unauthorized slumber party, but she's actually going to try and smuggle it into the Second Officer's wedding?"

Lynette glanced over at Yoshika. "For the record, I just want to say that I didn't have any."

Yoshika smirked over at Lynette. "You know. Something special happened at the last wedding we were at," she said looking at her girlfriend. "Didn't it Lyn?"

Lynette blushed. "W-well, y-yes, but we're in public and I don't think Nozomi and Iowa need to know all the details-!"

As the last of the Tokyo, Redemption, and Oning personnel that had accepted the invitation filed in, Saeko would soon have to step out to arrange the bridal party for their grand entrance.

"You think you can handle it, Lost Boy?" She asked.

"You lack faith." Masamune responded with a smile. "I'm a different man behind my DJ set, you know."

"Just remember: Confidence." Saeko instructed. "Shoulders straight, and-!"

"I get it, alright?" Masamune said. "Just get the bridal party lined up and leave the DJing to me."

As Saeko left the lounge to fulfill her duty, Masamune keyed up his microphone:

to be continued...


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