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Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:09am by Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

334 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Shuttle
Timeline: Backpost

Thomas glanced up at Talia as he kissed her abdomen, the bump becoming quite noticable was putting it mildly, it just made him that much more crazy for her. He gently kissed his way back up before kissing her neck.

“I'm going to enjoy every minute of this shoreleave."

Talia nodded in agreement as her fingers gently trailed along her husband’s skin. “We both are, we need this time together away from everything.”

Smiling he took a breath in, taking in her scent. "So where to first?" He replied looking at his options in front of him.

“Actually I think I’d like to start right here, you can!” Talia grinned playfully. “We have time to do everything else, right now I just want it to be us enjoying our time together to the fullest.”

"Good, I was actually hoping you would get what I was hinting at."

“How can I not get what you were hinting at?” Talia grinned as she took his hand and playfully tugged him towards the bedroom.

=/\=Tokyo to Commander Johnson.=/\=

"Johnson here."

=/\=I regret to inform you shore leave has been cancelled. You and your wife are due back to the ship immediately.=/\=

Silence a few moments. Looking to Talia. "Understood... Johnson out."

Talia sighed as she let go of Thomas’ hands. “Great! We can’t even enjoy shoreleave now!” She shook her head. “We didn’t even get chance to unpack!”

"We will put it on autopilot, and get back to what we were doing." He replied showing the same disappointment... but determination to continue.

Talia couldn’t help but smile at that idea. “It seems any long plans for a romantic honeymoon are on hold yet again, but we do have the holodeck aboard ship for when we have time.”

"That we do." He replied as he walked over to the helm, placed it on a return to Tokyo heading. "Now, lets get back to it shall we." He replied lifting her up.


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