
  • 11 Mission Posts

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Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 10:47pm

Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe

Name Dana Olivia Monroe

Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (Ex-B)
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 6”
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Ginger/Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Dana is an attractive woman of average height and build. She has visual Borg implants including one above her eye, and a web on her hand. She still has some implants to be removed.


Relationship Status Single
Children None
Father James Monroe
Mother Sandra Monroe
Other Family Various extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dana is still learning what it is to be Human, she was assimilated at a very young age. When the Borg cube crash landed she was disconnected from the hive mind, and found herself struggling how to survive alone, until she was found by the crew of a downed Federation ship. She has since earned herself a place amongst the survivors.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Strong willed
- Dedicated
- Willing to learn
- Possesses some Borg Knowledge

- Can be outspoken
- Tries too hard to fit in sometimes.
Ambitions Dana wants to learn what it is to be Human, she’s spent a lot of years as part of the collective now she wants to prove she can be part of a crew.
Hobbies & Interests Dana is learning to enjoy a lot of experiences for the first time. She likes to listen to music, likes to read, and to learn everything she can.

Personal History Dana was born at a Starfleet colony along the Romulan neutral zone, at the age of 5, just after her birthday the colony was attacked by an unknown assailant, one better known as the Borg. The entire colony was destroyed and everyone either killed or assimilated.

In the late 2360s the Cube was pulled down onto a planetoid, the crash resulted in enough damage to Dana’s portion of the cube to throw her clear and disconnect her from the collective. When she awoke she found herself lost until the crew of another downed ship took her in.

She has had most of her Borg implants removed, but there are still more to be removed besides those that will always be a part of her. She retains some Borg knowledge but as a child she wasn’t privy to the higher knowledge shared by the adult Borg.

Dana has been accepted by the crew of a downed Starfleet ship, she has earned herself the rank of Lieutenant (jg) working in Ops.

Service Record Field promotion to Ensign (2390)
Field promotion to Lieutenant (jg) (2395)