
  • 14 Mission Posts

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Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 4:59am

1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd

Name Hann Rudd

Position 1st Platoon Commander

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Rheuysian
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 146 lbs
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color green
Physical Description As a Rheuysian, Hann has a yellowish hue due to her gold-based blood. She often wears her blonde hair in a ponytail and is often seen wearing a Rheuysian Defense Force hat, which has been designated as a cultural item that Starfleet permits Rheuysians to wear with their regular uniform.

Hann's body is heavily scarred from previous injuries she has incurred. Her most prominent scar runs across her nose, which she obtained when she saved the life of 1st Lieutenant Elizabeth Beurling.


Relationship Status Single

Personality & Traits