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Wed Feb 19th, 2025 @ 4:41am

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada

Name Tatsuo Yoshida Shimada

Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 182 lbs
Hair Color Shaggy blonde
Eye Color Grey Brown
Physical Description Tatsuo is described as a "beach bum." He has long shaggy blonde hair and sports a goatee. His build is generally considered to be "average" to "slightly above average."


Relationship Status Married
Spouse/Partner Chiyo Shimada
Children Alice Shimada
Father Hiroyoshi Shimada
Mother Ai Shimada
Other Family Elise Ferguson (Birth Mother - Do Not Contact)
Powell Ferguson (Birth Father - Do Not Contact)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tatsuo has been described as an "Ultra Macho Officer of the Law" by his fiancée, Major Chiyo Shimada. However, Tatsuo also knows what it takes to survive, even if it means discarding his moral compass.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Skilled in phaser and hand to hand combat
+Starfleet Security Training

-Capable of committing 'immoral' acts, if they are necessary for survival
-Knowledge of Starfleet dates back to 2382
Hobbies & Interests -Hunting
-Vintage anime and manga
-1950s rock and roll
-Tabletop RPGs

Personal History Tatsuo was born Dwight Ferguson in 2356. However, only hours after he was born, Dwight was surrendered to an orphanage, his birth parents signed a do not contact order, meaning Dwight would never be able to contact his birth parents.

Dwight spent the first four years of his life in the orphanage before he was adopted at age 4 by a Japanese couple: Hiroyoshi and Ai Shimada. The Shimadas were avid vintage manga collectors, and they renamed Dwight after the creator of one of their personal favorite series: Tatsuo Yoshida.

As Tatsuo grew up, the Shimadas did their best to instill within him a strong sense of right and wrong. The Shimadas owned a library and museum dedicated to vintage manga in Akihabara, and from a young age, Tatsuo helped out at the library, and the one thing he was good at was tracking down late returns, and his adoptive parents knew that a career in law enforcement was in the cards for him.

And so, on Tatsuo's 18th birthday, it was no surprise to them when Tatsuo revealed that he had been accepted into Starfleet Academy. Of course, by then it was the height of the Dominion War, and in Tatsuo's sophomore year, the Breen attacked. While the attack was going on, Tatsuo took the initiative, and helped guide his fellow cadets to safe rooms located underground. Tatsuo was commended for his actions that day.

In Tatsuo's junior year, he was offered the chance to go on a cadet cruise aboard the USS Redemption, a Nova class starship. After accepting it, however, he found out that he had some time to kill, as the Redemption was a brand new ship scheduled to head out on her shakedown cruise once a crew had been assembled. However, he would ship out with them once they were ready to go.

During this downtime, by complete chance, he met a beautiful young woman named Chiyo Mabuchi in what was originally a one night bar pickup. However, before they parted ways the following morning, they shared a breakfast together and they both agreed that they had too much in common to let things go at a one night stand, and they exchanged each other's contact information.

During the course of Tatsuo's cadet cruise, and in the years following Tatsuo's graduation, Tatsuo and Chiyo maintained a long distance relationship, with Tatsuo visiting Chiyo whenever the Redemption was in the Sol System, which was quite frequent, as the Redemption's aging Captain, Captain Hisako Reizei, had requested the ship be assigned more domestically so she could visit her family more often.

After Tatsuo graduated in 2378, he met 2nd Lieutenant Elizabeth Beurling, who was assigned to the marine detachment on the Redemption. Tatsuo had seen Beurling in passing during his cadet cruise, but once he was properly assigned to the vessel as an Ensign, he became more acquainted with her. Though he came to see Liz as a good friend, Liz saw differently, as the marine officer harbored romantic feelings for him. When she finally plucked up the courage to confess, Tatsuo had the unfortunate job of breaking the news that he was already in a relationship with Chiyo.

In early 2382, Captain Reizei announced that at the end of the year, she would be hanging up her combadge and retiring. That same year, Tatsuo finally felt comfortable enough to ask Chiyo's hand in marriage. Chiyo said yes, but before they could start planning their wedding, the Redemption was called into service, as Starfleet had one last grand mission in mind for Captain Reizei before her retirement; they wanted the Redemption to chart the Karlax Nebula in the H'atoria sector. A notorious nebula where ships had disappeared without a trace. However, Captain Reizei only told her crew that they were going on a 'long distance assignment.'

Tatsuo said goodbye to Chiyo, reassuring her that the Redemption was a steady ship and Captain Reizei was one of the best. However, only a few weeks later, the Redemption herself disappeared, and the Nova class starship was declared lost with all hands shortly thereafter.
Service Record 2374-2378: Starfleet Academy - Major in Security
2377-2378: USS Redemption (Cadet Cruise)
2378-2379: USS Redemption (Ensign - Security Officer)
2379-2381: USS Redemption (Lieutenant JG - Security Officer)
2381-2382: USS Redemption (Lieutenant - Security Officer)
2382: USS Redemption declared lost with all hands
2396: Wreckage of USS Redemption discovered by USS Tokyo
c.2384-2396: USS Redemption (Lieutenant - Acting Captain)
2396-Present: USS Tokyo (Lieutenant - Security Officer)