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Wed Oct 30th, 2024 @ 3:17am

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn

Name Sarah Graesyn

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 10”
Weight 210 lb
Hair Color Crimson
Eye Color Hazel (Changes Colors)
Physical Description Sarah's bone structure was a delicious combination of strong cheekbones and an almost gentle triangle down to her chin. Her full lips begged to be kissed and when she smiled her eyes lit in a way that made it feel like the sun had come out from beneath the cloud cover. But, oh those eyes. In the right light her eyes were a liquid honey brown with flecks of dark green in their depths. But... oh, when she was truly happy her eyes glowed a deep Emerald green with streaks of golden lightning chasing through the very edges of her iris. When she was deep in thought her face could be strict and unmoving like carved alabaster. When she was happy the lines of her face softened and brought out a joy that made you feel she truly saw into you.


Relationship Status Single

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sarah likes to keep things neat, both professionally and personally. She has very little time to dedicate to things that don’t hold her interest or aren’t her work and if it’s work she demands a very well kept house and a watertight ship because she absolutely will NOT be the cause of the ship going down.
Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses:
- Introverted
- Strict, sometimes to the point of being too harsh
- Tends to have Dark Humor
- Tends to run a tight ship

- Quick Thinker
- Adaptive
- Creative and Ingenious when solving problems
- Tends to run a tight ship
Ambitions * Honor above all else
* Secret need for justice/revenge that may cross the line to some of her fellow officers
* A knack for using the most random shit as a weapon
* a desperate desire to prove herself to the high ideals that she keeps from her dead father and to honor the very biased opinion she has of him.
* Harsh judge of herself but fully accepting of others and their paths.
Hobbies & Interests - Tinkering
- Fixing Old Cars
- Kal-toh
- Velocity
- Horseback Riding

Personal History Medical History:

Known Allergies: None

Preexisting Medical Conditions:

Connective Tissue/Joint Disorder
Vitamin and Electrolyte Deficiencies
Joint Hypermobility and frequent Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Long-Lasting Migraines and Chronic Pain


Sarah was born and raised on a Horse Ranch in Big Sky Country; she excelled in her schooling and was on track to enter veterinary school when her father fell gravely ill. She turned her life into caring for him for several years before it became time to pull the plug and on his death bed he delivered his final wish to her; that being that she enter Starfleet Academy.

At that time she was in her mid teens the Ranch fell to her and became her prized possession and sole memory of her parents. Slowly; as she tended to the Ranch and continued her schooling as a Vet she became ill herself with her joints becoming frequently inflamed and hyperflexible, she fell susceptible to Chronic long-lasting Migraines and Chronic pain throughout her body that made continuing her schooling to be a veterinarian difficult. Try as she might to push through as she came closer to her 18 year mark her condition only worsened with vitamin and electrolyte deficiencies and her previous joint issues becoming an issue where her joints became more mobile in their sockets and were easily slipped out or dislocated and sublaxed.

One of her fathers friends was a Starfleet Doctor that visited the Ranch to check on her every couple of months when he could and he had been keeping track of her health degradation and been looking back into her family history to search for answers, when Sarah hit 18 he helped her get into Starfleet Academy under the condition that she participate in a Starfleet Medical study throughout her time at the Academy, in part so that they could keep an eye on and treat her condition but also so that they could study it.

She hired a manager for the Ranch and she accepted the conditions and terms and gladly entered into the study. She passed her entrance exams with high scores and chose to pursue engineering classes.

Evidence obtained during the study suggests in-vitro exposure that matched in signature to a bioweapon believed to be a product of Cardassian research. Information about her condition has been added to other incidences of exposure but specific details are classified above her security level.

Though she had been told her entire life that her mother had died when she was a baby, the evidence collected indicated that her mother died in child birth on the Science Vessel sent to aid her own after being hit. The medical staff had to induce labor to save Sarah; at the time, there had been no signs of infection but it is now believed that exposure was the likely cause of her illness now.

A regimen of therapies and medications was built that would be long-term and Starfleet medical did a series of surgeries to help prevent her spine and hips from becoming displaced in the line of duty and there was a set of restrictions devised between Starfleet Medical and the Instructors of the Academy that was put into her official records.

In her classes and tests she excelled, studying harder than most of her classmates and scoring high on all of her tests, including the dreaded Kobayashi Maru. When she graduated she was second in her class and basically had the pick of the fleet for duty assignments, choosing the USS Alexandria, a top of the line Experimental Deep Space Exploration Vessel that was equipped with fully experimental warp drives and computer systems. She proved her excellence as an Engineer there quickly, adapting to the experimental computers and being one of the only crewmembers to master their usefulness in assisting with the other aspects of Ship Operations and she was soon promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer, a position in which she was able to aid the Chief Engineer in further optimizing the Engines and Warp Drives until the ship was recalled to Earth Spacedock at the end of its testing and due to her performance she was able to choose a new assignment.

- Not Rated for Away Teams
- Must Check In with Ship Doctor 2X Monthly minimum
- continued service is contingent upon Ship Doctor Approval
Service Record 2362: Born on Earth
2382-2386: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy, Engineering Major
2387-2391: USS Alexandria. Served first as Engineering Officer and later promoted to Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
2369-TBD: Task Group 23-B; USS Thunderbird. Chief Engineering Officer
2391-TBD: Area 51-B; USS Redemption, Chief Engineer
2394-TBD: Area 51-D; USS Tokyo
2397-TBD: Task Group 23-A; USS Artemis, Chief Engineering Officer