Planning a Heist (Part 3)
Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 3:23am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe & Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard & Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank'
Edited on on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 3:25am
1,505 words; about a 8 minute read
Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo
Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:
Chiyo then turned to Nezuko and prepared her drill sergeant voice:
"What is your problem, Lieutenant?" She asked. "Will seeing my family splinter make you and Mister Yuvek feel better about your own sorry existences?? My fiancé wears the exact same badge the rest of us do, and yet you still treat him like second rate trash: YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WEAR THAT COMMUNICATOR BADGE ON YOUR CHEST!"
"Oh, crap; not this again..." Chisato sighed.
And now the continuation...
Lieutenant Yuvek was not surprised by the the Marine's outburst. He had determined long enough that she was emotionally compromised and had allowed her personal relationship to interfere with her duties as a Senior Officer.
However, this episode solidified in his mind that something needed to be done about the threat posed by the Pirates and perhaps Major Shamada.
To stop this from spilling over into an even messier episode, Lt. Yuvek reached over and touched Lieutenant Nezuko on the shoulder and shook his head. Indicating for her not to respond.
Right here in the conference room was not the time nor the place to address this obvious security concern. A plan needed to be developed.
"Major, our concerns are only for the safety of the ship. Nothing more." The Cardassian said, surprisingly diplomatically.
Talia was surprised by Chiyo’s outburst, that and concerned. Nezuko was her friend, not just that, the outburst should not have happened.
"Done?" Taiga asked simply directing the rhetorical question to the three of them. "Good. If you have problems with each other, sort it out between yourselves. Remember we're all in this together." She told them sternly. "Put it to bed now, because if we don't work together then someone could end up hurt or dead. Bear that in mind..."
Nezuko was grateful for the touch on her shoulder by Yuvek, else she’d have very likely bared her fangs at the Marine for being so blind and stupid.
"Now, back to our Borg heist plans..." Taiga said returning the meeting back to its original topic.
"That point being that Borg drones are a continuing threat, even when they've been disconnected from the collective." Lt. Yuvek interrupted. Part of him wanted to point out that yet again the Pirates had proven themselves to be untrustwory, but he was certain that now was not the best time to make that point.
"We would be doing the survivors on this planet a favor by eliminating any spin-off collectives that the drones have created." He continued.
"That's enough! All of you!" Taiga said her voice slightly raised and gaining back control of the meeting. "Firatly, we are all Starfleet Officers, we are not out here to destroy. And we don't start wars! Especially with The Borg!" She told them all. "Attacking them makes us vulnerable, we'll go in, get what we need and get out. It's that simple. If we try to destroy them then they will learn of our position and its not like we can fight or escape from them! They'll assimilate everyone here. Remember we have children on board!" Taiga told them all.
"Thank you!" Chisato exclaimed before collapsing back in her seat. "Geez..."
She looked around at them all one by one. "I need volunteers to go over there and take that technology." She said simply.
"I think I must discount myself for this away team Captain." Amari said though she felt somewhat uncomfortable even speaking as a foreign junior officer around all these starfleet officers even after over a month of being with them. "The bio-dampners you mentioned can mask life signs but my implants have a strong Em signature the borg could be able to track."
Nezuko raised her hand to volunteer. As a tech expert, she would be useful.
"Welp, I'm probably going to be hating myself in the morning," Chisato sighed, "but if it has to do with technology that will help us in getting off of this rock, I'm open to volunteer myself and my girls for this assignment."
“I can show you the way, but I can’t go inside.” Dana offered an apologetic gaze. “Taking me inside would alert the collective to your presence, plus I... don’t know what would happen if I went inside there again.”
"I also volunteer myself and a company of marines:" Chiyo said. "I have prior experience in dealing with the Borg, and that could be invaluable."
Lt. Yuvek looked at the eager array of hands being placed in the air. He looked towards the Captain and raised his as well. "I won't be going, ma'am." He said simply. "As the Chief Flight Officer, I have to still be here to fly this ship off of this planet once repairs are complete. While all lives are valuable, my skillset makes mine even more valuable" He added.
A moment of silence fell upon the room. "Right then," Taiga said. "Now that our replicators are online, have those bio-dampeners replicated. I want you all to report to sickbay, from what I've learnt they need tuning to your individual bio-signatures. As for the rest of you, the Tokyo will be acting as the command post for this operation." She told them all. "I want you all at your stations just in case something happens."
"Lieutenant Yuvek, since the helm is useless whilst we're here. Have Lieutenant Nezuko 'brush you up' on the Operations Station." Taiga said. "Doctor, I want you and the counsellor to monitor the away team from the bridge. Commander Moklor, you'll be taking the tactical station."
Talia nodded as Taiga said her name. “Yes, Captain.” She smiled and nodded to Eli.
A look of surprise flashed across the Cardassian's face. It was a significantly large gap to go from piloting a starship to handling operations for a starship. Just power management alone would be an awesome task, not to mention directing repair teams and other essential departments in keeping the ship afloat.
"Ah...uh...yes ma'am." He replied in short.
Eli had been taking notes and listening silently during the briefing.
"I will prepare bio and medical defenses. Borg nanoprobes are nasty business but I have my own tricks up my sleeve to handle them. They're not the only one with a knack for nanotech. Say the word, Captain."
Eli smiles as he pushes up his glasses.
Taiga answered with a simple nod.
"Adams, I want you to assist with the bio-dampeners and monitor them from the science station." Next she turned to the two engineers. "I want you both in Engineering ready to recieve the power nodes. Have a level ten forcefield ready just in case something goes wrong."
Lieutenant Rea nodded. "Aye Captain. We'll be ready."
"Aye Sir." Amari said, she was definitely interested in getting her hands on borg technology.
Now that was all said Taiga paused for a brief moment. "This will be dangerous, but with a little hope we can make this work. Those power nodes can give us that boost to potentially get us off this planet." she told them all. She looked over at the chronometer that was mounted into the wall. "Its 0945 hours. I want us ready to go at 1500 hours. That gives us plenty of preparation time. You have your orders, dismissed."
Getting up from her seat Talia made a point of stopping alongside the newest arrival. “Lieutenant Talia Johnson, ship’s Counsellor. I just wanted to say a quick hello.”
Dana gave the Counsellor a polite yet somewhat cold reception. “Counsellor, it is...nice to meet you. If you’ll excuse me I have work to do.” With that she made a quick exit from the room.
Smirking, he knew it would be in her character for talia, to even greet a Borg... well ex borg. He made a mental note to have a chat with her afterwards.
Once the room had cleared Taiga sat there for a few moments pondering. Eventually she rose to her feet and also left the room heading towards her ready room, there was something she had to do now.
Posting by
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer
Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group
Lieutenant Rea
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer
Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor
Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer
Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Special Guest
Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Takina Inoue
Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Fighter Pilot
Lieutenant Takina Inoue
Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara
Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe
Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard
Starfighter Pilot
Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank'
Starfighter Pilot
Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1'
Starfighter Pilot