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Lets Go!

Posted on Fri Apr 28th, 2023 @ 4:40am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc

1,985 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Various

The doors of the ready room swished open and Captain Aisaka walked out onto her bridge. She looked up at the chronometer just above the main viewscreen that showed it was now 08:56 hours. She made her way to her command chair and stood infront of her chair.

"Lieutenant Nezuko. Open a comm channel to all decks" Taiga said simply.

From the Ops station -- newly upgraded during their Risa leave -- Lieutenant jg Nezuko did as ordered and opened the internal comm channel. They all heard the telltale chime of an open commline. Nezuko gave her CO a thumbs-up sign.

"All hands. This is Captain Aisaka." Taiga started. "I know that many of you are new faces to this ship, and many of you are not. This ship and this crew have already been through so much together, however today we start fresh. The engineering crews have done a fantastic job of repairing and updating out ships systems. We have been assigned to the H'Atoria Sector. Our mission will be to be a show of power for the Federation in the area. We will be policing civilian shipping lanes, providing border security and maintaining order in the area. For those who are unaware, the H'Atoria Sector is well known to be a 'no-mans land' between the Federation, Klingon and Romulan Empires. I cannot guarantee that every day will be safe. But I know that you can do it. I know that you are all capable of being the very best. I have faith in this crew and this ship. Lets make up for our reputation and show everyone that the Starship Tokyo and her crew are the finest in Starfleet." Taiga paused for a moment. "Prepare for departure from drydock, Aisaka out".

Trennek stood at his console feeling a bit of pride. Tactical and security systems were all updated and he had a hand in helping out. The Tokyo was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Nezuko was also ready, the Captain's speech energizing her even more than normal. At the word out she closed the comm channel and prepared herself for anything she had to do for launch.

With that said, Taiga lowered herself down into her command chair and sat back. It felt good to be sitting back here, she had missed this chair and had forgotton just how comfortable it was. "Commander." she said turning to Thomas. "Care to take us out?"

Talia smiled as she looked towards her husband, she’d made a point of being on the bridge for departure instead of being stuck in her office. This was the first time out on the Tokyo for her, a special moment indeed.

From her bridge station, Chiyo turned her attention to the viewscreen. The marines didn't usually have a bridge station, but departures were one of the rare opportunities the marine commander was invited to the bridge. This wasn't her first time out, but viewing a departure from the bridge never got old, even if it meant having to sit at an unused science station.

Lt. Cmdr. Moklor sat at a spare Ops station not far from the Marine Captain. He had it set to monitor the efficiency of power flow throughout the ship. A cross section of the ship took up a fair bit of his screen. It used the colors red, green and yellow to represent the general flow across the decks. The Klingon was also excited for his chance on the bridge. He kept quiet, although he inwardly felt the urge to sing Klingon war chants.

"Aye Captain. Lt Nezuko, contact the starbase request permission to depart the starbase, Helm. Lay in a course to the outer system. Half Impulse. Once we are at a safe distance from all traffic lanes to and from starbase, set in a course to the H'Atoria Sector, warp 6."

With a few keystrokes, Nezuko sent a written message to Space Traffic Control requesting departure clearance.

=/\= "USS Tokyo NCC-91101 clear for departure" =/\= came the voice over the comm system.

Lt. Cmdr. Moklor could no longer help himself. He began to pound on the panel like a drum, he began humming the words to a Klingon war chant, gradually increasing in volume.

“ DaH jImej, DaH Hegh,
qaStaHvIS yIn tayqeq raD,
yIbuS QavmoH, ghaHvaD,
ghIj qet jaghma' tIn choqDaj”

As the ship prepared to depart, he would sing the phrase over and over… Hoping others would catch on. With a quick tap of the Ops panel’s buttons, a translation of his words read out in large letters. He annunciated harshly on the capitalized letters, and sang some of the longer words quickly. The tone was dark and moody, but also excited. Dramatic.

Today we fight, today we die,
Our enemies tremble at our approach,
We share the glory, we stand together,
As one crew, our honor will never falter.

Nezuko’s head began to bob rhythmically as the Klingon on the bridge sang and percussed. She surreptitiously reactivated internal comms, so the bridge singing could be enjoyed by everyone.

"This is the Starfleet bridge not a targ hunting lodge!" The Cardassian Helmsan said aloud out of pure irratation. Although he kept his eyes locked on his console, his outburst was directed towards the Klingon.

Taiga couldn't help but smile at the Klingon song. Somehow it seemed appropriate. It was nice to see some positivity on the bridge and she felt excited on seeing how this new crew would work together.

Lt. Jasad bit down on his teeth to try to smooth out his anger. "Aye, sir, receiving guidance from Starbase." He said, trying to shift back to the task ahead of him and orders given.

Moklor burst into laughter at the temper tantrum thrown by the lower ranking character. He stood slowly and sang louder, slowly walking towards the Helmsman while staring at the viewscreen.

"Guidance received, departure path has been cleared to proceed at half impulse." He added. "Setting course for the H'Atoria Sector, we should be clear within the next 90 seconds." He reported back to the Commander.

"Excellent, Lt. Warp six should get us there within 6 days Captain. Should no surprises show up."

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr sat at her desk going over the NCO and enlisted proficiency reports. She sighed and hollered out "Private Waldrop." the young administrative clerk came into D'hter's office from the anteroom "Yes First Sergeant?" Vespertine looked at her "Inform Lieutenant Wilcke and Master Sergeant Sinclair I am going to run the NCO's and enlisted of Third Platoon through a holodeck simulation. I do not want any officers to be present for this exercise as I wish to evaluate the NCO's and enlisted." Waldrop replied, "Aye First Sergeant, shall I inform the Captain and Executive officer?" Vespertine smiled "Yes." with that simple statement Private Waldrop did an about face and strode out of the office.

Moklor soon stood alongside the grumpy helmsman. The junior lieutenant reminded Moklor of his semesters off from Starfleet Academy, namely those of 2373 and 2374. A much younger, more aggressive Moklor fought during the Dominion War aboard the IKS Neg’VaQ. With a rumble of laughter he sang a song he wrote after his ship fought alongside Bajorans.

Now he pounded his chest like a drum.

"tlhIngan Hol Bajoran, lIngta' vIghro'
HeghDI' qo'noS jatlhpu', 'e' yImev puS.
QaQqu' 'e' yuQmaj, jey vIneHbe'lu',
tlhIngan qay' jen qIb ghojmeH wIje'lu'.

Cardassian tlhuchwIj latlh Ha'DIbaH,
QIj rIlDu', Hegh nuqneH chenmoH.
Dochmey 'oH qeylIS jImejpu',
qarDaS beq Hoch qeylIS je SuvwI'!"

It translated to:
"Klingon and Bajoran, together we attack,
The Dominion's fall comes with honor and might.
Our foes shake with fear at our strength and prowess,
Klingons fight to win and never yield.

We cast off the Cardassians, their necks beneath our heel,
Crushing their spines, tasting their defeat.
Their deceitful ways are not for us,
We'll fight with honor and never give up.

[Intelligence Center, Deck 3]

"I must admit, I never thought I'd hear something so inherently anti-Cardassian being sung on a Federation starship." Chrirhc commented.

"Well, the way I see it, it's more a relic of an era gone by," Chisato shrugged. "Not that I believe it's right, in an era where we're actively trying to cooperate with the Cardassians, but we humans tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to meddling with the beliefs and traditions of other species. We did that to ourselves once, and it nearly cost us our very existence."

"Sometimes, I envy humans and their life experiences..." Chrirhc sighed.

Lieutenant Commander Moklor only sang the song once before bursting into raucous laughter. Even if Jasad didn’t understand the lyrics, the mention of Bajorans and Cardassians gave him a clue it was insulting. “Excuse me, son”, Moklor said while leaning down to speak to the Helmsman. “Focus on flying the ship.” Moklor’s tone was jocular. Yet he thought the Cardassian was either not bright or was poorly trained. All the helmsman had done was shown he had no military bearing whatsoever.

Moklor turned his back and walked back to stand by his station, ready to ignore any further response from the Cardassian.

As the Klingon lumbered off, Lt. Yuvek spoke up. "By all means, continue singing, sir. . .I had no idea that Klingon voices were so. . .so. . .what's the phrase. . .tun; reghuluS 'Iwghargh rur" He said in a fairly convincing Klingon tone.

"I'm certain our enemies will be easily lulled into submission on the battlefield." He added.

"I don't know Lt, a good song, never hurts." Thomas replied as he leaned back. "Perhaps next time, you can share a cardassian song that is sung?"

"I know a few good Rheuysian marches." Chiyo butted into the conversation. "And I'm sure 1st Lieutenant Rudd would happy to share more."

"Looks like we have an entire crew of talented singers Captain... perhaps we can start something off duty in the messhall... I hear it helps the morale."

“The more songs the merrier”, Moklor said after chuckling at the Cardassian’s statement. “Sometimes it is fun to write a new verse, for a new adventure. Perhaps my vocals were out of place. But I had to share my excitement… For today the USS Tokyo sets sail”, Moklor said in dramatic Klingon fashion… “to a new destination. What awaits is unknown. The excitement builds.”

"The true mission of starfleet Commander." Thomas agreed with a smile. "Although we are... how some say... keeping the bullies at bay... I am sure it will be anything but." Grinning. "But it doesn't make our job any less meaningful."

“Nicely said Commander” Talia smiled warmly at her husband.

Smiling Taiga sat back in her chair. She was enjoying the little bit of banter on the bridge. Somehow it seemed right, and she knew she now had a good crew under her command. "Carry on people" she said in a joyful tone. "Lets show the Galaxy what we can do out here shall we?"

Trennek was at his station rolling his eyes. The Brikar and Klingons did not always get along in the past. He, personally, thought their posturing and bravado was a waste of time. It was always better to prove one's worth by actions than mere talk. He said nothing and his expression remained unreadable for the time being.

Once the ship had cleared the Beta Antares Fleet Yards, it jumped to warp with a flash of light.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commanding Officer & Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tacical Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr
First Seargent

Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer


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