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O Captain, My Captain

Posted on Fri Apr 28th, 2023 @ 4:52am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

505 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Marine CO's office, Deck 16
Timeline: After 'Major Changes'

Chiyo made it back to her office following her promotion to find Liz already there, holding down the fort in what had turned out to be her last official act at the rank of Captain.

"Thank you, Liz." Chiyo said as she reentered the office. "I hope I wasn't too long."

"Not at all, Cap-" Liz began before she noticed Chiyo's new rank pip. "I mean, Major."

"I suppose word travels fast when you wear a new pip around." Chiyo chuckled before she noticed the bottle of Canadian whiskey on the desk that wasn't there when she left. "That's a nice looking bottle of whiskey you got there: What's the occasion?"

"Oh, I was just going to swing by Ensign Bishop's new quarters, see how she and Miyafuji are settling in." Liz explained. "I mean, it would be rude for me to make an unexpected call without a housewarming gift."

"I see. Well, best of luck, but before you go, I do need you for one more thing:" Chiyo said.

"Oh?" Liz asked, perking a curious brow.

"Yes." Chiyo said, motioning for Chiyo to sit. "Besides the obvious, I've also accepted a promotion to Second Officer in addition to my regular duties as Marine Commander. I'll be expecting a lot more out of you as my deputy commander, and you'll be receiving a lot more responsibility as well. More than your current rank of 1st Lieutenant permits me to give you."

Chiyo opened one of the drawers in her desk and retrieved a small green velvet coated box and placed it on the desk in front of Liz.

"I think you'll agree with me that this promotion is a long time coming for you." Chiyo said, standing up and saluting Liz. "Congratulations, Captain Beurling."

Liz stood up and returned the salute.

"It's an honor, ma'am." She said. "Thank you for continuing to have faith in me."

"At ease, soldier." Chiyo responded. "Our standing orders from Captain Aisaka are to make sure the marines under us are top notch. It looks like you've got your evening cut out for you, but we start training at 0600 hours tomorrow morning. That being said, I'll be wanting you present when we meet with Sergeant Major D'Hetr at 0500 to make sure we're on the same page."

"Understood, ma'am." Liz nodded. "I'll be there."

"Well, unless there is anything else, then by all means, dismissed." Chiyo said.

"I hope Alice won't be disappointed if auntie Liz misses a session." Liz remarked as she switched out her rank pips. "I know she's quite excited to get her campaign back underway."

"She'll make do." Chiyo replied. "The trick is going to be getting her to wrap the session before 0400 hours. It's not a school night, and she's going to want to stay up late."

Liz flashed Chiyo a shit-eating smirk.

"Best of luck with that one." She commented before turning and leaving the office.

Posting by

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Vice Commander


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