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Beach Volleyball! Team Marines vs Team Starfighters (Part 1)!

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 11:34am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Ensign Talanna Teela 'Nanny' & Alice Shimada

1,724 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Beach

Team Starfighters vs Team Marines

"So, how's this working out?" Nozomi inquired as the twelve of them took their respective places on the pitch. "Best two out of three?"

Fubuki stood opposite. "Two out of three sounds good," she said a mischeavous smile spreading across her face. She stared down the marines with fire in her eyes. "I think its about time us pilots showed you Marines how good we can be!" she said raising an arm into the air. Silica followed suit and cheered whilst also raising her arm into the air.

Chiyo laughed.

Ensign Talanna Teela knelt forward and rested her hands on her knees, squinting as she stood alongside the Starfighter pilots. A look of intensity turned into a smile. A bright fuchsia pink bikini gleamed brightly in the sun against her emerald complexion.

"Celebrate now, regs; because we'll be sending you home with your tails between your legs!" She retorted before raising her arm into the air. "Esprit de corps, motherf***ers!"

"Esprit de corps!" Liz, Rudd, and Alice all exclaimed in unison, following Chiyo's lead with an arm in the air.

"Language", Ensign Teela replied teasingly.

"Ooh- that there's fighting words!" Nozomi retorted, evidently in the good spirit of competition.

Vespertine and Eth chuckled as they took their respective spots on the pitch. "Shall we serve first?" inquired the six-foot tall orange Edoan, tattoos on all three arms and all three legs. He looked down at the young human female and winked "You know I was on a professional beach volleyball team once; of course, it was the Starfleet Marine Corps Ranger team."

"If our opponents here have no objections to us serving first?" Chiyo responded, turning to Team Starfighter.

"Unlike Marines, Starfighter pilots shoot first," Fubuki answered with a wink.

Fubuki threw the ball high into the air, with her hands together in a fist she smacked it hard sending it over the net towards the marines.

The Orion ensign watched from her spot in the middle of the formation. She shifted her position based on the marine the ball flew towards.

Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth saw the ball flow up and over the net, he called out "Set, Vesper." The ball game down and he tagged it up high but on their side of the net. Vespertine called out "Have it." She then jumped up and spiked the ball to the young Orion female she had seen shift her position, time to find out what these guys are made of Vespertine thought.

Ensign Teela had to stretch and push hard in the opposite direction to react to the spike. The same fast reflexes which helped her succeed in the air helped her get under the ball just in time. It shot straight up quickly off her, as she kept her shoulders straight and pointed her thumbs to the ground. She huffed as the ball flew off her at an angle she didn't favor.

"I got it!" Nozomi shouted as she leapt up and spiked the ball back over the net. "hoo, really shouldn't have gone with the micro-bikini today..."

Ensign Teela giggled as she stumbled to re-orient herself. The Orion knew she picked a swimsuit brightly colored and revealing enough to draw attention. She took a step back, looking over her shoulder to make sure she spaced herself evenly amongst her teammates. "Let's hope it distracts them", she said hurriedly, expecting the ball to be sent back her way.

Vespertine lunged and was able to send the ball back up into the air. She rolled and snapped back up into a standing position with sensual and graceful ease. Sand clung to her but she seemed not to mind. Gunnery Sergeant Aren had seen Vespertine lunge and anticipated the trajectory of the ball. Jumping with ease he meet the ball as it reached its apex and spiked it back at the human female who had spiked it on team starfighter. He hit the ball with hard towards her, almost full strength. Vespertine hearing the sound of the hit shouted "Watch out that is a FIREBALL hit. Aren this isn't combat volleyball." Aren landing on his three feet smirked and replied, "Only used some of my strength Vesper, besides I thought the pilots were tough." Vespertine shook her head. Just great, what a way to introduce ourselves to the crew. she thought.

The ball rocketed over the net, it smacked Fubuki directly in the face. The sound of the impact seemed to cling and echo around the beach. Fubuki stood there for a few seconds slightly wobbly on her feet dazed from the impact.

"Fubuki..." Silica said reaching out for her. Without warning Fubuki seemed to flop down to the ground landing face up on the sand out cold.

"Man... Girl down!" Silica called out she looked over towards the Marines. "I think we should yield..."

Ensign Teela moved quickly to Fubuki's side and knelt beside her. She looked up to Gunnery Sergeant Aren and Sergeant Major Vespertine and glared angrily. She fought to keep her angry thoughts to herself, biting her tongue. Her head turned away from them, instead searching for nearby medical staff.

"Hey, can someone get a doctor over here?" Nozomi called out, more concerned about Fubuki's well-being than winning at this point.

Chiyo approached Vespertine and Aren. The expression on her face was one of disappointment and anger.

"You two!" She called out. "Remember what variation of volleyball we're playing here! Killing the regs doesn't score points."

Gunnery Sergeant Aren and Sergeant Majoer Vespertine looked back at their captain and replied in unision "Aye, Aye Sir!" Then as Gunnery Sergeant Aren replied "Thought the starfighter's were supposed to have quick reflexs, first time I have taken one out with out a heavy weapon." Vespertine instantly went into her Sergeant Major come First Sergeant mode "Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth, Parade Rest!" Gunnery Sergeant Eth instantly went to Parade rest facing Captain Shimada. Vespertine then looked at Captain Shimada and stated "Sir, I apologize for Gunnery Sereant Eth's statement. I asure you I will address this matter with him." She then did a quick about face and looked the gathered starfighter's "I am not going to make any excuses for Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth or myself. I can say we are new to the crew so I think it best to let you all know now we are former special operations marines and instructors; Gunnery Sergeant Eth a Ranger and myself a Force Recon operator. We tend to be extremely competative by nature and work and play hard. While most would think what happened was a result of 'Combat Volleyball' I can assure you it was not. Gunnery Sergeant Eth was a member of the Starfleet Marine Volleyball team. What I am saying is that when we play 'combat volleyball" it is far worse than what has happened here. Gunnery Sergeant Eth was merely playing the ball and went for a spike. With that being said. I would like to apologize for his actions. Should either commander's, Starfighter's or Marine's wish to take action against Gunnery Sergeant Eth, I will back it." Vespertine hated to apologize and also endorse any punishment against Aren, as he was a friend, but they were also senior enlisted, and he had injured an officer.

Febin made his way to the field and placed one hand above his head pointing towards the sky and then the other touched down on the fingertips to indicate a timeout, "Time."

With the stoppage in play, he then proceeded to enter the field and made his way over to Fubuki quickly. He kneeled down on one knee. He looked across her face, the ball had struck her straight in the forehead, "Are you able to get up?"

Fubuki just laid there, she was out cold.

"I think she's a little knocked out doctor..." Silica replied. "We should probably move her off the field?"

"Do not touch my patient," Febin replied firmly yet cautiously.

Ensign Teela stood now that the doctor was on site. She adjusted her neon bikini top as she stormed towards the Aren and Vespertine. As a young Ensign, she knew she had less experience than senior enlisted officers. Ensign Talanna Teela was a hot head however. “Hey there, Gunnery Sergeant”, she said as she slid under the net.

“Cut this ‘Regs’ crap. Cut this power and domination attitude and start being a team player.” Teela’s voice was loud, aggressive and had quite a bit of bass for such a slender woman. “That includes Starfleet”, she shouted. “Learn from this… And don’t let me see or hear anymore of this type of piss poor attitude… Do you understand that?” The young officer stood with her hands on her bikini clad hips.” She was especially angry that none of the Marines offered help.

"I don't think these are the kind of people you want to be mouthing off to..." Nozomi warned, stealing a nervous glance over towards the marines and hoping this wasn't going to end in a headlock.

"Mouthing off?" Teela turned momentarily towards the other Ensign. "Mouthing off is all I've heard from them this entire match. Regs this, regs that. Don't kill the regs. Enough!"

"Oh, so we're suddenly no longer allowed to call you pet names?" Chiyo challenged. "Ensign, the Starfleet Marine Corps does more for you regs than you even realize. Hell, if it weren't for the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, we might not be able to be here enjoying a game of beach volleyball, so I'd suggest you show us marines a little more respect."

"Captain, are you serious?" Teela replied without calling her ma'am because her temper was flaring. "A person is unconscious on the sand and your only concern is about what you can or cannot say? Do you believe only marines make sacrifices? Now THAT is a true insult. I am done speaking with all of you." She took a step closer to Captain Shimada. "If you have a problem, send a full report to Lieutenant Commander Moklor. I've said my piece."

To be continued...


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