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It begins (Part 4)

Posted on Wed Oct 27th, 2021 @ 10:43am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Lhravitelim th'Endirhc & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,898 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"I suggest a pincer movement:" Iowa proposed. "You go high and target the fighters trailing us, and we go low and target the fighters trailing you."

"Sounds good to me" Twin Tails said as she pulled back on the stick causing her fighter to arch upwards as if climbing. "Go for it Grey Ghost, give them hell!" Twin Tails replied quickly as she drew level higher than the Elachi craft who were now slightly below her.

Iowa ducked down to pass below Twin Tails; together she and Mika tag teamed the Elachi Fighter that had been tailing her and her wingman, and it exploded into a ball of fire.

"That's yours down, now let's say you return the favor before this bastard blows us out the sky?" She said.

"Sounds good to me" Silica said a slightly mischeavous smile spreading across her face as she held down the trigger. Her fighter's phaser cannons erupted in continous fire smashing through the Elachi fighter's shields doing considerable damage. The small fighter vessels disappeared in a huge ball of flames. "Take that..." she muttered to herself as she rounded back on herself to rejoin the wing.

And now the continuation...

[Deck 4]

Chiyo made her way down a corridor on Deck 4 accompanied by two other marines; she had left charge of the main force to Sergeant Major Fortunato while she went to find the other marines that were unaccounted for. The three of them had been thrown around as the Tokyo had been rocked by weapons fire, however, they were only sustaining minor bruising as they continued their mission: Chiyo heard the call for damage reports go out over the com.

"Multiple marine casualties!" She responded.

Chiyo was about to say more, but then they rounded the corner and Chiyo spotted a green shirt and black hair facedown in a pile of rubble, unresponsive, and she trailed off, her blood running cold:

"Oh my god, Liz!" Chiyo exclaimed, dropping what she was doing to rush over and tend to her downed XO. "I NEED A MEDICAL TEAM ON DECK 4, STAT!" Chiyo screamed into her combadge. "Come on, Liz; don't do this to me..." She muttered, desperately feeling around for a pulse. "Don't fricking die on me, Beurling!"

A medical team was soon on the site. "Captain" one of the medical officers said as they rushed over. They spotted Beurling under the rubble. "Transporter Room, we need an emergency site to site medical transport. First Lieutenant Buerling, directly to sickbay" the lieutenant said as he leant down and quickly scanned the marine.

A few seconds later she was engulfed in blue and white dots as she was beamed away. "She was stable, but only just when I scanned her Captain. She'll be in sickbay now, she'll be fine" he said with a sigh of relief. He began to scan the rubble to see if there were any more lifesigns under there. "No lifesigns in this section, however the corridor is badly damaged"

The Tokyo shook again. "I suggest we evacuate this section" he said.

"I agree." Chiyo responded.


The Tokyo continued to take a beating from the Elachi ships. The shields started to fail before fizzing out all together, the Elachi weapons and torpedoes striking the ships armour.

The bridge lights flickered as the ship took heavy damage, knocking out systems and multiple hull breaches briefly exposed sections of the ship to the void of space.

Lt. Yuvek gripped the side of his console as the ship rocked violently on more than just one axis. He attempted to manuver through the constant barrage of disruptor blasts, but the Elachi vessels had moved into a confinement formation making it difficult for the Tokyo to escape.

"Captain!" The Cardassian shouted over the cacophony of computer alerts and notifications. "WARP AND IMPULSE ENGINES ARE OFFLINE! MANUVERING THRUSTERS ARE ONLY OPERATING AT 15%" He shouted as another salvo of torpedos rocked the vessel.

"HULL BREACHES ON DECKS 14-19, INERTIA DAMPNERS A----" before he could complete the sentence he was violently thrown from his console by a power surge from the EPS junction several feet away.

" Medical teams to the bridge!" Taiga called after seeing the Lieutenant get blown away from the helm. Another officer rushed to the Cardassian and quickly checked his pulse, he nodded to Taiga to let her know he was still alive.

The Elachi vessels stopped their assault suddenly. Taiga let out a sigh of relief as their ships seemed to stand down. However it was short lived as two Romulan Valdore class ships decloaked, in the middle of them the huge D'Deridex also decloaked.

"Captain, the D'Deridex is hailing us," a communications officer announced with a look of dread in her eyes.

"Put them on screen" Taiga said as she brushed some hair out of her face.

The main view screen flickered slightly from the forward view to that of a D'Deridex bridge. Sitting in the command chair, surrounded by subordinates, was a Romulan woman in a uniform with a commander rank. She sat there, legs crossed and eyes peering at the screen, admiring the devastation on the opposing bridge. As she spoke, with an eerie calm to her voice, her gaze would shift to her nails. "Starfleet Vessel. You have onboard the Romulan Ambassador. If you value her life, and your own, you will surrender her to us. If has, no doubt, come to your attention that you are no match for the force you see before you. While, your bravado may seem admirable to some, it will not benefit you in this confrontation. So, I will offer you this one chance to consider the lives you have on board. Look on your Federation values and consider those who remain. The wounded. The near dying. The ones still capable of fighting." The woman slowly stood up, rising from her chair, without a care in the world. "One life for those will survive passed today. The Ambassador can either leave your ship alive or be destroyed along with the others onboard your ship." He paused slightly, looking over to one of her officers, a hint of a smile, before she lifted her hand up. "You have nothing to offer and your ship is badly damaged. From my understanding, you've just left from being repairs, so can your ship last another trip in this condition. One more desperate battle?" The Romulan crew laughed slightly before she concluded. "This is your only chance at life. Take it. You will not get a better offer." As she snapped her fingers the channel was cut.

An eerie silence fell upon the bridge as most eyes turned to Taiga. Her mission was the get the Ambassador safely back to her people, however the Tokyo was now badly damaged and had sustained heavy casualties.

"Commander" she said turning to Trigman. "Recall our fighter craft. We're outgunned here and I'm not risking anymore lives" She ordered. "I want a full damage and casuality report as soon as possible" she added.

"Aisaka to T'rei" tapping her comm badge. "Please come to the bridge"

"Acknowledged" came the response from the Ambassador.

[A few minutes later]

Ambassador T'rei arrived on the bridge and looked around. "I imagine they want me" she stated simply.

Taiga nodded. "I can't guarantee your safety if you go over there. But I doubt they will allow you to present your evidence to the senate"

"I agree Captain. However, there has been enough bloodshed today. I shall beam over to save your crew" T'rei said.

"My mission is to get you safely to Romulus. We can find another way..."

"There is no other way Captain. Your ship is badly damaged, we're surrounded and with no chance of escape. Show the better part of valor. My life is not worth everyone's here. This issue can be solved without me if necessary. I will beam over there, as my Diplomatic right allows me to" she stated simply.

Taiga couldn't really answer back to that. "OK" she said simply. She motioned to Alex. "Escort the Ambassador to the nearest functioning transporter room" she said.

Alex nodded his head before stepping away from the tactical console. "This way, Ambassador." He said calmly, gesturing to the turbolift.

T'rei followed silently.

Alex stepped into the turbolift and leaned against the wall before the doors closed. "Transporter Room One." He ordered. As the turbolift began to move, the lights traveling upward across his stern face, until he let out a second command. "Turbolift, Stop!" he shouted seconds before it came to a full stop.

The Ambasssdor raised an eyebrow in confusion as to why he stopped the turbolift.

He uncrossed his arms and looked firmly at the Ambassador. "Now, listen to me. I don't know how this will end, but I will tell you this now, and you can consider it a promise. If we are allowed to leave peacefully, I will take my team and we are coming for you. The Prowler is unmatched in this universe and my team have seen its fair share of challenges. I give you my word, my vow, I will get you back. Do you understand? I will take you from that ship. By force if necessary. We will complete this mission, Ambassador."

"I don't know much about your Prowler Commander, only that it exists. However it is unlikely that the Tal Shiar will keep me alive very long. Your efforts may be wasted" she stated simply. "Although, I do appreciate your offer, if I do remain alive I only ask you don't take unnecessary risk to save me" she stated.

"Then you need to stay alive. Give them an excuse to delay them from killing you until we get there." Alex demanded as he stepped toward the Ambassador. "Enough! Enough of your Romulan crap. I've seen it, Ambassador. You may not think so, but I saw it when you were being held hostage. You were scared and you're scared now. So, no amount of pretending, is going to ease you into whatever life after death you and your people believe in. So, I am telling you, stop pretending not to be afraid and be fearless. Don't hope you will be saved. Know you will, because I am going to get you out of there. It's going to happen, so start believing it."

"You're right. I am scared Commander, it for my own life but for those of my family. I have three children Commander, each will be put to the sword as punishment for their mothers actions if I don't play my cards right" she said to him. "If you can promise to get me out alive, I will attempt to stall them for as long as possible. I don't want a war, so I'm going to do my best to prevent it"

The turbolift stopped and the doors opened to reveal the corridor. Several lights flickered from the damage from the attack, but it didn't seem to phase the Ambassador. She walked out of the turbolift her head held high as she headed towards the transorter room.

To be continued...


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