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Off we go again (part 2)

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 12:12pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yuri Nakamura & Captain Minori Kushieda & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 12:13pm

2,000 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Clearing space dock, bearing one-eight-zero mark zero." He announced to the bridge as they cleared the docking area and brought the ship amount, turning hard to port.

As the vessel swung around, he applied a minimal amount of power to the thrusters to allow the vessles momentum to bring it completely around.

Lt. Yuvek noticed that the vessel was able to complete the turn, but it started to shift slightly as it did so. He reduced power to the port thrusters to bring the ship's pitch back to zero degrees.

The Helm controls were responding a bit sluggish and slower than he preferred. He quickly re-aligned navigational gyros to compensate for the performance.

"Pitch up sixteen degrees to bow thrusters, full power to port thrusters. . . .and we are clear of the docking bay. Proceeding at 3/4 quarters impulse, we can engage warp drive on your command, Captain." Lt. Yuvek stated.

"Rendezvous with the Starships Armitage and Oceania" Taiga ordered. "They should be in orbit above Starfleet Headquarters" the small woman ordered. "Steady as she goes Lieutenant"

"Aye, Ma'am." Lt. Yuvek said as he set course towards the Terran homeworld.

And now the continuation...

Observation Lounge, Deck 1

The time had finally come;

After years and years of looking to the stars and wondering if she could aspire to sail amongst them once more, she was finally-- finally!-- being shipped out on active deployment. Not wanting to miss such a momentous occasion, she made her way up to the ship's observation lounge to watch as the Tokyo cleared the space dock. Upon arriving at the empty lounge, she was surprised to find it was already occupied by a familiar set of faces who had gathered to observe the spectacle.

"Well, fancy running into you two, of all people!" She remarked as she moved over and drew up a seat adjacent to Silica and her accomplice (whose name she still hadn't gotten, much to her personal embarrassment). "I take it you've been drinking water and coffee like the nice, big-chinned Lieutenant suggested?"

Silica looked at Fubuki and then towards Nozomi. "Well yeah" she said simply as she approached rather sheepishly.

"We heard you were up here..." Fubuki said to her taking the lead. "We should report to our code blue stations" she added with a slightly nervous smile. "We didn't want you to get into trouble, you did save us from the same fate not long ago..." she added blushing slightly.

"I may be a little rusty when it comes to protocols and all that mumbo-jumbo," Nozomi observed, "but last I recall, Code Blue didn't apply to the fighter division."

"Depends..." Silica was about to explain before the ship switched to green. "Must have been an error or a test" shecsaid simply.

"Well, whatever it was, I guess it wasn't all that important," Nozomi chuckled as she turned her attention back to the observation windows.

the three of them fell silent as the observation lounge cleared the space dock, giving way to a breathtaking view of the expanse that lay beyond.

It was truly as moving a sight as Nozomi could ever have hoped it to be.

"Does the view from up here ever get old?" She asked, a nostalgic gleam dancing eyes as she was overcome with the beauty of it all.

"Not too sure. This is the officers briefing lounge, we shouldn't really be up here" Silica replied.

"O-oh..." Nozomi stammered, a tinge of disappointment evident in her voice as she realized that this view wasn't for lowly officers like herself.

"A true pity," she muttered, turning back to face Silica and Fubuki. "About a month ago, I would've given an arm and a leg for a view like this..."

"Well, we're going to report back to the pilots lounge. There's not much up here for us. You should do the same" Fubuki replied with a smile before she looked at Silica and smiled.

"We'll see you later Gemini" Silican smiled before both of the young pilots left the observation lounge.

As she watched them leave, Nozomi's gaze slowly wandered back to the window, and she watched for another minute or so as two additional Armitages maneuvered to flank them, before eventually turning and exiting the lounge.

No more regrets; after six years, it was time to wipe the slate clean and see the stars again...

Bobbie Sue's Quarters

Bobbie Sue had been up late the night before. Since pilots had no stations to report to, especially for departing a starbase or, in this case, Utopia Planetia, she had no desire to get up. "Code Blue? Isn't that for saucer separation?"

There was a slight movement on the other side of her bed before a voice spoke up. "And landing. And if the ship is running on auxiliary. And arriving at a spacedock." He replied with a groan as he turned around to face her. "And a few others things which doesn't include leaving spacedock." Soren let out a yawn before adding. "Pilots have no stations during a code blue so why don't we go back to bed till we have something to do. Pilots have no business running around during a code blue."

Bobbie chuckled. "We're still in bed," she teased. "But we do have a few more hours before we have to leave." She snuggled up to him and smiled.


CAG's Office

In his office, Marcus looked up from his terminal. He had been compiling notes on his first training flight with his squadron, and heard the Code Blue. Shaking his head, he wondered at the order. "Not my circus, not my gladiators," he muttered. He was persona non grata in a Code blue, so he went back to finishing up his notes. He turned on his viewscreen to watch the departure from the external video feed, as tradition required when leaving a port.


Marine Commander's office, Deck 16

As Chiyo was on the bridge, her office as occupied by Liz, who was finishing up some paperwork for Chiyo but stopped to watch the launch on a live video feed. When she did so, she heard the call for blue alert and stared at the portion of the ceiling where Captain Aisaka's voice had come from for a solid minute before giving her combadge a tap.

=A="Beurling to Shimada;"=A= She said. =A="Please advise how best to handle the situation."=A=

=A="Treat this like any other blue alert, Liz;"=A= Came Chiyo's voice over the channel. =A= "Muster the troops at their code blue stations and do a head count."=A=

=A="Aye, ma'am."=A= Liz said, tapping her combadge again to turn it off.


With the ship now at Green and at impulse towards Earth, Taiga relaxed a little. The blue and green planet grew larger and larger on the viewscreen, it was a beautiful sight, to most of the crew it was home, or close to home.

"Hail the Armitage and Oceania" Taiga said simply.

The viewscreen split to show two other women, both wearing command uniforms with the rank of Captain. One Taiga recognised as her friend, Captain Minori Kushieda. The other she hadn't met, but only knew of; recently promoted Captain Yuri Nakamura.

"Good Morning Captains" Taiga greeted them cheerfully. "We'll be approaching your position soon. Have you heard from the Ambassadorial party?"

"Indeed we have" Yuri was first to answer. "They will be ready to beam up as soon as we are in posiiton" she explained simply to the oher captains. She had a sense or eagerness in her voice, yet it was still firm and commanding; totally different from Minori and Taiga's.

"Good to hear. Also congratulations on your new command Captain Nakamura" Taiga replied giving the other woman a smile. The Oceania was a brand new Armitage Class starship, fresh off of the line and Taiga saw a lot of herself in the young captain, especially from when she first took command.

"Thankyou Captain Aisaka. I look forward to kicking some Romulan and Elachi ass" she grinned almost as if she was a villain.

"Only if it comes to it" Taiga smirked nervously. "Right now we have a job to do. We'll form a V shape formation, I'll leave the co-ordination to flight control" she explained. "I'll see you both soon"

The two other captains nodded before the communication channels cut off.

"Lieutenant. Have the Armitage cover our starboard flank, with the Oceania on port" Taiga ordered.

"Understood." Lt. Yuvek answered. Fleet coordination always required a significant amount of patience on behalf of the pilots involved. Particularly, when one vessel was going to take the lead and the other vessels would simply serve in a support role.

It would have certainly made things easier if Lt. Yuvek could have gained accessed to the flight systems of the other two vessels and put them into a Master/Slave mode so that he could have controlled the formation directly. However, he knew that no pilot worth their designation would willingly give up control to another vessel.

So Lt. Yuvek resigned himself to the delayed process of communicating various directions and coordinates to the other two vessels and waiting for their Helmsmen to confirm receipt, then carry out the directions, and then acknowledge completion.

In a combat scenario it would make total sense for the vessels to independently coordinate their movment and action. However, during the rudimentary act of just sailing through calm space, it just seemed to be several unnecessary steps among others. The Cardassian sighed a the inefficiency of it all.

Now that they were on their way, there was no reason for Alora to stay on the bridge. She had no idea why Taiga was acting so out of character. First she gave the new Marine CO a bridge station, then she called a code blue, and now she was asking the helmsman to run communications instead of operations. It was definitely time to go back to intel where things made sense.

With the ship now underway and back to Condition Green, Chiyo signed out of her console and returned it to its original Ops configuration. It was becoming evident that she was no longer required on the bridge, and that she would be better suited down below, calming down the marines that would inevitably be pissed off that code blue was called as a 'test'. She stood up and gave one final nod to the command staff before making her way towards the turbolift.

[A little later]

The Tokyo entered orbit around Earth and fell into formation with the other two armitage class ships, the Armitage and Oceania in a V shape formation. Taiga rose from her chair on the bridge, the trip had been short less than ten minutes at impulse speed.

"Commander Trigman, Knight. Lets make our way down to the transporter room. Our guest will be beaming up shortly. We should give the Ambassador a proper greeting" Taiga said.

"Best foot forward." Trigman said as he moved to follow the Captain, tugging on his new 'Uniform jacket that felt too light and he missed the Flight Jacket from his now by-gone CAG days. "AT least they are not formal uniform required."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Executive Officer

Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief of Security

Commander Alora Knight
Chief of Intelligence

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi
Chief Science Officer

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Fighter Pilot

1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer

Captain Yuri Nakamura
Commanding Officer USS Oceania

Captain Minori Kushieda
Commanding Officer USS Armitage

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Fighter Pilot


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