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The Third ship

Posted on Mon Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 6:24am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yuri Nakamura

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Oceania

Captain Yuri Nakamura didn't like it one bit. Her first command and the whole mission to the Neutral Zone sounded like suicide to her. Yes, the Oceania was the newest of the four planned Armitage Class Starships, however she had looked over the data from the Tokyo regarding the Elachi. In her opinion Starfleet didn't stand a chance if they decided to send a full force against them.

The Oceania was orbiting Earth awaiting the arrival of the Tokyo from Utopia Planetia Shipyards. Only a few minutes ago the Armitage had arrived and pulled up alongside. Yuri knew that Captain Kushieda was well respected and an expert on the Armitage Class ships, she after all had help design and build them. It was only fitting that she commanded the first of the class. As for her ship, the Oceania was brand new off the line having only been launched a few weeks ago. They had just returned after completing their initial space trials in the Alpha Centauri system.

"Captain" the ensign from the operations console said turning around to face her. The young man who seemed fresh out of the academy had been manning the console since the ship launched.

"Yes Ensign?" Yuri asked.

"The Starship Tokyo is incoming. They are hailing us" he reported.

Yuri nodded as she rose from her chair. 'Lets see what Aisaka has to say shall we' she thought to herself. "On screen"

The large viewscreen split into two, on the left showed Captain Taiga Aisaka on board the Tokyo and the other showed Captain Minori Kushieda on the Armitage. All three of them stood on an identicle bridge layout, with officers walking around and attending their stations behind them.

"Good Morning Captains" Taiga greeted them cheerfully. "We'll be approaching your position soon. Have you heard from the Ambassadorial party?"

"Indeed we have" Yuri was first to answer. "They will be ready to beam up as soon as we are in position" she explained simply to the oher captains. She had a sense or eagerness in her voice, yet it was still firm and commanding; totally different from Minori and Taiga's.

"Good to hear. Also congratulations on your new command Captain Nakamura" Taiga replied giving the other woman a smile.

"Thankyou Captain Aisaka. I look forward to kicking some Romulan and Elachi ass" she grinned almost as if she was a villain. Behind her back she clenched her fists, she had a feeling that this wasn't going to be a run of the mill mission.

"Only if it comes to it" Taiga smirked nervously. "Right now we have a job to do. We'll form a V shape formation, I'll leave the co-ordination to flight control" she explained. "I'll see you both soon"

The channel cut off. Yuri sighed slightly as the viewscreen turned back to show the view of Earth below.

"Captain, we are recieving co-ordinates from the Tokyo. Your orders?" the Bolian lieutenant at the helm reported, his hands running over the smooth surface of the console.

Yuri walked over to the console and looked down at the helm. Indeed the Tokyo's flight control officer had sent the formation co-ordinates as ordered. According to this they were to bear to starboard and allow the Tokyo to sit in the middle slightly ahead of them.

"Bear to Starboard Lieutenant, allow the Tokyo to get into position. We are support after all" Yuri ordered.

"Aye Captain" the Bolian replied as he began to change the direction of the ship.

Yuri returned to her seat. No doubt that the Ambassador would be beaming aboard the Tokyo shortly whilst the others waited. "Well, whilst we wait. I want all departments to give me a status report before we leave. I want this ship one hundred percent ship shape and in Bristol fashion before we even power up the warp drive!" she ordered simply.

"Aye Captain" the man to her right said, the commander tapped his comm badge. "All department heads. Full status report on departmental readiness within the hour by order" he said.

"Right" Yuri said. "Now, we simply sit here and wait for orders. This is going to suck, I HATE waiting!"

Posting by

Captain Yuri Nakamura
Commanding Officer
USS Oceania

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo


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