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Breakfast Debrief (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 6:38am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 6:39am

1,987 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1

Previously on Star Trek Yamato:

Trigman came into the room with a PADD in hand consisting of the Flight Readiness report. His eyes scanned the room to meet a very attractive Trill Captain's Yeoman being quite unobtrusively aside. Giving her a sly wink he could only smile as the spots were a slight shade darker.

His wife was the cutest woman in all the stars and the fact she was the Yeoman to Taiga just gave him more chance to catch a good view of her. She was holding a pastry on a plate and a cup of coffee; Trigman thought for the Captain until she moved to him and with a soft smile offered it.

"I didn't prepare Breakfast." She winked.

"Guess Dinner is on me then?" Trigman replied as he accepted.

"That is if you get home on time." SHe teased with a turn to return to her place, Trigman admiring her legs as she walked away.

"Best decision ever..." He took his food to the table.

Sorawo eventually arrived, having nearly arrived late after she got busy trying to catch something up in the labs. She got a small pastry and some of the scones - her diet, like a lot of Worene, was plant and fruit based with meat reserved for specific meals, but many years on a Starfleet ship had inured her to the weird sight of what people would eat for breakfast

And now the continuation...

After taking a mixture of the breakfast items and placing them on a plate, Taiga indicated for everyone to take a seat and quieten down. She took a long drink of her coffee before looking around the room.

"First of all..." Taiga started. "Good morning. Its nice to be back with you all, and I see some new faces here too" she smiled. This was the nice side of Taiga coming through for the senior staff to see. "I think its about time we all got caught up on what has occurred over the last few days, and to discuss our newest orders which I received this morning"

Chiyo, who was busy stuffing her face with the Waffle House she had brought, simply raised up her fork with a syrupy piece of waffle impaled on it to return the greeting.

Taiga paused for a few seconds as she took a bite of some of her food. After swallowing she looked around the members of her senior staff. "As most of you know, this ship, her crew and myself have been cleared of all charges in regards to the attack on the Alvatar Colony. The Romulan Tal Shiar were the ones who 'hired' the Elachi" she looked over at the Knights.

"The away team led by Commander Knight and Commander Knight brought up some damning evidence towards them" Taiga continued. "Evidence which the Romulan Senate will not believe. Accoarding to what I have been told, because the evidence came from a Federation and non-Romulan source it was classed as 'unreliable' and could have held biased towards the Federation" she explained. She paused to take a sip of her coffee.

"This means that Ambassador T'Rei wants to return to Romulus to present the information herself" she paused once again, it was pretty obvious what she was going to say next. "However, there is a problem. Starfleet has detected more Elachi activity in the Neutral Zone. As the only crew that has experience in fighting th Elachi, we have been requested as the Ambassadors Escort"

Lt. Yuvek glanced down at the significant amount of food and back up at the Captain. He had learned that Humans typically accompanied bad or troubling news with extravagant meals. This seemed to be no different. He promptly rasied his hand to ask a burning question in his mind.

Taiga held up a hand. "We have less than twenty four hours to get this ship fully operational after the refit. The Ambassador will be coming aboard from Earth tomorrow morning. We are to be in orbit above Starfleet Headquarters at 08:00 hours HQ time" Taiga told them all. "And we're not going alone either, the USS Armitage and USS Oceania will be joining us on this escort; however we will be the lead ship".

Lt. Yuvek lowered his hand back down. He took a quiet sigh of relief as the Captain answered his question regarding the accompanying of two other vessels. Any incurrsion into Romulan territory would be dangerous by itself, but the fact that they would be carrying a high-level official made this even more perilous.

Chiyo took a sip of her coffee and set it down.

"She'll have little to worry about in the company of my men." She said in regards to the Romulan ambassador. "If we get boarded by the Tal Shiar or even these 'Elachi', they'll be lucky if they get past the airlock."

John couldn't help but laugh at the comment, looking over to Alex who didn't react, before placing his arms on the table. "That's bold talk for someone who hasn't had any encounters with an Elachi." He looked up slightly, eyeing the Marine CO, before adding. "Or is that just the talk of a cocky marine whose all talk until they get beat... then its not their fault." He shrugged a bit, shaking his head.

Without a word, Chiyo glanced over at the SWORD guys before returning her gaze forward. She'd dealt with her fair share of misogynists over her career: Mostly men (though there were some women as well) who mistrusted her because she was a woman in a green uniform, or because of her feeble and innocent looks. Each time, she had eventually come to earn their respect, and she had no intent on letting these two be any different.

The look was not lost on Alora. She picked up her drink to hide her mouth and whispered just loud enough for Alex to hear, "Looks like she's a misandrist. Jazz and I can run interference if needed."

Alex let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms over his chest, putting his head down slightly before whispering back. "Remind me to smack John. I told him to not give the Marine's a hard time and this is what I get." He cleared his throat loudly, making sure to get some attention, before saying. "What my colleague in SWORD meant to say was the Marine contingent will receive all information we can provide about the Elachi's defensive and offensive capabilities so they can be better prepared for any encounter going forward. As the Chief Security and Tactical Officer, and Head of SWORD, it is my intention to keep the Marine's well informed and work with them in regards to any tactical planning. There is no reason all three groups, which serve as the offensive and defensive force for the Tokyo, can't work together. It shouldn't matter who does what as long as this ship and crew are defended to the best of our abilities."

Taiga simply cleared her throat to bring back the attention around the table. "As I was saying, Starfleet ate dispatching us alongside the Armitage and Oceania to the Neutral Zone"

The Cardassian Helmsman decided to interrupt the ancillary banter with a directed question. "Ma'am, that still only makes us a force of 3 Starfleet vessels. What guarantees do we have that a Tal'Shiar fleet won't attack us anyways simply to remove the threat that the Ambassador represents?" He asked, not exactly sure what information the Ambassador had, but clearly it must be vital enough to warrant being ferried by 3 top of the line starships.

"I'm assuming the Federation Council would not be inclined to declare war simply over the destruction of 3 ships in Romulan territory." Lt. Yuvek said cynically. "What safety net do we truly have?" He asked.

"We don't" Taiga replied. "The reason for sending three ships is to ensure that there is enough protection on our side" she paused. "It is highly unlikely that the Tal Shiar will attack us in Federation Space. Plus, three Armitage class ships will hopefully show the Tal Shiar that we mean business, a show of power of you will"

"If I may," Alora asked. "Intel is pretty sure the Tal'Shiar will attack if they have the opportunity. Thus the need for three ships. We'll need to ensure that they fail when they do."

Lt. Yuvek leaned back in his chair. Not only did they have to coordinate an incursion into Romulan space, but now it was all but certain that the Tal'Shiar was going to engage them.

Lt. Yuvek sighed as he began to run possible scenarios in his mind. "Commander Trigman, in addition to our own, do you know how many Starfighters the Armitage and Oceania carry?" He asked the CAG.

"The Armitage class holds forty fighters," Trigman said. "The Tokyo asked for renovations to remove sections of the ship in order to accommodate sixty." Although he still thought it unnecessary. Eventually they'd need those labs and facilities that were removed.

"As the lead ship, the Tokyo will co-ordinate all starfighters if we meed to launch them" Taiga explained. "Commander Trigman will act as the fleet CAG whilst any starfighter craft are out".

Sorawo had been listening politely, as she was entirely new to the ship, and determinedly just paying no attention to the side conversations. Not that she could actually understand them, but she didn't want to even try. Her hearing was great, but not that good.

"I've done some preliminary analysis of the data available." Sorawo speaks up, a surprisingly deep alto voice. "There's an oddity about some of the subspace harmonics, and I'll try to have it forwarded to Tactical once I work out a way it can be used to give us early-warning. At least, I think it can be. We may need more information first." She returned to silence after that.

For Daxer, the morning had been quite unusual. She'd woken up expecting to perform her usual Security duties, but had been informed, via a message in her inbox that morning, that she had been promoted both in position, and rank. To top it all off, she'd overslept.

She was straightening her uniform tunic as she entered into the conference room, light bruising still evident on her face, and neck from the attack a few days prior.

"Sorry I'm late, Captain." She said simply, as she took her seat near Taiga. "I overslept."

Alex observed the XO as she entered the briefing, noticing the obvious bruising on her face and neck, raising a brow slightly.

With a doctor able to remove the bruising, Alora wondered what happened and when. But it was not her place to ask, so she sat quietly and observed the group as a whole. A lot had transpired since she was here last and she was curious about not only the new arrivals, but how the old crew was fairing.

Chiyo also made note of the XO's arrival, and more peculiarly how she arrived looking like she had already been in a brawl. Though she knew it wasn't her place to ask, it got the gears turning in Chiyo's mind as to what might have happened. Though, in the back of her mind, she hoped that this wasn't the result of Liz causing trouble, because if it was, Liz would be subject to a smacking and a talking to.

Nodding at the arrival of the new XO, Hobb turned to Sorawo and said in a gently, but carrying voice, 'if you have a proof of concept model, Engineering will be happy to help you test it.'

Taiga glanced over at Jen, obviously not too impressed with her late arrival. She would talk to Jen later to find out what had happened. She took a sip of her coffee.

To be continued...


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