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Breakfast Debrief (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 6:38am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

1,748 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1

After returning to the Tokyo and resuming command, Captain Taiga Aisaka had decided that it was about time to get back to work. There was no need to sit and worry about what had happened, but now was the time to look to the future.

A briefing of the senior staff had been scheduled for the start of Alpha Shift at 08:00 hours in the ships conference room. Finally back in her full uniform, Taiga was the first one to be there. She felt generous, after all the Tokyo crew had done a lot for her.

She had prepared a special treat for the senior officers. In the middle of the table were several serving playes with fresh pastries from France; Fruit Jam, Butter, Scones and Cornish Clotted Cream from the United Kingdom. Also she had mixed things up a little with some Miso Soup, Rice and Soft Boiled eggs from her own country and to one side for those who wanted them, fresh Bacon and Sausage sandwiches in crust rolls. Accompanies with fresh Colombian Coffee with either cream or milk.

Being back in the Sol System, Taiga had put together this little 'breakfast' for her senior staff without any of it coming from the replicator. All the items on the table she arranged to be brought from their original countries and then transported to the Tokyo up at the shipyard. It had taken her a while to get it sorted, but she wanted to pull something special for everyone.

Chiyo had heard of a "Non-replicated potluck" in the conference room at the start of Alpha shift. So, she had ordered catering from one of the greatest (yet also most infamous) restaurant chains in the United States: Waffle House, and she had arranged for the catered food to be delivered at the shipyards, which she would pick up and bring on board. She had gotten up extra early for this, and had woken up Alice when she had come back aboard.

The doors to the conference room swooshed open, and Chiyo stepped through; Alice at her side, carrying several catering trays which she had meticulously inspected beforehand for any traces of hair or anything else gross that didn't belong on the trays.

"Cap'n:" Chiyo nodded in Taiga's direction as she scanned the table looking for a place to set the trays.

"Captain Shimada, I presume?" Taiga asked noticing the woman dressed in the dark green uniform of the Marine Corps. "And I'm guessing this is your daughter also?" she asked looking towards the younger girl by the womans side.

"Did the uniform give it away?" Chiyo asked. "And yes; this is Alice. I call her my mini me." She said with a wink. "Now, I was told this was a potluck, but I don't see any place to put this."

"Well, there was no need to really bring extra food. I had it all prepared, I just hope it doesn't go to waste" Taiga explained as she indicated for them both to place the trays down. "The rest of the senior staff should be arriving shortly for the briefing. Its not a place for young teens however" she added with a small nod towards Alice.

"With this? Nah, it shouldn't go to waste." Chiyo said. "Trust me; you've never had breakfast until you've had a Waffle House breakfast. Though I've made sure that the best part isn't hiding in here."

Taiga wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that but allowed her to continue on.

Chiyo turned to Alice as she set the trays down.

"Did you hear the captain, sweetie?" She asked. "You'll have to go back to our quarters. Besides, I think you need to be getting ready for school, too."

"Can I at least have a plate first?" Alice asked.

"Sure;" Chiyo said. "Grab one of those paper plates and fix yourself a selection."

Chiyo then turned to Taiga.

"You don't mind that she takes some back to our quarters at least, right?" She asked.

Taiga shook her head. She would never deny someone the right to eat, although she did make a mental note to remind the crew that children should be kept out of restricted areas unless utterly necessary. She shook it off and simply helped herself to a cup of coffee.

Alora walked in, happy that she didn't have to sit up front with Taiga, that she didn't have to do anything but sit and listen. She helped herself to several French pastries the Captain provided and a small bottle of milk and found a seat where she and Alex could watch the entrances and the crew at the same time.

Alex walked into the Conference room with Lieutenant John Mackey, his second in SWORD and best friend, following close behind. Alex took a moment to look around before noticing Alora and waving to make sure she saw him enter.

"After the meeting, John, I need you to relay what we're doing to the rest of the team. When we figure out what we're doing then we'll know more about what the team can do to get ready." Alex said as he looked over to John with a smile.

"Giving up on running the team already, Boss?" John replied in a joking tone before smirking.

"Why bother when I have a minion like you, Pitbull?" Alex said as he place his hand on his friends shoulder before smiling back. "No. I have some stuff to do with Security and getting that arranged, plus touching base with the new Marine CO."

John laughed slightly before nodding his head. "Yeah I know." He took a second to think before asking. "What's with that anyway? Elachi made the Federation nervous? We can handle them. We don't need a bunch of jagheads getting in our way and looking for reasons to shoot someone."

"John, it's an understandable position to take. Making sure we have some, not that the Tal Shiar are running around with the Elachi, is a good idea in the long run. Besides, getting all of us on the same page and who does what, is why it's important to touch base with their CO to begin with. We don't want them stepping on our toes and vice versa." He tapped his friends shoulder before adding. "Besides, remember, on the other side we were the jarheads so ease up on them. They have a job to do, same as us, let's try to get along."

John nodded his head before smiling. "You do have a point. Just remind them we have the most experience with the mushroom heads so its best if they take our leads."

Alex laughed slightly. "I'll be sure to extend the suggestion. Go get yourself set up. I'll go touch base with Alora."

"Tread lightly." John replied.

"The Marine's don't intimidate me, John." Alex said before walking off.

"I meant with your wife." John laughed before going his own way.

Alex shook his head, laughing again, as he approached the seats Alora chose and sat down by her. After a quick kiss on the lips, he got comfortable. "Did I miss anything?"

"No. People are still arriving and settling in." She smiled at Alex, glad he had arrived. "Do you want me to get you something?"

Alex smiled back. "Coffee with cream. Three sugars. Hot." He shrugged slightly as he placed a PADD down on the table. "As far as food. I'll probably just pick off your plate so pick something good for the both of us." He laughed slightly.

"I like you sweet," she grinned, getting him his coffee and another plate of food for both of them.

Lt. Jasad Yuvek entered the conference room and his senses were assaulted by the smells emitting from the food before him. He paused slightly as he took a second to gather himself as he looked at the spread before him.

When Lt. Yuvek had first come to the Academy he couldn't stop himself from showing his displeasure with Human cusine every time he was within smelling-distance of some kind of pastry or concoction that Terrans enjoyed.

It took months, but he finally managed to put on a convinicng mask of approval whenever he did smell what they called "authentic cuisine". Frankly, Lt. Yuvek never understood just how a Human could develop a pallet for some of the things he saw before him: Butter which was nothing more than fluids forcifully extracted from a Terran Cow, or even eggs that had not been sufficiently boiled.

No, what Lt. Jasad would have much preferred would have been a healthy serving of sem'hal stew with yamok sauce or even tojal.

He once again put on his "pleasant face" and proceeded into the conference room and began to engage his fellow crew members. Perhaps the coffee would be bareable.

Quietly slipping in, Hobb spotted the tray of pastries and raised his eyebrows. 'Do my eyes deceive me or is that Cornish clotted cream?' He stalked about the table surveying the spread, quietly impressed.

Trigman came into the room with a PADD in hand consisting of the Flight Readiness report. His eyes scanned the room to meet a very attractive Trill Captain's Yeoman being quite unobtrusively aside. Giving her a sly wink he could only smile as the spots were a slight shade darker.

His wife was the cutest woman in all the stars and the fact she was the Yeoman to Taiga just gave him more chance to catch a good view of her. She was holding a pastry on a plate and a cup of coffee; Trigman thought for the Captain until she moved to him and with a soft smile offered it.

"I didn't prepare Breakfast." She winked.

"Guess Dinner is on me then?" Trigman replied as he accepted.

"That is if you get home on time." SHe teased with a turn to return to her place, Trigman admiring her legs as she walked away.

"Best decision ever..." He took his food to the table.

Sorawo eventually arrived, having nearly arrived late after she got busy trying to catch something up in the labs. She got a small pastry and some of the scones - her diet, like a lot of Worene, was plant and fruit based with meat reserved for specific meals, but many years on a Starfleet ship had inured her to the weird sight of what people would eat for breakfast

To be continued...


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