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Second Chances (Part I)

Posted on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 6:35pm by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


Soren stood back up and walked back over to her. "So... let's call a mulligan?" He said softly as he approached her. "Let's have a second first date. This time, you pick the place and time, so there is no confusion. Any alterations to the plan contact immediately to avoid what happened last time won't repeat itself."

She raised an eyebrow. "How about right now?" With their luck, if they didn't it would be another six months or more before they had another chance.


Soren stood there for a second before smiling. He like the spontaneity of the suggestion and felt it was more his style anyway. "Alright. You pick the place and we'll go right this minute."

She nodded and went to her computer to send a message. "That's to see if we can get in tonight." She stood and looked at him. "Next question: How should we dress? Casual? Nice? Fancy? I don't generally do fancy. I have one dress and two skirts. I also have some nice pants and blouses. Or we can go as we are." She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt with a P-51 on it.

"Casual." He smiled, looking at her curiously, not knowing what she was planning but enjoying the idea that it was all being done spur of the moment.

Her computer beeped and she smiled. "Let's hope it's good news." She pulled up the message and quickly red it before responding. "He said we're good. Let's see, how long will it take us to get to Rio?" She looked it up. "An hour. We should be fine." She responded, then stood. "I should change my shirt, though."

She went into her bedroom and came back two minutes later wearing a loose white poet shirt with a gold chain around her waist. She still had on her faded jeans. "Rio is not a t-shirt place. You should be fine, though."

"Rio?!?!" Soren raised a brow. "What's in Rio?"

"What isn't in Rio?" she countered, grinning. She made sure she had her combadge and a credit chip. She was feeling lighthearted. The night felt like it was full of promise. Spontaneously she kissed him on the cheek. "It's a surprise. Come on."

Soren smiled after the kiss, looking at her so excited considering what just went on, he felt like this was a good move for them. He crossed his arms and watched her move around the place, fetching what she needed, before finally saying. "So, you won't even give me a hint? You love your secrets, don't you?."

"Love them? No." That made her think of Max and she smiled. "But they can be fun from time to time. Let's just say I want this to be a surprise. Okay?" She paused at the door and waited for him.

"Fair enough." Soren replied with a smile as he approached her. "I'm trusting you not to get me killed. If you do... I'll be very disappointed."

She just grinned in response.

Fortunately, it wasn't difficult to get to earth and then to Brazil. Bobbie Sue had never been here before, but she knew the name of the place they were going to. The sun was low on the horizon when they stopped in front of a large sign that read Rodrigo's Raceway.

Soren followed Bobbie Sue and stopped with her in front of the sign. "A raceway. And so, the plot thickens." He let out a slight chuckle before looking around at the most out of the way location. "This seems very remote. How did you find a place like this?"

"My friend has been telling me I should try this place for years. I haven't managed to get here until now." She smiled at him. "They have replicas of old cars. I mean really old cars."

Soren let out laugh as he looked around, seeing nothing for miles, before looking back to Bobbie Sue. "Are you sure your friend wasn't leading you on? It looks like there is nothing here."

She glared at him. "Positive."

In the distance were a set of lights, followed by a cloud of dust, which seemed to be approaching them at high speed. The closer it got the more they began to see what it was. It was an old Earth Jeep painted red and gold with a Brazilian flag on the hood. Loud music could be heard as the vehicle began to slow down, allowing the cloud of dust behind it to dissipate, revealing a long raven-haired woman in the driver's seat.

The Jeep finally came to a stop, resting a few feet away from the two, giving them a better view of what they were looking at. The woman lowered the music and placed her hands on the top of the windshield, lifting herself onto her feet, revealing the tied up top and short shorts she was wearing.

"You must be Bobbie Sue?" She smiled as she called out from her position. "I'm Isabel. My dad sent me up here to get you."

"Hi. The aircar driver said this is where he drops off visitors," Bobbie Sue replied. "Or is that just to let them enjoy the view?"

"Dad keeps a few cameras hidden throughout the border." Isabel said, gesturing to the sign. "Including one in the sign which caught your friend’s goody and confused face." She added a giggle before running her hands through her hair. "Besides, not many people know of this place, so he likes to get an idea of whose showing up before they make it to the front door. But, he said, you're cool." She said before pointing to Soren. "Him, not sure, but you..." Isabel continued gesturing to Bobbie Sue. "You are definitely cool."

Bobbie Sue couldn't help smiling at that. "As long as he's with me, he's okay." She looked around. "I've been meaning to come here for years. I have to admit, I can hardly wait to see what you have."

"Dad's been holding on to your reservation." Isabel gave a quick wink before letting go of the top of her windshield frame and landing back in the driver’s seat. "You two coming or am I going to have to wait?" She let out another giggle as she turned the music back on, keeping it at a low volume.

Bobbie Sue got into the jeep with practiced ease, leaving plenty of room for Soren. "I'll have to thank your father. Getting to earth has been a bit tricky lately."

"Next time as for a pick up." Isabel replied with a smile. "We have a runabout or two."

Soren got into the Jeep and sat in the back, curiously listening to the two talk, trying to pick up on whatever information he could. This situation was getting more and more curious.

"Dad's been waiting for you to show up too. Handsome back there is going to have to wait for a bit till we officially get started." Isabel raised the music slightly and let out a loud excited shout before stepping down on the gas and going through a full rotation before going back down the way they came.

Bobbie Sue grinned at Soren. "I wasn't told about the runabout. Next time, I'll ask." She loved the jeep and wanted to look under the hood. This was looking to be the best night ever.

Isabel laughed slightly, looking over to Bobbie Sue, before focusing back on the dirt road. "To be fair, not many people know about this place anyway, so now you know." She smiled a bit, looking into the rear view at Soren. "What about you, Flyboy? You hear about this place beforehand?"

"I'm just along for the ride." Soren replied, gripping onto the Jeep, smirking slightly.

"As long as you don't think you're being taken for one," Bobbie Sue said to Soren, just loud enough for him to hear her.

"My personal philosophy is to always be under the assumption you are being taken for a ride until shown otherwise." Soren shouted back slightly.

She raised her voice and addressed Isabel. "Do you not want people coming here, or is it you have a selective clientele?"

"You'll understand once we get there, Querida. A place like this needs to have its own place." Isabel replied before looking over to Bobbie Sue with a smile. "And the second part." She winked before giggling and looking back.

Bobbie Sue just grinned.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Isabel, Rafe and other NPCs played by Dillinger


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