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From the inside out (Part 2)

Posted on Thu May 21st, 2015 @ 10:30am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Captain Leo Fox
Edited on on Thu May 21st, 2015 @ 10:30am

1,284 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Romulan Starbase

Previously on Star Trek: Tokyo

Without a word, Jennifer pulled the trigger just once. the gun let out a soft *pewt!* sound, and a live round flew right past Taiga's ear, and into the head of a ROmulan, who promptly collapsed to the floor. "You're welcome." She said, finally lowering her weapon.

Taiga looked around at the Romulan now on the floor.
"Thanks" she said. "Now we should regroup with the others" she explained. "Any ideas where they are?"

"Since we're trying to disable the rest of the station, Engineering would be the best place to start." Jen replied. "Taking out the main reactor is the best way to cripple the station."

"Agreed" Taiga said. "Lead the way".

And now the continuation...


John was quickly tossed to the side as the Romulan saw what he yhid been doing. "You may not want to touch that," he said as a disruptor bolt hit the bulkhead above his head. "Okay, your funeral if you get one of those codes wrong. Captured singularities don't normally like being messed with unless you know What your doing." The Romulan quickly stepped over, grabbing John.

"Then you fix it. Starfleet usually adores saving their own lives. So if you mess up you die first don't you?"

T'Shenn had snuck into Engineering as quietly as she could. She came up behind a Romulan and stabbed him in the back. Her longer blade protruded partly from his chest as she smiled watching him die. She pulled the blade out and let him slump to the ground. She looked down at John and nodded to him then in an instant she was gone again.

Leo and his personal team of 3 were going through the halls,clearing rooms and occasionally blowing up a panel. "I love the smell of computer panel smoke in the morning." He got to a ledge and looked down,seeing a single Romulan standing guard, Leo smirked. He jumped down on him and stealth-killed him,threw out two knives that found two seperate Romulans coming in to see what the snapping sound was.

He did a hand single and his two partners in crime hopped down too to join him. Leo chuckled. "I guess I took the lead in kills." All 3 darted off to continue wreaking up the place and raising the body count.

A wall panel blew off and Taiga rolled in forst her pistol drawn. She spotted Leo and John standing near the main generator.
"Am I late to the party?" she asked as she clipped the pistol back onto her belt.

"A little," John said shaking a little. He wasn't used to brushes with death, and didn't think that he ever would be.

Suddenely the starbase began to shake and alarms started sounding.
"Lieutenant. Start overloading the core!" Taiga ordered. Her comm badge in her pocket began to chirp.

=A= Takasu to Aisaka =A= Taiga let out a sigh of relief to hear her fiancé's voice. She tapped it to instantly respond.
=A= Aisaka here, whats your status? =A= She asked quickly.
=A= Fighter squadrons have begun their assault on the starbase. We've also opened fire with all weapons. We're finding it hard to lock onto you and the away team due to radiation from the core, you need to move out of its field before we can transport =A= he explained. You could hear a slight tone of panic in his voice.
=A= Understood. Transport us out as soon as we're out of range =A= Taiga replied.

She turned to face the others. "Ok guys, crunch time" she said. "Once we set this thing on overload prepare to run like hell!" she explained. Her heart was pounding, the starbase was obviously taking a beating from the amount of weapons that were firing upon it.

John turned back to the singularity, working hard to overload the core. It wasn't easy, Rolmulan technology being what it was. "You know, how do I get all the cushy jobs? Between making a freighter move, and then blowing up a Romulan starbase, I can't see how all these engineers that have the hard duty do it." A minute or so later, he looked up. "Go! Its on a three minute timer!"

Taiga wasted no time. She turned on a heel and began sprinting towards the nearest door. A Romulan security patrol rounded a corner. However they didn't have time to react before Taiga had delivered her feet into the face of the front guard, drew her knife and delivered it nicely into both of the others hearts. "I DON'T have time to play..." she said.

Two more Romulans went down quickly while a third went down crying out in pain. T'Shenn stood before Tagia and asked, "Commander, when did you get close to Engineering? What's going on?"

"That doesn't matter now. We've overloaded the core, run!" Taiga said as she literally grabbed T'Shenn's arm and pulled her along with the others.

=A= Tokyo to Aisaka, you need to get another thirty meters away until we can lock on =A=

A green disruptor beam nearrowly missed Taiga's head. She stopped and turned, a Romulan with a rifle on their toes.
"Keep running!" Taiga said as she unclipped her pistol. "I'll provide you with some cover fire" she ordered as she ran at the back, firing back at the Romulan.

The repeated soft sounds of a silenced pistol joined Taiga in firing back at their pursuers as Jen stayed at the back with her. "It's my job to keep you safe!" She said as the pair were narrowly missed by yet another Romulan who began giving chase. "Now get out of here! I can handle these guys!" With the situation at hand, the idea of being left behind was a bit on the scary side, but what no one on the ship knew was that Jen had an ace in the hole, that she could only use if no one was around to see how she escaped.

"You're disobeying my orders!" Taiga said as she stepped backwards whilst firing.

T'Shenn saw a pair of Romulans ahead of her. She held her arms up, palms up and smiled. They trained their weapons on her but with a slight hissing sound, they clutched their throats falling over. As she came close, she stabbed both of them in the back with her hand blades and picked up her smaller ones pulling them out of their throats.

=A= Tokyo to Aisaka, prepare to beam out! =A= Ryuuji's voice called out of her comm badge. Taiga felt the pull of the transporter. Just as the blue dots were filling her vision a Romulan disruptor beam hit her square in the stomach.

*Transporter Room*

The away team materalised on the transporter Pad. Taiga's eyes were wide open, her hands clasped on her stomach a scorch mark across her clothes. She let out a little whine of pain before her eyes fluttered and then collapsing onto the floor unconcious.

Having been standing right next to Taiga when she was hit, Jen had seen what happened. As the woman fell, Jen reached out, grabbing her to ease her to the floor. "Dammit woman, I told you to run!" She said, then looked up at the others. It was the first time she'd shown any emotion to anyone other than Taiga, but she didn't care. "The rest of you report to your duty stations! Computer, medical emergency! Beam Commander Aisaka, and myself directly to sickbay!"

Within seconds the two were engulfed yet again by the blue shimmer of a transporter beam, and whisked away leaving the rest of the away team there with Jen's orders...

To be continued...


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