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Prowling under the enemy's nose

Posted on Fri Sep 4th, 2020 @ 11:28am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Jennifer Daxer & Major Orin Thrix & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Chief Warrant Officer Sarros
Edited on on Fri Sep 4th, 2020 @ 10:15pm

723 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return

The Tokyo sped quickly away from the alien ship. The ship itself was on course in full retreat heading towards one of the outlying smaller planetoids. The Alvatar system had several, mainly dwarf planets and the occasional large asteroid. Plenty of places to hide.

"Approaching the dwarf planet now" Mikko reported as the small body of rock came into view. It wasn't much bigger than Pluto in the sol system, with a bit of luck the Tokyo could drop behind it to disappear for a few minutes while they executev their plan.

"Aisaka to Knight. We're approaching a small dwarf planet. We can launch you and your team once we're undetected by the enemy. Once they lose sight of us theres a good chance they'll recall their own fighters. Thats your window" Taiga said simply.

"We don't know that for sure. They could send the fighters after us," she countered. "But we'll be ready for whatever happens." She looked to her husband. He would be the one to decide when it was time to beam over.

"I agree Commander" Taiga replied. "However it is an opportunity we can't let down if it is given to us. If they don't drop their shields, I'm sure your husband has some terran tactics he knows to get you aboard". Taiga knew that Alex has options available to him that Taiga didn't know about. Right now their only option was to disable the alien ship form the iniside and SWORD was the perfect team for doing so.

"Yes, Captain. We'll adapt to whatever comes up," Alora said, looking at Alex. He would be the one to determine what worked best to get them onto the other ship.

Alora sent a message to the Marine CO, following up on the earlier request to join the away team. "Major Thrix, the away team will be using the Prowler. Could you and whoever you choose come to the shuttle bay? We'll be departing shortly."

=/\= This is Major Thrix. Affirmative. Myself and another Marine will be waiting for you at the prowler. Thrix out. =/\=

"Affirmative. Knight out."

Alora turned to Alex. As soon as the Marines and the engineer show up, we can leave."

=A= "Daxer to Commander Knight." =A= Came Daxer's disembodied voice. =A= "I've sent data from scans of the inside of their ship to your tricorder. It should be enough to help you find your way. Good luck." =A=

"Thanks, Daxer. Knight out." Alora looked at her tricorder, then shared the data with the Prowler crew.

She took her position and waited for the others to arrive.

Sarros ditched the jacket for a work vest and the more compact too Pack she could find with fold-out leafs to hold her tools. The slacks and boots were made from a more 'stretchy' material and dyed to Federation colors. The Boots were rubber soled so to better grip and also not have her 'Grounded' so easily. The stock of her special work gloved modified for her hands, now wearing the finger-less version to have better feel for her tools. A type two phaser in her vest ; set to work more like a torch than weapon.

Chief Warrant Officer Sarros reporting as requested.

"Welcome aboard the Prowler. Take a seat. We'll be launching shortly."

"Prowler. This is shuttlebay control. We're logged your flight path, the deck is clear. You have permission from us and the TIC to launch." The voice of the officer in shuttlebay control came over The Prowlers speakers.

Alora tapped her combadge. "Knight to Aisaka. Everyone is on board and the Prowler is heading out."

"Good luck Commander" Taiga replied.

Alora turned to the Prowler's pilot. "You heard the captain Take us out."

The enemy ship stalked closely around the orbit of the planetary body. It moved slowly, continously sending out sensor sweeps looking for the Tokyo. It slowed to a complete halt.

The fighter craft broke off and began to return in waves, several at a time.

"And here we go," Alora said, pulling up her display. "Let's hope we can get in and out without too much trouble."


Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Ensign Mikko Ishigami

Commander Alora Kniht
Executive Officer

Major Orin Thrix
Marine CO

Lieutenant Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/tactical Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Sarros

Shuttle Bay Control
Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato


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