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Moving the Trojan Horse

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 9:34am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Captain Leo Fox

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Civilian Freigher "Troy"


It was 07:00 hours the next morning. Taiga stepped off the transporter padd on the civilian freighter. She wore a white collared shirt split open at bottom showing her navel. The shirt was covered by a dark maroon half jacket and black trousers. Her comm badge was hidden inside the top pocket on her jacket. Making her way to the small bridge of the freighter she found most of the engineers still hard at work finalising and repairing the freighter.

Spotting her chief engineer she walked over to him.
"Lieutenant. Are we ready? We're due to leave in an hour" she asked.

The sound of skull hitting Duranium sounded as the upper half of John was stuck in a control panel. "Almost, this thing doesn't go very fast and I'm trying to fix that." The thrumming of the warp core stopped, started, stopped again. Pulling himself out he looked at the woman. "I can fix that?"

Leo was walking around on the freighter in civilian clothing. A hidden phaser pistol under his brown leather jacket. Discussing things with his number two. Mainly mumbling observations to each other while they both were glancing around noticing people and their actions.

T'Shenn was helping the chief with the Engine since she needed power to her console if she was going to fly this crate. Her outfit was muted sand colors with a scarf around her neck. The arms had been ripped off and a few holes in the knees. She had wrapping around her wrists and no one could see all the blades she had hidden on her. She said, "Chief, I took power form non essential systems, but if I'm going to get any more speed out of this bad boy, we need to cut power to a couple of the decks."

"And I just killed the warp core," John said throwing a burnt chip at the deck. "Give me twenty minutes tops and I'll have her purring like a kitten." Grumbling to himself he jogged down the hall, then quickly turned left, running into the door. "And evidently I cut power to the doors! Someone please tell me this day can't get any worse!" He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a faded gray shirt that had once had a logo of some sort on it.

Checking his custom tool pouch on his hip, he removed a plasma cutter, and was soon cutting through the duranium door. "Stupid ship, can't these people afford any better? They're smugglers for my sake!"

All the while, Daxer was laying down underneath the tactical console, quietly replacing the power relays. With the help of the engineering teams, and some of her own security officers, they had managed to refit the weapons from mere cutting beams to mark IV phasers. Replacing the power relays in her console was the final step to ensure that the necessary power wouldn't overload the outdated tactical, and weapon systems.

T'Shenn said, "You could have accidentally jury rigged the warp core to explode, Chief." She was hitting a few buttons and trying to keep the smirk off her face.

"Dont start with me," John growled as the door fell in, then the rest of it slid apart. "Cause I may just do that..." Looking inside he began a violent cursing storm and walked inside. The remainder of the door slid closed as his rant continued about half hazard living and working conditions and why people didn't take better care of their stuff. "Two year olds, they must have run this thing. This core is barely held together with chicken wire!"

Taiga sat down in the small center chair which was behind a console. Unlike Starfleet ships the captain of a Freighter also manned a console. On this one it seemed like he manned navigation. Taiga wasn't a navigator, but she knew how it worked. She sat down and tapped away at it. The route was pretty simple, but then the console lost power.
"Having fun down there?" she asked with a sigh.

"Yea, tons." Came the short yet sarcastic reply as the power came back on to the sound of him beating a large metal container with something else metallic. "There, maybe that should work for you."

"Seems to be" Taiga said as she pulled up the navigation logs. The ship had originated from deep within Romulan Space and was coming from a system which had been classified as unoccupied.

"Tokyo to erm..." Ryuuji's voice called over the comm system.

"This freighter doesn't have a name" Taiga replied. "We'll call it Troy for now!" she explained coming up with the idea. It made some sense as the Trojan Horse was used to seige the city of Troy from within. Taiga find this rather ironic.

"Ok. Tokyo to Freighter Troy. We're all ready over here and we're not detecting any Romulan or civilian ships on long range sensors" Ryuuji explained.

"Roger that" Taiga replied as she tapped on the console to bring up a schematic of the surrounding space. "Beam over everyone thats not needed, then break away" Taiga ordered. "Continue along the designated flight path and we'll meet up with you at the planned co-ordinates". It was obvious from Taiga's voice that she was rather nervous about what was going to happen.

She watched as the Tokyo's engines began to power up and move off gradually. She turned her attention back to the console. "Ok, we're on our own now" She explained. "Lets get this hunk of junk moving" she said.

To be contined...


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