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Alone with ones thoughts

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 9:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

708 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Bridge, Freighter "Troy"

The Freighter was happily limping along at Warp Three and they were now over the border into Romulan Space. Taiga sat in the chair behind the navigation console deep in thought. Her mind was wandering from issue to issue as she traced the freighters previous route. She had no idea if she would come back from this mission alive. She had heard about the Tal Shiar's torture methods and how they literally extracted information from their prisoners.

She slumped back in the chair and let out a slight sigh. The Freighter was slow and she had been spoiled by high warp Starfleet vessels. She looked down at her stomach, the shirt she was wearing was missing a bottom button therefore her stomach was slightly visible including her belly button. She placed a hand on her stomach and rubbed it slightly.

"We've been trying for months. Way before I even got command of the Tokyo. Am I ready?" she thought to herself as she rubbed her stomach. Still holding her stomach she stared at the passing stars on the viewscreen. They were zooming back with incredible speed. "There are quadriliions of people in this galaxy with children. Many seem to have them pretty instantly. People are born and die every second, yet I seem to be incapable of bringing one into this universe." She couldn't help but think about how her own body wasn't keeping upto her expectations.

It may not seem like it but Taiga was actually worried about not being able to have a family. It was one thing she wanted more than anything in her life. She wanted to explore her nurturing side and to see her maternal insticts come out of the woodwork. Being in command of a Starship wasn't going to stop her from achieving her amitions in life.

"I hope we come back from this mission" she thought as she held her belly and stared at the viewscreen. "I'm sure if the Romulans do capture us, Ryuuji will save me. I'm his fiancee afterall. He swore to marry me, make me happy and give me the gift of life.". She knew that if that did happen Ryuuji would be the first to command the Tokyo into battle to save Taiga even if the odds were against him. This had been her idea and she knew that Ryuuji didn't want her to go.

She closed her eyes for a second to doze remembering the night before.
Ryuuji leant over her his bare skin against hers. Her belly was nice and warm, and she locked eyes with his staring deep into his pupils. He leant down and kissed her softly on her neck.
"I can lead the mission if you want. I can talk to Commander Daxer. I don't want you to go" he whispered as he ran a hand down her body stopping at her stomach.
"I need... to go" Taiga explained.
"But what if. Tonight we get lucky?" Ryuuji asked as he placed his hand flat on Taiga's stomach. Taiga smiled at him. It was the side of Ryuuji she didn't see often, he worried a lot about her. But he was always looking out for her welfare. She reached out holding his head in both hands and pulling him in kissing him on the lips.
"Then it gives me a reason to come back doesn't it?" she replied. "You're not going to stop there are you?" she asked her eyes fluttering as she felt him enter again.
"Wouldn't dream of it..." he said beginning to pant again.

Taiga jumped awake. She quickly looked around, it seemed as if no one had seen her doze off for a few seconds. She looked down her body again at her stomach.
"Lets hope we get lucky this time. Then I will have to come back..." She turned to the console and started to make the next set of course corrections. It had been a long time since Taiga had been left alone with her own thoughts, sometimes they scared her and sometimes they made her the happiest woman in the universe. Today however she was unsure.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


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