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The Final Push (Part 1)

Posted on Sun Sep 2nd, 2018 @ 12:18pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Sun Sep 2nd, 2018 @ 12:21pm

1,230 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Various Locations


[USS Tokyo Bridge]

The doors to the bridge opened and Taiga stepped out followed by the Federation bridge crew. With the ceasefire and co-operation of the Terrans most of the crew had been accounted for. There was of course a few casualties on both sides. The bridge was empty, silent and had a spooky feeling to it whilst all the consoles were blackened out and lifeless.

Taiga nodded to the crew to take up their stations before she approached her command chair. "Computer release bridge lockouts. Authorisation Aisaka-Alpha-Three-Five-Three-Delta" she said as she sat down. One by one each console on the bridge began to light up and come back to life. There were marks from the firefight on some of them and some of the consoles flashed and flickered from being damaged.

"Right people" Taiga said simply. "How about we get these two ships back to where they belong!" she announced.

"Bridge to Engineering".

"Engineering here" Mirror Taiga's voice said over the comm. A small image of the Mirror Taiga appeared in the corner of the viewscreen which was now showing the blackness of the void in front of them. "We're almost ready down here. I hope this works Federation!" she replied.

"I hope it does too. No offense, but I don't want to be stuck with you lot much longer. It would drive me crazy!" Taiga replied a small smile creeping across her face. "Its best we get back where we belong. Both of us"

"Couldn't agree more..." Mirror Taiga replied.

The turbolift doors swished open and a very tired, dirty and worn out Mikko emerged onto the bridge.
"Sorry Captain. We've been held down in navigational control." she explained as she moved over towards the helm.

Mimi was a couple of steps behind Mikko, she was just as dirty and worn out as Mikko. Her uniform ripped slightly, her usually well kept fur a matted mess and a small lump on the side of her head. "It was certainly interesting." She added as she headed for the ops console.

"Looks like you two held out well" Taiga replied. "Well done, are you able to take your stations?" She asked a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes sir" Mikko said with a slight smile. "Better than being pinned down by phaser fire" she explained.

"And getting hit in the head." Mimi said, she slipped into the chair at the Ops console and checked it over.


Mirror Taiga stood by the ships warp core. She was finally ready to get this over and done with.
"Where is that useless Soren? I need him here to get on with getting us the hell out of here!" She grabbed a passing ensign. "You. Find Soren and bring him to me!"

"Mistress Aisaka." Mimi said bowing her head to her mistress as she approached.

Taiga turned her attention to Mimi to acknowled her.

"Something does not feel right." Mimi told her. "A lot of the crew are not where they should be."

"Probably cowarding away" Taiga replied. Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. Taiga was looking into the eyes of ger Ryuuji.

He instantly kissed her. "I'm not unloyal. We secured the fighter workshops for you" he said. His hand moved down to Taiga's slightly rounded out, exposed belly. "Hows our baby?"

"He's fine" Taiga said. "You need to help our engineers". Ryuuji nodded and broke away. Taiga grabbed his hand that had been on her pregnant belly, pulled it back and placed ut back on her belly. She pulled him down and whispered into his ear. "I'll make everything up to you tonight.."


Alora had all the scientific and intel data since encountering the wormhole from both ships. She still was afraid that Alex and his team would need to find the right opening, but if that were the case, she would personally keep a transporter lock on teh ship and its crew so she wouldn't lose Alex again.

Now it was a matter of getting to the bridge, making sure it was the right bridge, and getting the data parsed out.


Mikko at the helm tapped at the console to bring the Tokyo inline with the anomaly. "I think we're ready" she said simply with a smile.

Taiga gripped the end of the arms on her chair. "Once Commander Tau'Ri arrives, you should have all the data we need to plot a safe course through the anomoly. Hopefully, this will split the ships and we'll find ourselves back in our own universe" she explained.


Bobbie Sue walked down teh corridor beside Soren, not eactly sure where they should be going, but knowing they had to get to a safe part of the USS Tokyo.

She glanced over to Soren. "Why do I get the feeling we're heading into trouble?"

"Probably because you are walking around with me." Soren replied with a smirk. "Trouble seems to find me."

They turned a corner and suddenly Bobbie Sue was no longer on the USS Tokyo. Not only that, she was on a different part of the ship entirely. Where was she? Soren wasn't with her, either. She went back around the corner, but it was still the ISS Tokyo, and still unfamiliar. Her stomach knotted and she took a deep breath to calm herself down. There was nothing to worry about. Both Captains were working together to get them back to their respective homes. All she needed was to find her way back to familiar territory before the separation.

She pulled out her tricorder and scanned for the nearest turbolift, then headed off. As she turned yet another corner, she saw Soren ahead of her, but he was not the same Soren. This one was dressed in a Terran Empire uniform and had an ugly expression on his face.

Mirror Soren stopped, narrowing his eyes at Bobbie Sue and the other Soren. He soon smirked evilly before placing his hand on his cybernetic forearm. "Soren to ISS Crew. Begin." He refrained from laughing as he took his hand away. "You're not the one I am looking for, but should I run out of time, you will do nicely." He began to walk toward them, removing his weapon from its holster.

Bobbie Sue didn't have a phaser, but she always had a knife. She carefully slipped it out of its case, ready to throw it.

The mutiny was soon thrown into full throttle. Various ISS crew members began to storm parts of the ship with their weapons drawn, looking to take no prisoners. Soren's Dolls began to teleport into key places, appearing in the familiar Borg like transporter beam, attacking and disrupting systems. They had three goals in mind. Stop the Federation Crew, as well as anyone else who gets in their way. Capture the Mirror Tiaga and Capture the USS Tokyo's XO Alora Tau'Ri. There were no other objects and failure wasn't an option.

Alora heard the sounds of fighting as she approached the bridge. She pulled her phaser and ran around the corner.

Half a dozen people from both ships were fighting. Alora was in no mood to fight, so she pulled out her phaser and stunned the four Terran Empire crew and turned to the others. "Take them to the brig."

Then she turned and continued to the bridge.

To be continued....


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