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Formulating a Plan

Posted on Fri Jan 5th, 2018 @ 11:46pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Alora Knight & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Tatiana Manning & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,109 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Engineering Office

Taiga tapped her comm badge to open a communications channel to all the current Senior Officers that had been located. Most of them were still gathered either in or around Engineering where they had taken refuge. Many of them were still unaccounted for, and with areas of the ship a warzone there wasn't many safe areas anymore. Luckily for her the Engineering deck of the Tokyo had been secured by them and she had called them all into the Chief Engineers Office.

She sat down behind the desk waiting for them all to arrive.

T'Shenn, K'Eltora and the Mirror T'Shenn came in. The Mirror T'Shenn said, "The Captain is going to execute me for betraying him and helping you out."

Alora walked in holding tightly to Alex' hand. She nodded to Taiga and found two seats.

"Ok people" Taiga said simply. "We need to find a way to split the USS Tokyo and the ISS Tokyo apart before we merge much more" she started with. "However we're going to have to come up with a way of doing that, not to mention trying to convince our counterparts to do the same" she explained.

T'Shenn said, "I don't know. It seems all they want to do is conquer us."

"Because we have yet to talk to them," Alora said. "If they realize that the only way for either of our ships to get out of here is to work together, they might be more amenable." However, she was very aware that most of the Terran Empire would rather destroy the USS Tokyo and take their chances than work with them. But she still felt it was imperative that they try.

"I have discussed with Commander Tau'Ri potential ways of doing this" she explained. "We're going to need two teams to be able to put this plan into action" she told them all. "We're going to try talking to them, and at the same time we need some of our best people to take back Astrometrics and surrounding areas in order to access information about this area of space" she pushed forward a stack of PADDs and indicated for everyone to take them from the desk. "Once we have the correct data, we can work out a way to split these ships"

"I'll take Astrometrics," Alora said. "I already have a team in mind." She smiled at Alex.

Alex looked to her and smile, placing a hand on hers, before giving her a nod.

Taiga nodded. "You are to only use force if you run into resistance" she told her. "Once you are in Astrometrics, establish a secure link between there and Engineering" she then turned to look at the Chief Engineer.

Alora nodded. She had no intention of killing anyone unless she had no other choice.

"Once they have that link established. You are to work with them to split the ships. We need a way out of this without killing either crews" Taiga ordered.

"That's easy enough. We put together a list of who we OK with and then track all other life signs. Site to site them to a secure location."

"Meanwhile. I will contact the other Captain and we will meet in person to talk" Taiga said. She looked over at T'Shenn. "You will be coming with me. I will need someone to help should it turn into an ambush" she said.

T'Shenn nodded and said, "Yes, Captain. I will need a better blade than I have. Since I was banned from my blades, I have not been able to combat as well as I should be able to."

"We are not going to turn this into a bloodbath," Alora said. "Because once the killing starts, we will be unable to work together and we will not get out of here."

"I agree" Taiga said. "There has been enough fighting here. Its time we started showing that we're actually Starfleet Officers and that we have more sense!" Taiga explained. "We will be armed with our standard weapons. There is no need for bladed weapons, those can seriously injure as a phaser can be set on stun" she explained.


Mimi sauntered around engineering, now she was the 'guest' of the crew from this other universe they would not let her leave. She kept watching looking for a moment to escape. This version of Taiga had assigned someone to watch her, this much she knew as a young human kept following her no matter where she walked. She walked in a circuit of the room gradually getting closer to the main exit each time.

Crewman Barnes watched the young feline as she walked around engineering, he found it interesting to see this alternate (and certainly more attractive) version of his own department head. Who clearly had a completely different job in her universe.

When the main doors to engineering opened as another crewman came through Mimi bolted through it, with unnatural dexterity she slipped the Type II phaser out of the crewmans holster as she ran past, the crewman was taken completely by surprise.

Barnes had looked away for a moment then when he looked back Mimi had dissappeared, one moment she was stood there and the next she was through the door. Drawing his phaser he ran out after her but by the time he made it out the door Mimi was already out of sight. He ran up to the chiefs office and hit the chime

A Security Crewman called out, "FREEZE!" He held his phaser pointed at the escaping Mimi but didn't know if he should fire or not.

[Main Engineering]

Alora had occasionally watched the MU Mimi, but with Barnes watching her, she paid more attention to the meeting. It wasn't until he ran out the door that she noticed Mimi was gone. Part of her wanted to follow, but she knew separating the two ships was more important. She and Alex needed to figure out what was going on. And maybe get Lora to help them. Until then, there would be a lot of trouble between the two crew.

"Captain, I think we should separate now before Mimi brings security down on us," Alora said.

"Not a bad idea" Taiga said. "Lets get this done people, we're not wasting anymore time!"

Alora stood, still holding Alex' hand. Together, they walked out of engineering.


Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security Officer
ISS Tokyo

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant-Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

Lieutenant Tatiana Manning
Chief Engineer
ISS Tokyo

ISS Tokyo

Crewman Barnes
USS Tokyo


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