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Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2017 @ 12:56pm by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Commander Alora Knight
Edited on on Wed Dec 13th, 2017 @ 1:02pm

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Tokyo Cargo Bay


Fortunately for Alora, she didn't run into anyone she couldn't avoid as she made her way to the Cargo Bay transporter. She'd given Alex and Dutch careful instructions on which transporters she wanted to use. Once she got there, she again made contact.

"Guenevere to Galahad."

Dutch sat in the pilots chair of the Prowler and looked over to Pitbull. "Am I Galahad or are you Galahad?"

"If you are, I sure as hell hope I am not Lancelot." Pitbull replied with a chuckle before tapping on the console and replying. "This is the Prowler, Alora. Go ahead."

"I'm in the cargo bay. I think we can transport the Prowler itself to the Tokyo," Alora said.

Pitbull shrugged slightly before responding. "Does your cargo bay have enough room?"

"For a Runabout? Yes," ALora said. "I double-checked. "And it'll mean I get all of you and your ship."

"She's not just a runabout. She's a home." Pitbull replied with a smile before adding. "I trust you, Alora. Ready when you are."

Alora got the coordinates and ran them through the ship, carefully checking that she did, indeed, have the Prowler. This was too important to leave to chance. Then she locked on to the ship and verified the space she would be transporting to. "Okay. I have a lock. Here we go." She activated the transporter and listened to it cycle through. When it stopped, she was afraid to run around, just in case.

Still afraid to turn around, she tapped her combadge. "Did it work?"

"It's a bit snug." Dutch replied.

"It's fine." Pitbull added. "We'll be right out."

Alora turned around. It was a bit snug, but it fit with just enough room to take off and land. Now, she just wanted to see Alex again. She deactivated the transporter controls and locked them with her command access, then went over to the Prowler.

The ramp of the Prowler lowered and hit the cargo bay door. Suddenly, a familiar face ran out of the runabout and down the ramp. It wasn't the face she was expecting, but it was familiar non the less. The four legged canine ran to Alora, barking and wagging his tail.

Behind the dog the team came down, minus Alex. Lem and Jazz were both pulling hovering stretchers. One stretcher had Viva and the other had Lex. Behind them was Dutch and Pitbull who smirked seeing Shade with Alora.

"He beat us to it." Pitbull replied with a slight chuckle as they approached.

Alora dropped to her knees to hug the dog. "I missed you, too," she said. After several minutes, she stood and looked up at the others. "Where is he?"

Pitbull stepped forward and looked at Alora. "He's coming. Just needed to get himself ready." He gave a slight smile adding. "Good to see you, Alora. I did my best to watch out for him, as promised, but you know him. First one out the door in a firefight and the last one on the ship before an escape. He's in one piece, don't worry."

"I know," Alora said, giving him a hug. "Thanks."

"More or less." Jazz added with a smirk.

Alora raised an eyebrow at that comment.

Pitbull looked over to her before looking back to Alora. Just as he was about to say something he heard the sound of a foot hitting the ramp, which caused him to turn around. With a smile, he turned back and put his hand on her shoulder. "We'll be over there. Take all the time you need." He looked at the others and gestured forward. "Let's go, guys. Leave them some much needed space."

As Pitbull moved forward, the others followed suit. Jazz couldn't help but eye ball Alora as she passed by. Soon they had found a place to rest and wait.

Alex came down the ramp and his feet finally hit the floor of the shuttlebay. He paused slightly, looking over to Alora with a smile. He looked just about the same, but a little worn from all the fighting they've been doing. He still had the all black Starfleet Uniform on, with the combadge and SWORD insignia on the shoulder, however it too look like it had seen better days. He finally ran his hand through his hair, pulling it back slightly, before dawning a smile and walking the rest of the way toward her.

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "I missed you," she said. "I'm so glad you're back."

Alex let out a laugh as he wrapped her arms around her and lifted her up slightly off the ground, holding her close as he turned around with her. "I missed you too." He finally placed her feet back down on the ground and moved his hands to the sides of her face. He leaned in slowly, placing his forehead to hers, before whispering. "I've seen you every time I closed my eyes, but I was never able to touch you. It's so good to finally be able to hold you in my arms again, Alora."

"I kept busy working because nothing was the same without you. And then the Nagara was disbanded and the crew sent to other ships. I wasn't sure if you'd be able to find me. And now..." She pulled his head down to her and kissed him for several long moments. "I hope you don't mind if I don't let you go for a while."

"I have no objections." Alex replied softly with a slight laugh before kissing her again.

It was a long while before Alora finally buried her face in his shoulder. "I want nothing more than to go somewhere quiet where we can be together for the next few hours, but I should probably take you to meet the captain. However, once we're out of this mess and back home..."

"I am home." Alex replied softly, his hands still holding the sides of her face. "Anywhere you are is home." He whispered before giving her a quick kiss on her lips and pulling back with a smile.

"Yes. Anywhere you are is home." She pulled the chain holding the engagement ring out from under her uniform. "You never gave me a chance to say yes."

"Well." Alex said as he pulled the chain off her neck and removed the small latch to release the ring. "No chance like the present. After all, we are surrounded by danger and the possibility of death. Terran Empire officers marching around, trying to take over the ship and kill us all. Seems like the perfect time to me." He looked at her with a smirk.

She caressed his cheek and chuckled. "Now is absolutely perfect." Indeed, any time was perfect as long as Alex was there.

Alex took the ring in his hand and, with his other hand, brought her hand close to him. He slipped the ring onto her finger but stopped just sort of her knuckle as he spoke. "Alora Tau-Ri? I have crossed universes to find you, and even thought our meeting was under complicated circumstances, I found myself compelled to stay. You have been in on my mind, and in my heart, ever since. I have pledged my life and the lives of my team, my family, to protecting you and yours, but now I pledge something much deeper. I pledge to you my unyielding love. I will honor and protect you, till my final days. I will be your guardian, your right hand, and your all seeing eyes, but most importantly... I will be your husband. Faithful and True. Will you take this ring and be my wife and join my family? Will you stand with me in battle and in life until our final breaths, whether by fate or time, as my wife, the keeper of my heart?"

"I will take your ring, be your wife, and join your family. All that is mine will be yours. I will fight by your side, protect you, and love you for as long as the worlds survive. You are my heart, my soul, and my love. I am not complete unless I am with you. I want to be your lover, your mate, and your partner in whatever fate provides."

Alex smiled as he slipped the ring the rest of the way on her finger. He then placed his hands on the side of her face and leaned down as he kissed her passionately and deeply.

Alora melted against him, kissing him with equal passion. She'd felt alone and half empty for so long, and now, he was here and he was hers and...she couldn't think of anything but Alex and how good it felt to be with him again.

Alex continued to kiss her for a bit more before pulling away. He smiled as he looked into her eyes, running a hand through her hair before whispering. "I love you."

She smiled back, unable to keep a few happy tears from trickling down her cheeks. "I love you, too." She wanted to laugh, she was so happy.

Alora leaned in to kiss Alex again, but just then her combadge chirped with a message from Taiga calling everyone to a meeting in Engineering. She sighed. "Duty calls." She slipped her hand in his. "We'll continue this later."


Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Alex" Knight
Commander, SWORD

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
Second Leader, SWORD

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
SWORD Member

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel
SWORD Corpsman


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