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Two Taiga's = Trouble

Posted on Fri Mar 16th, 2018 @ 9:22pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi

1,200 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Cargo Bay 3

Taiga checked that her phaser was set on heavy stun as the small team approached Cargo Bay Three. The Terran versions of them had accepted their proposal to a meeting to discuss what was going on. The way that Taiga saw it was that there was no need to carry on the bloodshed and violence that had occured over the past few hours.

Taiga turned to T'Shenn by her side. "I want you ready to jump into action should things turn south. We're here to talk to them, but we are not here to kill anyone" she explained to her.

T'Shenn nodded and said, "I don't know if this is going against orders or not, Captain, but I have my wrist and boot blades on as well as a couple of concealed type one phasers."

"Lets hope that we don't need them" Taiga said simply.

[Cargo Bay 3]

The doors of the cargo bay opened. The mirror Taiga was already waiting for them, her arms crossed across her chest.

"I see your late. I can't even rely on myself to be on time!" she snapped as they walked through.

Stood the appropriate distance away from her Mistress was Mimi, her body ready to act at a moments notice if the federation tried anything.

Taiga simply smiled. It was like looking in a mirror, except the Mirror Taiga sported a different more revealing uniform and had obviously been more succesful in reproduction.

"We wanted to be sure we wouldn't be shot on sight" Taiga replied simply as she approached. She stopped a little way from her, not too close and not too far away. "As you know we're here to talk. We're not interested in carrying out any more violence" she explained. "As you seem to have realised, we are in a bit of a situation and without working together we'll be stuck like this indefintely".

"That makes some sort of sense" Mirror Taiga replied. "But, whats stopping us from simply taking all of you out and then working it out on our own?" she asked pulling an evil smile.

Taiga smiled back, both of them now sporting the same menacing smile. "We have control of Engineering. I have people on standby and if they don't hear from me within ten minutes, they have orders to overload the warp core" she replied simply. It was a bluff, but she hoped that they would fall for it. "Either we work together or neither of us gets out of this alive" she said simply she looked down at the her mirror self's exposed stomach. "Would you rather help us, or allow yourself and your baby to be blown up by us...?" Taiga asked referring to both of them.

"Call your people. We will consider your request" Mirror Taiga said. She turned away to talk to her people.

Taiga turned also and walked over with her group to the opposite corner.

"Suggestions?" she asked.

T'Shenn sighed. "My honest suggestion is for us to do what she said they should do. However, we both have skill sets that the other doesn't. I am not referring to how my mirror self grovels. Gods I wish we could bring my counterpart with us. Best I can suggest is we either arm ourselves and go two by two to where we need to, or try to disarm ourselves. But if they are like anything I have read, they will have a plan and weapon up their sleeves. My security team would too, but someone ordered me not to carry my weapons while on duty, so... they kinda got screwed there."

Taiga nodded. "But then we will also have skill sets that they don't have either. We're not here for a fight out, we're here to talk to them and get both ships back to where we are supposed to be" Taiga replied.

The two Taiga's returned to facing each other.

The mirror Taiga spoke first. "I believe that it is in our best interests to work together to seperate the ships" she said simply. "There is no glory in being stuck in this strange part of the universe, wherever that may be and quite frankly I want to get back to the empire" she said.

"Fair enough" Taiga said. "Have you got any ideas on how to get out of this?" she asked back.

"Can't say that I have" Mirror Taiga said. She tapped her comm badge. "This is Captain Aisaka to all troops. Stand down. We have negotiated a cease fire with the 'Federations'. Standby for orders. Should any of you fire without authorisation from me, then you'll find yourselves in the agony booth!"

She looked up at Taiga. "You said your people were working on the problem. So what do they have to show me?"

"I'm not sure yet. They've been doing that this entire time. Come with us to Engineering and we'll check their progress together" Taiga replied.

"Very well." Mirror Taiga said. "I will go with you to Engineering. But this better not be a trap."

Both parties left the cargo bay after the orders of a ceasefire had been issued to both crews. Taiga walked alongside her counterpart.
"So..." she said. "I see you and Ryuuji have been busy..."

Mirror Taiga laughed. "Apparently I'm better at that than you" she replied with a rather evil grin.

"Not my fault. I would be the same as you if the Romulans hadn't of shot me" Taiga told her back.

Mirror Taiga laughed and placed a hand on her counterparts shoulder. "The next time I see any Romulan outlaws, how about I give them a bloody nose for you?" she said. "I may be from the Terran Empire, but we're both Human here and even in different universes no one should have to go through that" she explained.

For the fire time ever, Taiga saw a little bit of compassion in her counterparts eyes even if for a moment. "I'm not going to say no to revenge for my child. But make sure you look after yours, once this is over I... hope we meet again"

Mirror Taiga laughed once again. "Its been an interesting experience, but the next time we meet it will most likely be my ship verses yours. So don't hold yourself too high on friendship yet" she explained. "I still have my orders and 'The Federation' is still a threat to the Terran Empire" she explained.

"I can see that" Taiga said. "Lets get out of this together and then go our seperate ways".

"I can agree to that" Mirror Taiga said. "But first, I want you to do something" she explained. She grabbed Taiga's hand and whilst walking placed it gently onto her exposed pregnant belly. Taiga was a little unsure of how to react as she felt the mirror Taiga's baby move inside.

"There, you finally got to feel what its like for me. Hopefully, you'll experience it for yourself.... ourselves again" Mirror Taiga grinned. "So, for the sake of that. Lets get out of this mess!"

Taiga nodded as she withdrew her hand. "At least we both share the same desires" she grinned as they walked towards Engineering.


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