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New Car Smell

Posted on Thu Mar 9th, 2017 @ 11:44pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Thu Mar 9th, 2017 @ 11:44pm

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks

Captain Taiga Aisaka stepped out onto the bridge of the Tokyo. It had that 'new car smell' after being repaired and refitted since the incident with the Borg. Also Starfleet had ironed out several of the creases with the Armitage class design, and their testbed was the Tokyo for the upgrades.

She strolled down to the command area of the bridge and stood in front of her chair. "Time to get back out there" she said simply. With the departure of Jennifer, who was taking some time off after her ordeal, the bridge seemed a little empty. She eased herself slowly down into the chair and sat back, relaxing slightly.

"Aisaka to all hands" she said tapping her comm badge. "We are preparing to leave Spacedock. You all performed well against the Borg. However we managed to beat those zombie Bastards. The ship has been repaired and several upgrades have been installed to improve the ships peformance" she explained to the entire crew. "Our mission is simple. We are to test out the newly improved warp drive en route to Starbase 385 on the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone" she let out an audible sigh. "I don't want to be going back there either, frankly I think we've seen enough of those slimy gits, and we've had our fair share. However we are needed there because thats our mission. We are to patrol the Neutral Zone and keep a close eye on Romulan activity. Starfleet believes that they may be plotting something after the ripples we caused a few months ago. I know you can all do well. All decks standby for launch. Aisaka out"

Trigman had taken bridge training, making it to Lieutenant Commander it kind of came with the territory; so not being a stranger to the Bridge he had a station keyed to his ready status of the pilots. The entire wing status displayed before him he could easily keep track of his people with his feed going directly into the Flight Ready Room. Because of his being on the bridge he had the 1st squadron on the ready; there was little chance of there being a scramble yet the possibility did not get past Trigman. Four shifts of six hours at the ready; otherwise known as 'Ramp Duty' by many other accounts of Old EArth pilots. That would put Dillinger on the next six hour shift with his people, the man had potential and like any squadron Leader so long as things remained 'in house' Trigman left a fiar latitude with his pilots.

The display of the 'Parking Slots' of each fighter could be called up when needed; it was a simple program, and the squadron at the ready took the open lanes nearest the launch bay doors. Six ready fighters on the launchers while their pilots waited close by in teh Ready Room with flight gear on.

He let a green status to the Captain's read out.

T'Shenn, though now wearing Security gold, sat back down in the Conn seat. She smiled and said to herself, "Just keeping it warm until we get a new Alpha shift pilot. At least the Captain knows she can trust me."

K'Eltora took up the tactical station and looked out the main view screen ready to fight if necessary but also following the Captain's orders.

"Ops is good to go Captain." Mimi said after stepping onto the bridge, she'd spent the last 6 hours coordinating between ops and engineering making sure every last thing onboard was good. Slipping in to the chair at her console she wrapped her tail around it's base.

Alora walked onto the bridge and paused long enough to take a deep breath and take a quick look around. Then she walked to the seat next to the Captain, nodding to the crew as she passed.

"Ok" Taiga said after recieving all the reports from various departments and all decks. "Lets get this ship out there. Forward thrusters, take us out and nice and slowly".

T'Shenn smiled and said, "Aye Captain." She hit a few buttons and took them out.

Taiga stood up from her chair. "Right, now that we are out of the spacedock. Set course for the Romulan Neutral Zone. We're back on Standard border patrol" she explained simply.

"Commander. Assemble the senior staff in the briefing room once we're underway" Taiga ordered simply.

"Yes, ma'am," Alora said.

Taiga said as she pulled herself out of the command chair. "I'll be in my ready room if anyone needs me" she said simply. "The bridge is yours commander" she added as she strode across the bridge towards the door of the ready room.

When the Captain was gone, Alora sat down in the center chair and sent a message to all senior staff, notifying them of the upcoming meeting.

The Tokyo's nacelles glowed as they powered up. With a flash of light she jumped to warp drive and began cruising towards the Romulan Neutral Zone. Towards another adventure in a dangerous part of space.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Commander

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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