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A convseration about compatability

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 1:45am by Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Sun Mar 4th, 2018 @ 10:32am

1,081 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: sickbay
Timeline: tbd

"Lt Walker. Are you in here?" Mimi called out as she stepped into sickbay. She had been getting reminder messages from sickbay every few days telling her she was due for a physical and now she finally had the time.

Alex was in his office reviewing crew files when he heard the voice of Mimi coming from the reception area. The nurse was away on break so he poked his head around the corner, smiling at the Nekomi officer. "Morning Mimi. Here for the physical?" he asked her, motioning for her to enter the main part of sickbay and take a seat on a biobed.

"Yes." Mimi replied and headed towards the bio bed "I am sorry for leaving it as long as I have."

"A common problem Mimi. I know the senior staff have been busy ironing out the ship's kinks since her last refit." Alex wasn't sure if refit was the correct word but for all the chaos of the six weeks in dry-dock, it might as well have been. As she climbed up on the biobed, Alex grabbed the tricorder from a nearby trolley, opening it as he pulled up her baseline scan from last time.

Beginning to run the scan over her with the wand, he noted a few minor changes, things that could easily be from the chaos of the past few weeks. "You have been eating well? Getting the protein you need? Sleep patterns are okay?"

"I have been eating ok, maybe not as... regular as normal, same with sleep." Mimi said, her tail gently twitched beside her as she let Alex scan her.

Alex nodded, assuming it was just her work schedule. "Do the best you can. And don't forget to get some down time. Spend some time with freinds, use your holodeck time." He noted as he continued his scans of her. The scan was routine enough and Mimi's baselines were good except for a few elevated readings.

"So far so good Mimi. If I can get you to lie down I'm going to run some deeper scans of your chest. Nothing untoward, I just want a deeper baseline scan for you, make sure everything is good especially after the borg invasion." As she did so, he began the slower scan using the bed's higher resolution sensors.

"I didn't get near any borg so there should not be anything... untoward." Mimi replied using the same word as Alex had, it was an unusual word that she'd not heard of before.

Alex nodded, "Good to know." He glanced up at the details of the scan began to stream across his tricorder. Given the Nekomi were a new species to federation medicine, the scan would take longer then it would for say a human or vulcan. It gave him a chance to chat a little. "Meru is doing well in case you were wondering. Settling into the routine with our newborn. Same with Kala."

"That is good, young children can be difficult." Mimi's ears twitched a little, Alex talking about children made her think, think about what happened with Robert a week ago.

"They can be. But parenting can also be rewarding. We wouldn't have five kids if they weren't worth it." He glanced up at the screen, "Not to say that lots of kids is for everyone, it just works for us." He paused, "So far so good on the scan." Looking down at Mimi he smiled, "No borg bits."

"Good.." Mimi said. She started to try and speak again to ask him what she wanted to but each time she opened her mouth the right words wouldn't come to her.

"Mimi?" Alex asked. He'd noticed her wanting to say something, ask something.

"It's nothing." Mimi replied trying to give herself a little more time to think of the right words.

"Mimi." Alex remarked, "What is the question?" He knew she could be shy and didn't always know which words to use at times.

"Well, I..... want you to do a test on me." Mimi finally said.

"Okay? Something specific?" Alex asked, wondering what Mimi could be concerned about.

"I want to know if my body is compatible with humans."

"In what sense Mimi?" Alex wasn't trying to be dense but he wanted to be sure what Mimi was asking. "Your body is compatible with humans, at least from a biochemical and anatomical sense. You can safely engage in sexual intercourse if that's what you mean?"

"Are you sure there would not be any problems if we did?" Mimi asked, she was worried about getting herself or Robert hurt.

Alex closed his tricorder. "Mimi. With few exceptions most humanoid species, yours included, can enjoy sex without fear of hurting your partner. If you have a partner you wish to have a child with however, that is a different story. Reproduction can be tricky, so I would have to run some tests if you decide to go down that road someday."

"Could you do those tests?" Mimi said. "We are nowhere near that.... stage but it would be... nice to know if we could."

Alex nodded, motioning for Mimi to sit up. "I can do the tests if you wish Mimi." As she sat up he continued, "I would also need to run some tests on the standard contraceptive shot as well. Ensure they also are effective if you are in fact genetically compatible with humans." He paused and looked at Mimi. "The genetic screen is easy enough to do, I'll need a few days, maybe a week. The other test make take several weeks and Mimi, I would strongly suggest you refrain from engaging in any sort of intimate acts with this male friend until we know for sure. Okay?"

"Like I said, we are not at the stage yet, but from what Maria told me love can do strange things to people." Mimi said as she sat up and swung her tail back behind her.

"That it can." He remarked, "Physical wise you are in good health Mimi. I will get those tests started in the next day or so. Only advice for you right now is to try to get a bit more sleep, eat a bit more protein, and relax a bit more." He offered her his hand as she hopped off the biobed.

"I will try Alex. Thank you for helping me."

"You are welcome Mimi." He remarked, as she began to leave, "Enjoy the rest of your day."



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