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Here's Bettie (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Mar 9th, 2017 @ 7:18am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 6:53am

1,327 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: In Bettie/Fighter Bay
Timeline: After "Speedy Arrival"


The doors on the far side of the bay opened and Taiga stepped through, her long blonde hair trailing behind her in a slight breeze. She walked up to the group, and saw that T'Shenn had just put her blade away.
"I got fed up of waiting" she said simply. She was no where near the size of Soren, but that didn't mean she felt intimidated.

"Lieutenant" she said addressing T'Shenn. "I would advise you to not use that before anyone gets hurt. Plus its not Starfleet Issue, even if it concealed" she said simply before turning to face Soren. "Make sure they are also stored away safely"

T'Shenn smirked and said, "Captain, they are stored safely. Last XO cleared them because of my culture and background. And unless this is a battle situation, I only do it jokingly."

Soren looked over to Taiga quickly before looking back to T'Shenn. "Yeah, Chief. Put Mister Pointy away before something bad happens." He added a slight smile before focusing back to Taiga.

T'Shenn growled, "The Captain is the only one who can complain about my choice in weaponry. She has earned that trust. You have made another man I trust and respect very unhappy with you. So trust me, Mister, if Mister Pointy comes out it's either in jest or to slit your throat."

Soren crossed his arms over his chest smirk, keeping to his joking demeanor. "And if I deserve it, you are more then welcomed to it. But until then, I am not responsible for the condition you are left it. I am a lot tougher than I look, Chief. So let's just reserve the stabbing till after you get to know me. Savvy?"

Taiga gave them both a 'warning shot', which was a look that would kill. It made them both shut up rather quickly. She simply cleared her throat to change the subject.

"So, you're Mister Soren Dillinger?" she asked firmly to the point.

"Cyber legs and all." Soren answered, tapping his thigh with a laugh. "You must be my in house Warden, Commander Aisaka. Congrats on the promotion by the way." He gave her a slight salute before putting his hands behind his back.

Immediately, a Federation Security Guard handed T'Shenn a PADD holding Soren's Starfleet Record, his discharge, details on the accident and his Intel provided cybernetic legs, his suspected crimes, and recent reinstatement into Starfleet. Commander Aisaka was handed a different PADD with the same information on it.

"By order of the JAG, Federation Security, and the United Federation of Planets, Reinstated Lieutenant Soren Dillinger is hereby placed unto the custody of the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Tokyo as her Chief of Intelligence. Mister Dillinger is to adhere to the orders of the Commanding Officer, her command staff, and any order given to him by a high ranking Starfleet Officer, unless said order involves violates his civil liberties and rights." The Federation Security Guard took a deep breath before continuing. "Mister Dillinger is also advised not to have any contact with members of his former criminal life unless said contact is permitted by the chain of command. Should Mister Dillinger leave the ship, unless supervised by a superior officer or member of the crew, and not return within 48 hours he is to be apprehended, held in the brig, and have his personal property seized. In which case, he will be brought to the nearest Federation Starbase and brought in for court martial, discharged, and jailed for the time given to him by the judicial body." The man than pointed to the bottom of both T'Sheen and Commander Aisaka's PADD. "Please place your thumb print here to acknowledged the transfer and accept custody of the criminal known as Soren Dillinger."

Taiga took the PADD and quickly skimmed the contents. You could see her eyes move as she read down the lines. After a few seconds of thinking she pressed the thumbprint and passed it back to the security officer.
"Right" Taiga said. "He's mine now. I get it" she said simply. "Now do me a favor, and let me deal with him from now on. You may now leave" she told them.

The Security Guards looked at each other before walking away and soon out of the flight hanger.

Bettie tugged lightly on Soren's shoulder and leaned in close. She whispered softly. "What's gonna happen to me, Speedy?"

"I don't know, B. But, in the event something does happen, I made arrangements." He turned his head slightly and whispered back. "That's why we can't blow this, Bettie. Okay?"

Bettie nodded slightly. "I don't want anyone else to fly me. It just... wouldn't be the same."

"Ditto." Soren smiled, placing his fingertip on her chin.

Taiga turned to Soren. She walked upto him, stopped a few feet from the man. She looked him up and down as if studying him.
"So, what exactly did you do that got you into trouble with the Fuzz?" she asked simply yet firmly.

Soren paused, looked up toward the ceiling, before looking back to Taiga and replied. "Allegedly I smuggled illegal weapons and items across several friendly and non friendly species. Stolen multiple items that did not belong to me. Outrun and out flown numerous Statfleet Authorities. Consorted with known enemies of the Federation and Starfleet. Conspired against the Federation and Starfleet with those known enemies." He paused again, looking over to Bettie who whispered something in his ear. Soren quickly looking back to Taiga and added. "Jaywalking." He stopped for a moment before concluding. "Allegedly."

Taiga's expression didn't change from earlier. She looked no different. "Well" she said. "Did you, or didn't you?" she asked simply. "Oh, and I wouldn't lie to me either. Tell Starfleet Security what the hell you want, but not on this ship"

Soren looked over to Bettie, who shrugged, before looking back to Taiga and replying. "Okay." He said softly as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearing his throat a bit. "I might have Jaywalked. To be honest, it all happened so fast, I didn't know it happened till it was too late. And then when I realized what had happened, it was too late to turn back." Soren looked away for a moment before returning his focus back to Taiga. "Do you think they might execute me for that?" He gave her a stern look before a smile formed on his face.

Taiga just stared at him. "I might... yet" she said simply. "By the way" she said. "One toe out of line, and you won't have to deal with Starfleet Security. You'll have to deal with me" she paused for a few seconds. "You have the rank of Lieutenant. Commander Trigman is your direct superior officer" she explained. "I have other things to attend to right now. Get unpacked and settled in, you will be on duty tomorrow morning at the start of Alpha Shift"

With that Taiga gave everyone a quick nod before spinning around on a foot and striding out of the fighter bay.

"She must be a blast at parties." Soren replied with a smirk before looking over to Trigman.

"They are not boring to be sure." Trigman, said calmly. "And you are Beta SHift as 2nd squadron."

Soren looked over to Bettie, as if awaiting her approval. Once the hologram nodded, Soren turned back to Trigman and T'Shenn. "So... is shorty always in such a happy mood or is today a special day?"

"typical, only the focal point was you this time." Trigman shook his head. "AT least Lily will be out of the direct line of fire this time." He comment softly.


Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Commander

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer


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