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Final Destination

Posted on Sun Dec 20th, 2015 @ 11:01am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commodore Kaede Kayano & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Ensign Noriko Ogawa

2,101 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Tokyo - Engineering

With the exception of the occasional drone moving around, Engineering was fairly quiet. 6 of 12 had moved back into her alcove to regenerate, and await the arrival of Taiga and the seemingly rogue group that had arrived from the USS Yamato. Wanting to 'display' Ryuuji for Taiga to see, the Borg had opted to restrain him to a table that had been constructed in the middle of Engineering. Now that the trap was set, the only thing left to do was wait for the prey...

Taiga was not far from Engineering. Confused at why the drones were letting her team pass. She looked over at T'Shenn. "That Electromagnetic Pulse. Can you do that again? But shipwide?" she asked simply.

T'Shenn looked at Tagia and said, "I can, but it will hurt me. But first things firs, I need to get out of this uniform. It's going to get hot in there." She took it off quickly until she was down to a black sports bra and matching panties. Once her uniform as discarded, Tagia could see how many blades T'Shenn really had. Knives wrapped around her biceps, spring loaded wrist blade launchers, two collapsible swords on her back, a long knives strapped along her sides, daggers of different shapes and sizes around her calves and thighs, a collapsible double sword on her hips, a pair of disruptors on her lower back and four knives sticking out of her boots. "Traveling light. Forgot my Lirpa and Bat'leth."

"Whatever it takes Lieutenant" Taiga said, "Just don't die on me".


The doors to Engineering opened and Taiga looked around the room. She hardly recognised it. The Borg had made a good job of Assimilating it. It was just a shame that the Drones were all her crew. The consoles were all now showing Borg Displays, the Warp Core looked like it had several new additions to it and wires and tubes were hanging down from the ceiling.

"Well, I really don't like what they've done with the place" Taiga said trying to inject a little humour into the situation. The room was also very warm, warmed than the corridors. Taiga didn't regret throwing off her tunic and tying up her shirt to show her belly at all now. It was actually helping her keep cool.

"Well Commander" Kaede said. She had also unzipped her tunic and was starting to tie up her shirt. It seemed effective in Taiga's case. "She's your ship. What do we do now?"

"Perhaps surrender would be a wise choice." Jen's voice, though badly distorted by vocal implants, was heard before she stepped out into view from behind one of the bulkheads. Looking at her, it was difficult to tell it was her, the gun at her hip the easiest clue. She stepped over to where Ryuuji was restrained to the table, tapping his shoulder as a friend might do. As she stepped into view, several more drones appeared, blocking all of the exits from Engineering. "Mr. Takasu was beginning to worry."

Taiga looked at Ryuuji. "Ryuuji" She said. "You ok?"

"All things considering, yeah. I think so" Ryuuji replied simply giving her a slight smile.

Taiga nodded at him and then returned to look at Jen. "So you've been assimilated now. The Borg have that god damn mind under their control. What do you want to do with this ship?" she asked.

"It's very simple, Commander Aisaka." Jen said, taking a few casual steps towards Taiga. Unlike the other drones, there was something... different about Jen's demeanor. "We will assimilate your ship, and then use it as a starting point to assimilate the rest of the Alpha Quadrant."

"That will never happen" Kaede said. "There is a fully armed Sovereign Class Starship out there. I won't allow the Tokyo to go any further than it already has" she explained simply.

"Tsk tsk, Captain." Jen said, teasingly wagging a finger at the woman. "You will find that I do not easily give in to threats." For anyone who knew the Borg, her lack of the use of the word 'we' could easily single her out as being something different among the collective.

In that moment, one of the many drones that were in the room, snuck up behind one of the security officers that had entered with them, and injected them with nanites. The young Ensign fell to the ground, crying in agony as nanites began swarming through her blood stream to assimilate her.

"Resistance is futile." Jen said as she looked at the others. "Join us, and we will bring you closer to perfection."

Taiga spun around and fired her phaser at the security officer killing her instantly. "No one should go through that" Taiga muttered.

"T'Shenn" Taiga said. "Now!" Taiga really hoped that T'Shenn's Electromagnetic Pulse would knock out Jen's communications long enough for her team to take her down and shut down the Borg.

T'Shenn was fast as she pulled a blade from a thigh and stabbed herself on her right side nicking her heart as she did so. She collapsed with the blade still lodged in her side.

K'Eltora hit a button on her Borg armor as she teleported just as the pulse was sent out.

As a reaction, Jen went for her pistol, aiming to shoot T'Shenn, but the Hefestian was faster. As the pulse shot out in all directions, sparks flew from a few random drones, and the lights flickered. Just before the lights went out, and the panels lining the walls of Engineering went dark, Jen cried out in pain as an implant on her own head sparked.

With the lights out, the Warp core, and emergency lights were all that gave any ability to see. In the dim light of Engineering, the group could see Jen stagger as she grabbed the spot that sparked, and it was easy to see that she was momentarily stunned.

Noriko, standing in her assigned spot, felt a shudder of pain as the implants in her body overloaded. Thankfully her implants were minimal as the hive had chosen her for tasks not requiring major surgery to her body, a few surface implants here & there, but the effect on her was immediate. She stumbled and collapsed near Taiga as the hive mind, disconnected from her, let her own self reassert itself. She stared up at the captain, her body shutting down. "Captain. Help. Please." she choked out.

Taiga set her phaser to heavy stun and shot Noriko knocking her out cold. "Take positions!" She shouted as she ran towards Jen. She fired several shots from her rifle depleting what was left of Jen's Borg Shields before jumping into the air and landing a flying kick directly into the drone's face.

As the kick landed, it sent Jen staggering back, falling over one of the smaller consoles to land on the floor, and dropping her pistol. Shaking away the dizziness, Jen was able to get to her feet. She looked at Taiga, then started to advance as a handful of other drones in Engineering began to advance a bit more slowly from their alcoves. "The Borg don't need my instructions to know how to assimilate you!" She told Taiga.

"T'Shenn!" Taiga yelled over the chaos. "Destroy the Vinculum!" she ordered. The Borg Vinculum which linked all minds together on a Borg Vessel was a vital part of their collective. Without it all Borg drones in its range would be severed from the Hive Mind.

T'Shenn reached behind herself trying to get her disruptor but she was losing a lot of blood and strength.

K'Eltora beamed in. She was still in her Borg armor with her voice sounding metallic as she said, "Damn, I cut that way too close. Those bastards on the Yamato took a few pot shots at me. I was ready to..."

T'Shenn said, "K'Eltora... plan... delta."

K'Eltora nodded as she turned, and with her Borg disruptor fired at the Vinculum.

With the various implants, and Borg armor, Jen was a bit more encumbered than usual. As she got within striking distance of Taiga, she lashed out with a clumsy punch, aiming to knock the woman out.

Taiga dodged Jen's attack, she grabbed the woman's arm and threw her clean over her shoulder and into one of the wall consoles which sparked as Jen ploughed into it. There was a sudden explosion behind Taiga as the Vinculum exploded causing the entire ship to shake.

Borg Drones ship wide sparked as their implants shut down and disengaged. Several of the consoles in Engineering also sparked and exploded and the Borg technology on the ship began to shut down and fall apart. Taiga pulled the knife from her belt and held it to Jen's throat.
"Borg or not. One move and I'll kill you!" She threatened not knowing if Jen was ever going to be able to return from the grasp of the Collective.

Just having landed when the Vinculum exploded, Jen sighed, and looked up at Taiga. "You should've done that the moment I stepped out of the alcove, Commander." Despite the distortion from her implants, Jen's voice sounded tired now. "You would've been doing me a favor."

Taiga kept the knife still for a few seconds then lowered it. "I've lost enough crew for one day" she said. "Although some are going to need some serious medical treatment". She looked over at Kaede who rushed over and knelt down. She tapped her comm badge.

=A= Kayano to Yamato. Begin beaming emergency Engineering and Medical teams aboard the Tokyo. Tell the Doctor to prepare to start removing Borg Implants =A= Kaede called.
=A= Yes sir... Captain. The USS Grant has just arrived, its requesting a status update =A= the voice of Kaede's first officer replied.
=A= Inform them that the Borg Threat is neutralised, however their co-operation in the clean up would be appreciated =A= Kaede replied simply as she pulled out a medical tricorder and began to ran a deep scan on the woman.

Taiga relaxed a little as she looked down at Jen. "How about I let Captain Kayano sort you out while I go find what the hell you did to my ship?"

K'Eltora rushed over to T'Shenn and said, "Going to cauterize the wound."

T'Shenn nodded as K'Eltora clumsily pulled the disruptor out of her hand. T'Shenn pulled out the dagger and K'Eltora fired. T'Shenn's breathing was labored but thanks to her warrior training, she didn't cry out. K'Eltora picked her up and held her.

T'Shenn smiled. "You'd be proud of Karlassa. She fought like a warrior."

K'Eltora smiled. "Tell me about it. Every detail.

"At this point, I've finally figured it out." Jen said, looking tiredly up at Kaede, as she checked Jen's condition. "I'm getting too old for this shit."

Kaede helped Jen up. "We're getting you to the Yamato. Taiga wants everyone who can be saved to be saved as soon as possible, that includes you" she explained.

"She would've saved herself a lot of trouble just by killing me." Jen said as she got to her feet with the help of Kaede. As the woman started to lead her off, she stopped, and turned to Ryuuji. "I'm genuinely sorry for what I've done to you, and everyone else... But for the record, had I not been fighting the Borg's influence, you would've been assimilated when you were first apprehended."

Ryuuji who was rubbing his wrists where the restraints had been looked over at her. "I'm glad of that" he said with a smile. "I didn't really want Borg nanoprobes screwing with my mind... No offense"

"None taken, Mr. Takasu." Jen replied. As she turned to follow Kaede out of Engineering, she thought about the situation at hand. Anyone who survived assimilation would now know exactly who Jen was, and why she was there. She'd have to come up with a quick way to handle this issue... Preferably before it caused her major issues.

Taiga watched her leave. She turned to Ryuuji and simply smiled at him. "We'll catch up later. Right now, lets get back to the bridge and start a head count" she said as she offered him a hand for him to take. Ryuuji took her hand and held it and allowed himself to be led out of Engineering.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Starfighter Operations Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Tokyo

Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Operations Officer
USS Tokyo


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