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Borg Vs Human

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 1:24am by Commodore Kaede Kayano & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant K'Eltora

1,122 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Space

"What the hell was that!" Silica said outloud as phaser bolts shot across her wing. She hit the impulse power controls to send her fighter upto full speed. Quickly she looked down at her scanners and watched in suprise at the readings.

"Commander!" she called out hoping to get Trigman on the line. "The other two fighter's have launched! Sir, they're attacking us but something is wrong with their birds!" Silica explained as she began to dodge incoming fire from the other Tokyo fighter craft.

"Tight formations, do NOT lose your Wingman." Trigman said as he angled back towards the Tokyo. "Saunders and Mitch, you are with me; everyone go to Manual targeting, repeat Manual targeting." Trigman ordered. "Look for anything that is automated in flight, especially the predection of attack angles."

Trigman loaded his Micro Torpedoes while closing on the launch bays.

"Take out launch Bays." Trigman fought the urge to change his mind. "Cover me."

Trigman took a 'wrong way' entrance to the Hangar bay. It was a simulation he had put out years ago after his first encounter with a ship that had been partly assimalated. One thing the enemy did not expect was for a single fighter to reenter the bay with weapons hot. It was a simple task with the surprise factor. Only his years of flight and combat gave him the edge he needed. Opening fired he targeted the remaining fighters, and the automated control system in the main wall. Once that was destroyed he had only a few seconds to finish his task.

The Micro torpedoes caused wide spread damage, not totally destroying but the repairs would take well past an engagement time to get operational of seen to immediately. The one target he had was the main junction, his seeming blind fury was a cover the torpedoes seemed random until the one struck the main power connection to the Hangar Bay, there were two and he targeted them both. The torpedoes slammed through teh bulkheads and shattered the connections leaving the Hangar Bay devoid of power.

With the Force Field gone the decompression helped Trigman reverse course and exit as the doors were closing by Automaticis and hydriloc maual back ups. Once outside a simple targeting of the exterior hull pierced the mechinism and made sure those doors would not be opening anytime soon.

"Status!" Trigman ordered.

"Saunders and Mitch are down." Michelle Trigman's wingman on this ops reported. "We are engaging anyone not bantering and the targeting lock alarms are telling us which ships are not on manual." SHe report. "Half the third squadron is down as they were assimulated as far as we can tell."

"Well lets engage whom ever fires back." Trigman brought his fighter back into the fray. The Hangars are down for a bit."

"Fubuki here" Fubuki's voice came over the comm. "I can't seem to raise the Tokyo. Starfighter Operations isn't responding. Also, those readings are Borg" she explained as she studied her screen. "What shall we do now?"

"Cover me." Trigman angled the fighter towards the at section Shuttle bay doors he brought the fighter in close and locked the Weapons onto the appature edge and with a continous burst he made a sort of damage/ weld to each side of the Shuttle Doors so to make a small series of 'spot welds' to seal the doors. "Now we just deal with the fighters that got out." Trigman transmit. "And by the way, I broke the locks so get comfortable in your fighter it might be a while."

K'Eltora's voice came over the channel, "We tried to warn you, Commander. We tried to tell you this wasn't for us. But you didn't listen to us. Now we will destroy you. No will not be assimilated since you have left the ship. You should have stayed and be assimilated." She then ended the comms.

"Was that K'Eltora?!" Silica said as she gripped the controls of her fighter harder. She had considered her a friend, and now she was a Borg Drone. "Commander, I really want to blow those Borg bastards up now!" she said.

"Pay close attention to formations, Third Squadron is compromised." Trigman stayed close to his wing. "And no matter what kind of a lock you have ; if that alarm goes off it is self-survival."

Alarms suddenly sounded as Silica became under fire again. She swung around to dodge the attacks by two of the Borg fighters.
"There were more of them" Silica reported. "They must have used the Tokyo as a shield, six on my port" she reported.

Trigman dove his fighter into close proximity; the fact the fighter was taking an aggressive posture was all Nicolas needed to lock his weapons and let loose to clear one of the Borg Fighters as his 'WIng' took out the other.

=^= SIlica, your six is clear get into formation with us." He came up next to her. "Time to collect the good little lambs from the wolves."

K'Eltora hit a few buttons on her console and a strong force field was in place. One of the Borg fighters tried to pass through it, but it disintegrated on impact.

Silica swung her fighter around and came up on the port side of Trigman. Suddenly her sensors began to bleep.
"Commander. I'm picking up another vessel. Its not a fighter though" she explained.

Before they knew it the USS Yamato, a large Sovereign Class dropped out of warp right in front of them. The Squadron had to make a course correction to swing over the ships saucer section. The Yamato unleashed several phaser shots instantly taking out the Borg fighters.

Silica let out a breath of relief. Although they were once her co-pilots, they had been Borg and now they were away from that fate.

=A= Tokyo Fighters. This is Captain Kayano of the Yamato. You are clear to dock in our main shuttlebay for safe harbor =A= Kaede's voice called over open comms. =A= We're here to assist =A=

K'Eltora's voices came over their comms, "Oh good, Captain. Do you have a way to keep assimilated fighters from coming aboard your ship like Tokyo does?"

=^= that will not be a problem.=^= Trigman said solemly. =^= they have been dispatched and the Launch and Landing bays of the Tokyo will not allow others to escape.=^= Trigman assured. =^= I have some damaged birds, you think you can handle a few wounded?=^=

"Come aboard. We'll have medical teams standing by" Kaede's voice replied. "Yamato out"

Posting by

Captain Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Commander
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant K'Eltora
Fighter Pilot
USS Tokyo

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot
USS Tokyo

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Fighter Pilot
USS Tokyo


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