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The truth can hurt

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2016 @ 4:47am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commodore Kaede Kayano & Jennifer Daxer

2,142 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: USS Yamato Brig

Taiga sighed heavily at the number of the crew that had been lost on the Tokyo. The head count wasn't good. She had lost several of her senior officers, not to mention over half of the entire crew. Most that had been assmilated didn't survive when the Borg Vinculum was destroyed, mainly because most self-destructed. She couldn't help but feel like she had let her crew down, she had no idea that a simple scouting mission would turn into something like this.

Stepping into the transporter room, still holding the PaDD she quickly looked around. it was the only transporter room on the ship which hadn't been fully assmiliated by The Borg. Therefore they could still use it without having to rebuild half the deck.
"Beam me over to the Yamato" She ordered as she stepped onto the transporter pad.

A few seconds later she was stepping down off a much bigger pad on the Yamato. The Sovereign class was a beautiful ship, its magestic sleek lines rivaled those of the Tokyo. She was also powerful and fast, that was to be expected of Starfleet Ship of the Line.
"Welcome Commander" The familiar face of Captain Kaede Kayano greeted with a smile. "We've managed to remove most of your XO's implants. Some might have to stay however" she explained as she ushered for Taiga to walk with her.

The two women walked side by side along the long sweeping corridors of the Sovereign class.
"So, Admiral Jepson was on the Yamato the whole time?" Taiga asked.
"Yes. I wasn't allowed to tell you, but when he told me to sacrifice you I stepped in. He's currently sat in my brig" Kaede explained. "He did say however that he wanted to speak to you and your first officer. I've already arranged for her to meet us there".

[Yamato - Brig]

After a successful procedure to remove most of her implants, Jennifer Daxer now stood just outside the Yamato's Brig holding area, quietly waiting for Kaede, and Taiga. Though most of her implants were hidden by her uniform, or hair, there was one that couldn't be hidden. above her right eye, but below her eyebrow was a piece of her ocular implant. The start of this visible piece of hardware was situated directly centered above her eye, and it ran in a half circle to the same point just under her eye. Daxer had already been informed that the Admiral sitting in one of the cells beyond this door had ordered that the Tokyo, and her crew be sacrificed to the Borg. Needless to say, she was not happy about this bit of information.

Taiga stopped in front of Jen and looked at her. "Feeling better?" she asked in a strange soft tone which seemed out of character for Taiga.

"I almost feel like myself." Jen replied simply as she slightly raised an eyebrow. Despite her words, Jen was still shaken by the events that had taken place, which was a fact that couldn't be hid from her eyes. "However, I believe we have some business to take care of." She said, as she gestured lightly to the only occupied brig cell, where one guard was standing.

Taiga's eyes didn't move from Jens face, neither did her expression change. "Indeed we do" she said turning towards the door. From what she had been told Admiral Jepson was waiting for them, he had been arrested by Kaede and placed down here. Now he had to see how his orders had impacted the people under him.

Behind the forcefield stood Jepson. His large frame towering over Taiga. He stood with his arms crossed proudly staring out at the arrival party.

"Well look what the dog dragged in" he said as he saw Taiga and Jen approaching.

"If I were you, I'd take care in what you say, Admiral." Jen said calmly. "Because rumor has it that you ordered the Tokyo to be sacrificed to the Borg."

The guard stood by watching. He had been the one to take the Admiral into custody, and was there not only to keep him from getting out, but also to guard him.

Jepson stood there and smiled. "Rumours..." he laughed. "I'm a Starfleet Admiral Commander. You can't touch me" he replied his nose high in the air.

"You call yourself a Starfleet Officer...." Taiga muttered slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that midget" Jepson laughed.

Taiga looked up at him, fire in her hazel eyes. She was locked onto his, anger flowing through her. "You knew what was out there didn't you!" she asked her voice lower and firm. "You know that the Romulans were experimenting with Borg technology. Why the hell did you send us out there? Those Romulan/Borg ships, they weren't a coincidence were they?"

"Ah Aisaka. I knew all about what the Romulans were upto" Jepson replied with a smile. "The reason you were to destroy that Starbase wasn't because of the freighters..." he explained. "You see, that base was a staging point for an invasion into four Federation sectors, yes they were smuggling over contraband. Plus its a stones throw away from a Borg weapons research facility, do you not think thats fishy!"

Taiga stood there for a few seconds staring at him. "It may be. But why the Tokyo, why not send another ship to assist?" Taiga asked.

"Do you think I would risk sending a decent ship with a decent crew?" he spat out quickly. "Aisaka, lets face it. You're young, you have hardly any experience and you will never get any further with your life than you are at now. You're a pathetic excuse for a Starfleet officer. You only command that ship because you were next in line, I think you're a stupid pathetic little child who needs to go back to the Academy and learn how to do things right!"

Taiga was a little taken aback by that. She looked around quickly, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. "You ordered us on a suicide mission" she said.

"Of course I did! It would get rid of you and I would have been able to use your fuck ups to show the rest of the Admirilty that we need to think about our Commanders and our new starships!" he replied his voice becoming a little more raised.

Taiga let her bangs cover her eyes as she looked down at the floor. "You wanted to kill me. You wanted to sacrifice the entire crew of the Tokyo. Just so you could prove a FUCKING POINT!". She looked up, her eyes angier than they had ever been. A fire was burning in her chest and her voice had found its way out of her mouth.

"How DARE you even think of such a thing!" she shouted. "AND then you try and HOLD THE YAMATO BACK FROM HELPING US! ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN!"

Jepson laughed at her outbreak. "Well, if you had died then that idiot you're engaged to would have gone down with you too" he laughed. "Whats his name... Takasu. I heard he recently knocked you up and you lost it" he sniggered. "There are some people in this universe Miss Aisaka who shouldn't breed, you are one of them"

That was enough. As quick as a flash Taiga had darted to the forcefield controls. The forcefield dropped and Taiga took a step closer to Jepson, crossing over the forcefield boundary. "You tried to kill me" she began to say in a low firm tone. "You tried and succeeded to kill my crew. You sacrificed us to the borg...." she paused for a few seconds. "And you killed my baby, my one chance at happiness. I only have one answer for that"

There was a tremendous crack as Taiga's fist slammed into Jepson's jaw knocking him clean over onto his backside. "YOU COMPLETE UTTER BASTARD!" she shouted as she launched herself at him, her fists finding each side of his face, one by one slamming into him at full strength."HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" she screamed as the punches kept on flying, breaking his nose and spilling blood over the deck.

In an instant, Jen grabbed Taiga, and pulled her off of Jepson. It was also at that moment that the guard that had been standing there decided to get involved. As Jen was pulling Taiga back, he stepped in.

"Hey!' he said as he pulled his phaser. "You can't do that!"

Jen put herself right in the middle of everything, her position preventing anyone from getting to either Jepson, or Taiga. As she saw the security guard producing a phaser, she simply reacted. Her hands came up, and in a flash of movement, she disarmed the guard, before decking him. The resulting crack to the face caused him to stagger backwards a step before toppling over to the deck.

"Let me at him!" Taiga shouted struggling against Jen's grip. "LET ME AT HIM!"

Jen continued to stand between Taiga, and Jepson, but was looking at Taiga. "These rooms have surveillance sensors." She explained to Taiga. "Admiral Jepson just admitted to committing a very serious crime, and even he is not above the law."

It was time for Kaede to intervene. She grabbed Taiga's arm and helped Jen restrain her. She then turned to the Security Guard who was sitting on the floor rubbing his cheek. "Reactivate the forcefield, let medical know they will be needed down here shortly. Then you're dismissed" she ordered firmly.

"Yes sir." The guard said, though it was obvious by his tone that he was not happy about what had just taken place.

"He... Killed... My... Baby!" Taiga said her anger turning into tears. Before she knew it her knee's had given way and she was crouched on the floor, her hair and face a mess. Tears rolling down her face, at least Jepson was clean out, he didn't get to see Taiga in her little breakdown moment.

As Taiga's knees buckled, Jen continued to hold her, easing her down to the deck on her knees. As she held the woman for comfort, Jen spoke low into her ear. "He will pay for it." She assured Taiga. "And because he tried to hand the Alpha Quadrant to the Borg, he will probably never see the light of day again."

Taiga stop struggling, her rage turning to upset. "I want to go home" she said simply. "I never want to see him again"

"He's going to be handed over to Starfleet Security and JAG once we arrive at Spacedock" Kaede said as she approached slowly, offering a hand for Taiga to take in order to help her up. She could see that this meant a lot to Taiga and even though she had yet to meet someone to create a family with, she knew it meant a lot to others.

"We'll go back to the ship, and I'll file my full report on the mission, including what happened here." Jen said simply. She stood up, also offering a hand to help Taiga up. She knew that Jepson was part of Starfleet Intelligence. She also knew that under normal circumstances, an Admiral that was part of Starfleet Intelligence couldn't be touched by those outside of Intel... but Taiga had Jen on her side, and though she wouldn't reveal the truth of her presence to Taiga, she'd certainly send a report to one of the higher admirals that would be enough to put the man away for the rest of his life. "I get the feeling Admiral Jepson won't be bothering anyone else for a long time."

Kaede helped Taiga upto her feet. "Come now Taiga" She said softly taking a hankerchief and wiping Taiga's eyes. "Lets get you back to the Tokyo, you need to be over there to support your crew. Commander Daxer and I will sort out Jepson" she cast a look over to Jen to let her know that she knew about Jen's position and role, Kaede was well versed in such Intelligence matters being the senior commander in the field.

Jen caught the look Kaede gave her, and had a pretty good idea of what was coming. "You will be ok, Commander." She said simply. Taiga had gained a lot of Jen's respect for the way she'd handled the entire situation. Not only had she saved her ship from the Borg, but she'd saved Jen's life as well. "I will join you as soon as we are finished here."

Kaede helped Taiga out of the brig. "I'll speak to you later Commander" she said back to Jen as she and Taiga left.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer/Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Kaede Kayano
Commanding Officer
USS Yamato


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