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Pilots in Pajama's (Part 1)

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 3:27pm by Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Chief Petty Officer Jonathan McHowle & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Lieutenant JG Aika Thompson & Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Petty Officer 2nd Class Millie Jovanka & Petty Officer 3rd Class Will Howard
Edited on on Mon Jul 15th, 2024 @ 4:55am

1,650 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Pilots Lounge

Being a Starfighter pilot in Starfleet was tough. You never knew when your last flight was and if you make a mistake, the void of space claims you. Every Starfighter pilot knows this, so it's no secret that they become closer than comrades. They become family. They live, work and die together.

With the news that the final pilots that had been deployed had returned to the Tokyo safely, it was huge news. The sense of family and community was boosted, however it called for celebration. No one really knows where the idea originally came from (Although Gemini is most likely the easiest suspect to believe), but a late night party was to take place. The party, although only whispers at this point was set for tonight in the Pilots Lounge and was going to be a Pajama party! But no letting Captain Aisaka or any non-pilots know! The whispers had set the time, 2300 hours, wear your pajamas or nightwear and keep it shush!

For some, like Fubuki it was like a secret sleepover party that you didn't want your parents to find out. You know, the part when you stay up all night after your parents tell you all to go to sleep. (The 'Parents' being Captain Aisaka and Commander Johnson in this respect). So, it was bound to be somewhat exciting.

The doors to the Pilot's Lounge were shut when Fubuki arrived at approximately 15 minutes to the hour, though that was partly to be expected; given that they were trying to organize this little get-together without the Command Staff noticing, having the doors wide open and the lights on at this hour was practically an invitation for trouble. But then again, now that she was here and the doors were shut, Fubuki wasn't entirely certain what to do next. Should she go in? Or should she wait until someone opened the doors for her?

Fortunately, she didn't need to wait long to answer that question, as the doors to the lounge partially opened and Nozomi poked her head out.

"What's the secret password?" she asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Fubuki, who was accompanied by Silica blinked a few times. "Pilots?" She guessed, she wasn't aware of a password system.

Nozomi threw her head back in cackled. "Good enough," she said as she pushed the doors open, allowing the two of them access.

The lights in the lounge were dimmed, and the tables in the center of the room had been cleared away; in their place was a ring of vibrant pastel futons, which encircled a secondary ring of likewise vivacious bean-bag chairs and folding tray tables. In the far corner of the room, an assortment of snacks had been set out for the pilots to enjoy at their leisure, ranging from popcorn to Pocky sticks, banana pops to Sakuma drops, and just about every other snack food that Fubuki could think of.

"Come in, come in," Nozomi insisted as she ushered the two of them inside. This being a "pajama party" in the most basic sense of the word, she was all dressed for the occassion, sporting a loose, black T-shirt and plaid boxer shorts. "And don't ask how Iowa and I managed to smuggle all this stuff in, by the way; we're still wondering how we pulled it off in the first place."

"So it was you that wanted to organise this?" Fubuki sighed in a low voice. "I ought to have known..."

"What can I say?" Nozomi grinned. "Life's no fun if you don't get to enjoy it with friends!"

Fubuki smirked as she made her way with Silica into the pilots lounge. She placed her hands on her hips as she looked at the layout. "You know, Shell Squid might get mad at you for this..."

"And what's he gonna do? Ground us?"

All eyes in the room turned towards the door, where they were just in time to see Iowa as she entered the room with a bean bag chair slung under each arm. Perhaps to no one's surprise, Iowa's nightwear reflected her patriotic nature, with a blue, button-up nightshirt with a white star pattern, which was complimented in turn by a pair of baggy, red-and-white-striped lounge pants.

"Been done there, done that, got the T-shirt," Iowa joked as she made her way over to the center ring and set the bean bag chairs down. "A reprimand and some mandated flight training don't scare me no more."

"I actually believe that..." Fubuki sighed.

The doors swished open and Twin 1 and Twin 2 shuffled into the room.
"Oh so it was true!" Rin (Twin 2) exclaimed as she bounced on her toes in excitement. "Was this you Gemini? It seems like something you'd do..."

"Oh, but of course!" Nozomi winked. "Though, to be perfectly fair, I don't think I could've done any of this without Iowa's help..."

"Naw, this? This here was nothin'," Iowa insisted. "You live as long as I have, you find ways to skirt around the rules."

Down the corridor, Vyse and Aika were walking to the pilot's lounge, trench coats covering their pajamas.

"When was the last time we did this?" Aika asked.

"Exactly like this?" Vyse asked. "I think we were eleven or twelve, right? The thing at Isabel and Alan Fraser's house."

Aika nodded. "I think that's right. It was their twelfth birthday, so yeah twelve. Their house had the pool and that big movie room. Gossip, popcorn, candy."

"Hey you didn't tell me, is, ah, Fubuki going to be there?" Vyse asked. "Or Silica?"

Aika grinned and elbowed him in the ribs. "You'll find out." They got the closed lounge door and she gave a quick three knocks.

The doors opened just a crack. "Hey..." said a familiar voice. Peeking around the edge of the door was Fubuki. She had got to the door first. She gave both Aika and Vyse a smile. "Pajama's?" She asked.

"You know it!" Aika flashed a smile and opened her coat, revealing a tank top and plaid pajama bottoms. Vyse did the same, showing his matching bottoms and a black short sleeve pajama shirt that was slightly snug on him. They slid into the lounge through the slightly widened crack in the door and left their coats on a bench. Aika went straight for the snacks while Vyse stayed near the door. "H-hi Fubuki," he said.

Fubuki smiled at Vyse. "Hi, did you miss me?" she asked with a smirk. Her pajama's were comprised of a white crop top style tank top with blue patterning, and matching shorts.

“Yeah,” he admitted, his cheeks feeling strangely warm. “When you and the others were gone, I couldn’t do much to help, especially while my leg healed. I’m glad you made it back.”

"Oh... Really...?" Fubuki asked in a rather flirty tone. "You missed little me?"

“Oh jeez,” Aika observed quietly to Nozomi near the snack table. “He might need help over there. I don’t know if he can pull off ‘sweet and sincere’. Or does she like that sort of thing?”

"Leave it to me,” Nozomi winked before making her way over to where Vyse and Fubuki were chatting.

"Sooo..." she began as she drew up to the pair. "Ingelbard , I believe it was? I don't believe we've had the opportunity to chat yet; would you happen to be single, or are you and that Thompson girl a thing?"

Back at the snack table, Aika made a silent *blech* face.

“Oh, hi Nozomi,” Vyse said. “Glad you made it back safe too. And no, she and I have never been a thing.” He resisted the urge to retch. They were way too close for that. What was going on though? Was Nozomi trying to…help? Or move in on him herself? “So, yeah, single here.”

"Oh, I see," Nozomi remarked with a mischievous grin on her face. "Say, provided I'm not being too nosey on the subject... is any particular type of girl that you're into? I mean, unless you're into guys or something like that, which is also entirely possible..."

“No, it’s women for me,” Vyse said with a chuckle. “I dunno, someone outdoorsy maybe. I do enjoy a good run or swim, especially, but anything outside is great. She should be competitive, too. We play to win, right?”

"You know, come to think of it, I was just speaking to Fubuki earlier today about what we'd be doing once we got back to Starbase 234," Nozomi remarked. "And I do recall her mentioning something along the lines of visiting the Kantai Colony, hitting up some of the hiking trails, maybe going for a dip in the Great Bay..."

She glanced over at Fubuki and winked. "Isn't that right, Kuchikukan?"

"Well, those were my plans," Fubuki replied. "When we get off this planet."

“Oh, well, I’ve been meaning to try the trails outside Kantai, and the Bay is supposed to be so refreshing,” Vyse said to Fubuki. “Maybe we could check them out together? You know, when we get out of here?”

Fubuki couldn't help but smirk. "That almost sounds like you're asking me out on a date..." she said. "Plus, I was born and raised on Kantai Colony. So, you after a girl in her home town huh...."

She gave him a little wave with her hand. "Come on then, let's not stand in the doorway all night. Isn't this pajama party supposed to be for..." she lowered her voice to a hush and moved closer to him so only Vyse could hear, "...bonding...?"

"Then let's bond," he said, at the same quiet volume and just for her, and then followed her away from the door.

To be continued...


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