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The Contract

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 3:22pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rea & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

1,083 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Ready room

Thomas had just returned to the Tokyo, after stopping off at home for a quick shower, something that would have been ordered if he had not done so, he made a quick call to several officers to the ready room.

Upon entering the bridge, he headed to the room to his left, holding the ferengi contract in his hands... Upon coming up to the door, he rang the chime and awaited orders.

Taiga looked up from her desk. "Come in," she called.

"You can add the ferengi as those willing to help us Captain, although their customs... didnt make it cheap, as well as insurance that we don't get betrayed." He replied handing her the padd the ferengi handed him. "My ferengi is a bit rusty, so I asked Lt Nezuko to join us, perhaps she get get the computer to translate. As well as assign people to go over to begin prep for the engines."

Taiga smiled at Thomas. "Go on then, how much did you buy them for?" she asked as she crossed her arms smirking. "I hope you got them cheaply..."

"My winnings from the dabot tables at quarks, plus some. Which the ferengi seemed quite surprised about when they seen it. Apparently, I have bought their loyalty and trust. They await our teams to go get the engines of their ship."

"Sounds like a good deal," Taiga replied. "Call up Lieutenant's Nezuko and Rea. They'll want to know this too, so they can both send teams." she added.

Nodding, "Lt Rea and Nezuko to the ready room please." Johnson replied as he tapped his badge, turning off communication. "I only have one issue, the ferengi did not... try and bargain for more... even before I brought the latinum out for them to see, they had agreed to it."

Being on the bridge, Nezuko was in the Ready Room moments later.

Finally making her way up from Engineering, Lieutenant Rea entered the room.

Once everyone had gathered Taiga looked over at Thomas. "Well Commander, you have the details, fill them in."

"The ferengi are game, their engines for a ticket out of here." Thomas replied skeptically. "They say I bought their loyalty and trust. Assured me they will not betray us. But Ferengi are usually out for themselves, and will take whatever they seem a better offer on the table is." He looked at the contract. "Any of you know Ferengi?"

"I've not met a Ferengi before," Rea admitted.

Nezuko shook her head. The Ferengi had not been to Amphei Prime, and she had not crossed paths with any yet in Starfleet.

Tag Thomas

"I would recommend that when we send engineering teams they are made up of male crew members," Taiga suggested. "The Ferengi have rather... old fashioned views about women in their society." Taiga said. "Ferengi still expect their women to walk around naked, have no access to possessions or property and ve only there to provide children."

Taiga scowled a little. "Frankly, I understand its their culture, but it seems archaic and backwards. Treating women like property is not right in my eyes. That is one reason I would never go to Ferenginar."

"Back home, there was a lot of changes done with the ferengi... with Nog being the first in the academy. His father becoming Nagus... their slowly changing for the better. But the ones here on the planet, they have been here decades. They are of the old ways. I would suggest not mentioning the changes as well... they may not like what they go home too as well."

"I think its best that we let the Ferengi alliance reassimilate them into their society," Taiga said. "We'll just provide them with a ride home."

"Regardless, I think we should limit crews to their ship to only male crew." Taiga suggested. "It would probably prevent anyone getting 'the wrong idea'," Taiga told them both. "Its best to be extra careful."

Nezuko was a bit saddened that she wouldn't be able to examine a new culture's technology, but if it was for the best, then she'd not join the engineering team. She nodded her understanding to the Captain.

Seeing the look on Nezuko's face, Taiga pondered on her decision for a brief moment. "However, once their engines and... whatever they want to bring with them... is here. There's no reason to limit the work teams to just one single gender." she added. "After all, they need to learn to be able to work with everyone in order to get off this planet right?"

"I agree... I will have he team work directly, indirectly with you Lt. Until everything is off their ship... you will have direct access. I've got a few things up my sleeves should they argue the fact that one of our best officers are working on their ship."

"Sounds like you have a plan and a backup plan." Taiga stated. "I suppose that's a good thing to have with Ferengi right?"

"I have had my share of ferengi during my last assignment Captain. I have back up for the back ups."

"Thats not a bad thing," Taiga stated.

Rea nodded in response. "I will make sure that the engineering teams are ready and fully briefed" she said. "I already have a few people in mind who might be best suited for the task of dismantling their engines." She said. "If you will excuse me Captain, I should consult the ships database to understand Ferengi technology better."

She gave a look over at Nezuko. "Do you want to join me?" she asked with a smile.

Taiga gave them a nod. "Good idea. I am unsure how Ferengi technology works in comparison to our own. Its best to be sure. I want you both to brush up on how their engines work and how to fully integrate them. We'll be using several different types of technology, so there are bound to be issues." She told them both. "Commander, I will make sure that you are reinbursed for this deal you've made." Taiga said to Thomas.

"Well people, if there is anything else you need let me know. Right now lets get all hands on deck. You all have jobs to do. Dismissed." Taiga said giving them each a smile. At least now there seemed to be some sort of progress in their plans.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Rea
Acting Chief Engineer


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